Cascade – Ivor Prime Away Mission
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   Ivor Prime Away Mission
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Mon Jan 07, 2013 @ 2:00pm
Location   Internal Hangar Bay / IRW Dhelan
Timeline   SD70. 19:00

David walked down the corridor, he tried not to run into anyone as he was doing some last minute brushing up on some basic Romulan engineering terms. Although there were some similarities in the basic layout, there were some significant differences. David had only read about Romulan system. Quantum Singularity as a power source? David almost failed quantum mechanics. Hopefully I don't blow up the ship, he thought. He put his PADD away as he went into a turbolift. "Docking bay." The turbolift closed and went down.

Luke picked up his duffle bag and signed out his rifle from the marine armory before making his way down to the meeting area. Just before leaving the ensign behind the desk spoke "Good luck Gunny, and bring that rifle back in one piece." Luke looked over his shoulder and smiled before he made his way towards the turbo lift.

Saria just checked the last of her PADDs, to make sure none of them would be left behind while she was on the mission. She smiled satisfied, and grabbed the sorted pile of PADDs, placing them in a metallic case. She eventually locked it with a encrypted code. She grabbed the bag with her personal belongings that leant against her desk, and walked toward her door. She placed the bag and the case in front of her door, and walked back to her desk.

"Computer. Open wall container zero-three, Authorization code Rex-one-three-eight-three-Delta-Red." Saria said.

"Authorization granted." The computer replied. A long-shaped container moved out of the wall, and eventually positioned on a lower level by the use of mechanical arms. Saria opened up the case, revealing the Phaser sniper rifle lying inside of it, along with a few power packs. Saria lifted the rifle up, and hung it over her shoulder. The power packs were placed in a pouch attached to her utility belt. "You never know what we're up against." She said, as if she was talking to her rifle. The container disappeared back into the wall, and Saria turned around. She grabbed the bag and the case, and walked out of her room, heading toward the turbolift.

Down in intelligence the Chief was in his usual morning mood which foul, as was the new norm no warning no prep time no idea what the hell was going on he had little time to prep for a mission to what he thought was a dead world and deal with a bunch of officers who were thinking they were going to be hero's when chances were all sorts of trouble was going to break loose, then things went bad.

"I'm looking for Master chief Ayers?" a young man poked

"And you are?" Craig looked at then Ensign already feeling a sense of dread.

"Ensign Anthony Waylan"

Craig let out a small groan "Let me guess your the intel officer that was being sent for this mission?"

" there a problem?"

"Kid how long you been out of the academy?" Craig mentally was thinking two weeks maybe three.

"Ten days." Tony said

"So I have two hours or so to make you field ready to go with me on some godforsaken mission to a dead planet!?" Craig played it up alittle then "OK we don't have time to waste, grab that case and follow me."

"Ok...what do I do first?"

"Grab your side arm and lets get packing." Craig said as he turned to start getting ready.

[Docking Bay 3 - Connected to the Dhelan]

"Lieutenant Michael Duquesne, Starfleet Security." The officer said to the Romulan Centurion.

The Centurion looked sharply at Duquesne. "State your business, Lieutenant." He said.

"I will be assisting on reporting to Ivor Prime to assist the Colonist. We recently received a distress signal." He responded in an even tone, still remaining respectful to the unmoving guard.

"Very well..." The Centurion said. He moved his look toward the Lieutenant's bag. "Before you enter this vessel, I need to inspect your bags."

"Uhh, my bags?" Duquesne repeated the question. "I do not believe I can allow you to do that. This contains personal as well as sensitive information." he responded.

"I'm sorry Lieutenant, but this is just a standard safety measure. Unless you have anything to hide, I would like to start inspecting." The Centurion said automated.

"He's with me, sir." A voice behind Duquesne spoke. The Trill Science officer moved forward, past the Lieutenant, with a phaser sniper rifle swung over her shoulder. She gave a quick wink to him, and turned toward the Centurion. "Lieutenant Saria Rex, Chief of Science aboard DS5. I will provide scientific assistance on Ivor Prime. Lieutenant Duquesne carries most of my materials."

"Why is a Security guard needed for that?" The Centurion asked.

"Because I don't want anybody to be searching trough my scientific material. Some of it is Starfleet classified." Saria responded to the question.

"Then why do you need to take this weapon with you?" The Centurion asked Saria.

"A safety measure..." Saria said. "As I'm not sure what to find on Ivor Prime, and I want to conduct my research in peace."

The Centurion looked at Saria, then at Michael. Then back at Saria. "Very well, you may pass." He grumbled.

Saria looked back at Michael, standing behind her. "Well, Lieutenant. Shall we?"

Michael smile as he proceeded beyond the Romulan Guard onto the vessel. . Although it was Michael's first time onboard a Romulan vessel, he was more than familiar with the schematics of a typical Romulan Bird-of-Prey to recognize which direction to take to reach the designated area.

"Thank you. . .I'm sorry, I did not get your name." the Security officer inquired.

"Lieutenant Saria Rex, Chief of Science aboard the station." Saria smirked. "Actually, I'm an Junior Grade Lieutenant," She pointed at her rank pips. "But everyone just calls me Lieutenant."

"Ah, welcome aboard the mission. I'm sure we will need your expertise soon enough." Michale said in response to Saria as then proceeded through the docking corridor of the vessel and into its deeper recesses.

Farther behind the two Luke watched the first group board before making his way up to the centurion, carrying his combat bag he stopped just in front followed by some more of his detachment "I suppose you want to go through these?" he said gesturing towards the bag in his right hand with the muzzle of his rifle. Before the centurion could answer he spoke again "I can tell you now they are full of ammunition, food and water to last 24 hrs and we're hear simply for security purposes your more than likely wont even need us" he carried on his way followed by the other Marines under his command.

David followed the rest of the officers onto the ship. He stepped into the corridor to head down to engineering. He had to prepare some things before Crewman Jensen arrived so that he could assign him some duties. A starfleet engineer as chief aboard a Romulan ship... who would've thought. David thought.

[Onboard the Dhelan]

"erie'Riov, I must object to this." Arrain tr'Bozz stated, he could not believe that she was actually considering bringing Federation officers aboard the Dhelan. Some of them from intel! She was literally turning over the latest and greatest in Romulan warship technology to enemy spies, "You can not let these people board this vessel."

"I'm sorry, did I miss the memo about you being promoted over me?" Rianni asked sarcastically, "If I did Riov tr'Bozz I'm certainly sorry. Or, wait, no... This is still my ship so I truly don't give a frack what you think? K? Thanks."

"With respect to your rank, erie'Riov, I must inform you that this will be reported to the Tal Shiar and to the acting ambassador if you choose to allow these people onboard the Dhelan." tr'Bozz replied, she might think he was betraying her, but it was his duty and she didn't quite seem to grasp that this was not like Starfleet, her position as CO of the Dhelan really didn't afford her the kind of leeway she seemed to think it did, "erie'Riov, you could face the death penalty."

"And if we don't do something and it is the fracking Borg, we'll all face a fate much worse." Rianni sighed, this guy was getting on her nerves, "Besides, if we destroy a Borg cube and nullify a threat to Romulan interests in this region, how good is that going to look on us? Especially with the mighty Federation Starfleet having had to come to us for help?"

tr'Bozz, in spite of his objections, could only nod and admit that she had a point, "It would serve the interests of the Empire in many arenas."

"And it wouldn't hurt your career, either." Rianni offered, she hated this guy and didn't hold Starfleet in the low regard he might think, but she was learning how to talk to Romulans now, "My former XO was only here for an operation against some pitiful pirates, now he has his own Warbird. Can you imagine how fast you would shoot through the ranks if we destroy a Borg vessel?" She stopped for a minute and watched tr'Bozz's face turn from frown to smirk, "There we go! That's the spirit. So, let's go destroy some Borg shall we?" ~I owe those bastards some payback anyway....~

[Designated Quarters for Federation Personnel]

Lieutenant Michael Duquesne continued to unpack his belongings as he took in his immediate surroundings. He understood that he and the other federation officers would be under constant surveillance while onboard the vessel. However, he saw this as an opportunity for both races to come together for a significant cause. Now it was just a matter of everybody getting onboard.

Luke emptied his bag onto the table, he was glad that he hadn't been given a harder job. Watch the backs of the Fleeters while they work and be back home to Abby and Lillian for tea. As Luke assembled his pistol more of his squad entered the room and began the same process, setting up different pieces equipment whilst some sorted out the weapons cache and finally scanning the room for bugs.

Once it was apparent the room was clear Luke left and headed towards the other officers. He still would have preferred being on the station but the commander felt it necessary for a marine presence. After a short trip he found himself on the otherside of the doors halting slightly before entering he pressed the control panel and stepped into the conference center.

Saria looked over her shoulder from the station she was working on, noticing Luke entering the room. She left the panel and turned around. "Hey Sergeant" Saria said. "Welcome to our command center, although it might be quite unfamiliar around here. I'm still trying to familiarize with those Romulan systems at the Science station."

He smiled in her direction "Hi Lieutenant" Luke would be lying if he said he knew the officers name, "Actually i am quite familiar with a Romulan vessel especially the bridge and the other key area's we have to learn the layout of some of the other ships in and around the federation in a case we have to 'infiltrate' one in the future" he said slyly.

"Infiltrate?" Saria raised an eyebrow. "Well of course, we need to, sometimes. But... you know..." Saria walked up to Luke. "Infiltrating Romulans?" She whispered in his ear, so the Romulan crewmembers wouldn't hear it. "Isn't that like, very risky?" She hastily looked around to see if anyone listened.

He shook his head "Don't worry yourself me and the other marines aren't here for that. We are just simply here to make sure people like yourself are safe" he said reassuring her that they weren''t there to take over the ship "think of us as your babysitters just well trained in combat and armed to the teeth" he gave a cheeky wink. "Now where are we at?"

"Oh, well..." Saria said, partially turning toward the console, and tapping some on the interface. "So far, so good. I've been able to recalibrate the ship's sensors, so we might detect anything that would stand in our way... if something will stand in our way, of course." She smiled. "However, I'm still thankfully that one of my former hosts had at least some experience with Romulan technology... Bird-of-Preys, though. But the foundations of the programming haven't changed that much." Saria turned to Luke again. "So, anything more to do than just guarding us?"

He wasn't really sure what she meant, "There wasn't much else in the brief other than act as security detachment, I guess since we are on a Romulan ship and i assume nothings going to need our aid that I would treat the men to some..." he looked around "Romulan ale and see where that leads us, is there something you are trying to imply?"

Lieutenant Duquesne entered the room as he noticed the two officers speaking with one another. "Lieutenant Saria, Gunnery Sgt. Wyatt." Duquesne said with a nod to both. "I'm wish we didn't have to depart under such extreme conditions onboard the station." He said. "But I'm certain station security will thoroughly investigate the bombing of the Cardassian embassy while we respond to Ivor Prime." The Lieutenant stated.

"We should expect an officer from Intelligence and Engineering to join us onboard." Duquesne stated. "Once everyone is onboard we'll have a away team briefing with the Commander of the vessel so that everyone can be on the same page regarding the mission." Duquesne stated.

"Thanks for the information, Lieutenant." Saria smiled. "I hope none of your men has been seriously injured during the accident." She said.

Luke didn't reply, he hoped that Abby wasn't anywhere near the blast

David walked in and saw Saria and Luke talking. He approached Saria to greet her. "Hey, ready for our mission? You feeling better?" David asked.

"Yeah, a bit better. The doctor gave me something experimental, hoping that it's a temporary solution. At least, the duration of the mission." She smirked. "And what about you? First away mission to embark on, right?" She said.

"Yeah, at least going on a planet. The drifting ship mission threw me off a bit. Nothing the doctor can't handle though. David pulled out a hypospray. "Something for my lack of focus and agitation since the mission." David said as he showed it to Saria. He noticed the Sergeant. "Seargent Luke Wyatt! Ensign Davis Straggard. I believe I met your daughter Abby." David said. "Pleased to meet you and it's a privilege to work with you on this mission." He reached out to shake Luke's hand.

Michael Duquesne sat at a nearby console and made sure that the necessary files had been uploaded to the designated server onboard. The Romulan Government would never give Starfleet or the Federation for that matter direct access to their computer system; therefore, they created a partition for the away team to access necessary information without the risk of "accidentally" seeing too much.

Michael understood the precautions. Despite the cooperation during the War, the Romulan government still did not wish to give the Federation more than was necessary to maintain friendly relations.

"I've checked with the Dhelan's docking master, and they have informed me that all Starfleet personal have arrived onboard." Lt. Duquesne stated as he received confirmation that the assigned Intelligence Officer had arrived.

"We should all get settled in and unload our necessary equipment. I believe Romulan Commander Monteros will have a briefing with us at 19:30hrs. From there we'll learn more about the mission and what to expect on Ivor Prime." He stated in his usual calm manner.

"Any questions?" He asked the gathered officers.

"Not for the moment," Saria replied. "I hope that the briefing will answer most of the questions I could have."

Craig sat back in a chair and looked at the young ensign with him, "Lets hope no one gets any stupid ideas."

"Stupid ideas?"

"We are supposed to be co-operating on this mission, not tearing open old wounds."

OOC Amos: Yo, let's get this done...
OOC: Can we move on pwease :3

Michael Duquesne
Lieutenant J.G.
Assistant Tactical Officer

Lieutenant J.G. Saria Rex
Chief of Science

MCPO Craig Ayers
Intelligence detachment

Ens Anthony Waylon
Intelligence detachment

Ensign David Straggard
Propulsion Specialist

Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt
Marine Sergeant

Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Sub Commander
IRW Dhelan

Arrain tr'Bozz