Beg, Steal or Borrow – Mercy Has Her Moment - Part 1
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Mercy Has Her Moment - Part 1
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Wed May 06, 2009 @ 4:08pm
Location   Promenade Decks
Timeline   SD8 14.15 (Backpost)

Mercy could feel Bryan shivering in her arms. She didn't want to move him, in fact she daren't for fear of complicating his spinal injury. She was already worried that having moved him under this table might have worsened his condition, but it would have been much worse to have stayed on the floor in the middle of the stampeding populous.

All Starfleet personnel were trained in basic 'First Response' and Mercy knew the signs of oncoming shock. Bryan needed proper help and she had to get him to Sickbay somehow.

Cursing the fact that they had been off-duty and out of uniform when this had all kicked off, she would have given her all for her comm-badge right now. She resolved that she would have to go for help, at least as far as the nearest Comms Panel or Starfleet crewmember with a badge.

Kissing Bryan's burning forehead she slid her curled legs out from beneath him and slithered sideways so that he would transfer softly to the floor. Cradling his head and neck to avoid any sudden movements, she whispered into his ear, unaware if he could hear her or not in his semi-conscious state.

"Bryan, darling?" she nudged his cheek softly with the side of her finger and when his eyelids fluttered in response she spoke to him as cheerfully as she could muster, trying not to alarm him.

"I'm going to get someone to call Sickbay and have you transported, site to site, just so they can have a look at you in a more comfortable situation, is that ok?" she coaxed.

He was getting colder, but the comforting words that Mercy spoke, resounded in his ears.
"Yes, Darling." He said simply, trying to twist himself around to look at her beautiful face.

Hurriedly Mercy slipped out from under the stall and made her way in bursts, carefully flitting a few feet at a time, negotiating her way to the nearest comm panel.

=^= CWO Denoublier to Sickbay =^= she sent her message as soon as she finally made it safely to the panel, pinning herself flat against the wall next to it to avoid being swept away by the throng of frightened people.

To her relief, the response was quick. =^= Adams =^= was the curt but welcome reply from the Assistant CMO, picking up the call in turn. CMO Milarno had taken the last one to come in and the two of them had their comms linked in order to better field the constant influx of casualty reports and incoming wounded that they were doing their best to deal with in an effective manner, split as they were between the Main Sickbay and the Emergency Secondary Infirmary.

=^= Oh thank goodness. I don't have my comm badge because i was off-duty when it happened, but it's my partner. He's hurt badly. Can you transport him to Sickbay. He's been crushed and he's in shock and it's his back. =^= she babbled, frantic to get it all out and get Bryan some help.

=^= Slow down Denoublier =^= Chelsea replied, juggling the overload of information. =^= If I get the transporter room to lock onto the terminal you're calling from it won't find him. I need exact measurements or co-ordinates, or you need to get a comm badge on him somehow! =^=

=^= I'll ..... wait! =^= Mercy spotted a yellow Starfleet uniform in the crowd. She snapped the comm channel panel closed and hurled herself into the tide of the milling throng an forced her way, one arm at a time, like someone swimming. Eventually she got within shouting distance of the officer and screamed out in his direction.

"EXCUSE ME? COULD YOU PLEASE HELP ME?" she called out at the top of her voice but it still took what seemed like an age for him to hear her. Finally, by waving her arms over her head she got his attention and he moved towards her.

Mercy explained her problem, yelling in his ear as he held her close to him so that she wouldn't get swept away. Dragging her to the side of the tide of people, the young Security Ensign followed her along the damaged stalls until she brought him to the one where she had left Bryan.

Lifting the hangings from the heavy stall the young man reached under and felt the sleeping man's pulse. Flicking his badge he called sickbay and Chelsea responded. Having heard Mercy's version of the situation, it wasn't long before Adams had given the location of the Ensign to the transporter room and had all three of them beamed to the Emergency Infirmary. Mercy was so grateful to the Ensign who had helped her that she hugged him tightly, embarrassing him but too relieved to notice.


Joint post between

CWO2 Bryan Surzchenko
NPC - played by Tasha Tahir


CWO2 Mercedes Denoublier
NPC played by Chelsea Adams