Time is Fleeting – Court Martial (Pt 2)
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Court Martial (Pt 2)
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Nov 05, 2009 @ 8:16pm
Location   Earth
Timeline   SD15 23:45
Part 2

“If counsel may speak,” The silver haired Andorian stood and Tasha had seen him before, but could not place where or when, “These accusations were put into place by the former Admiral Peter Hartseg Sorensen, who as we can see….” He pointed to the man in the grey shirt and brown slacks, “has been stripped of his rank and therefore, I would call for a move to dismiss these proceedings before they go any further.”

The room remained silent as the judge cast her eye over Sorensen and his counsel and after deliberating with her thoughts, spoke.

“We are fully aware of the current situation and the events leading up to Mr Sorensens’ demotion, but there are claims that need redress before we can simply dismiss al the charges that have been brought forward to this court martial. We must explore certain avenues of evidence, which may or may not transpire that Captain O’Dowd made a poor judgement call in his handling of diplomatic relations with the Boaorans. Whence that has been clarified, the court shall pass judgement.” She turned her heads towards William.
“Captain O’Dowd, it has been noted that you have pleaded not guilty to all charges, but there are certain criteria that you need to clarify, before this court, in order that we may make a judgement upon you.” Her tone was like that of a mother, soft and clear, as if a chastise was in her voice, but still wanting to offer a level of care.
“Do you understand the ramifications of your plea, that if we find you guilty of any one charge, the rest must be taken into consideration?”

O’Dowd turned to look at his chief counsellor and he nodded with a close of his eyes. William turned his whole body towards the judge.

“Yes ma’am. I fully comprehend the charges and my plea remains the same, not guilty” He responded.

“Very well, the court will adjourn for 30 minutes.” The judge ordered and stood, smoothing down her blue cape as she stood and stepped down from the rostrum and left the room, closely followed by her entourage and the Admirals trailing closely behind.

As soon as the door closed, the room burst into a hub bub of chatter and muffled conversation.
Tasha was alone and had no one to talk to. She folded her hands into her lap, slightly annoyed that after just 25 minutes of initial evidence and pleas, the judge had decide to call a short break when they had so much to deliberate in open court. Her mind was on DS5 and the Hunter when a soft voice of a female enquired if the seat next to Tasha was available.

She turned her neck to face the woman who had spoken and she nodded her consent, unaware of any other witnesses who were to be called.
The woman was in her early sixties, Tasha judged from the wrinkles around her eyes, but her hair was a vibrant chestnut brown with no discoloration at the root at all. She moved herself aside a little to give the woman room to place her belongings on the floor and she sidled into the vacant seat.

“That’s better, thank you.” She said to Tasha, “I thought I was going to miss this, the shuttle I was travelling on was delayed by nearly 3 hours!” She stated and Tasha tried to pinpoint her accent and failed.

“Shuttle from where?” Tasha enquired with a look of puzzlement on her face, making conversation and hoping the woman would give something away.

The older lady smiled with a warmth back to Tasha.
“Canada, Quebec, my dear.” She informed.

“O,” Replied Tasha “And are you here for Captain O’Dowd?” She quizzed as the place of her residence had given her no indication.

The lady shook her head. “No dear, I am here for that man down there, my son.” She pointed down and before Tasha had followed her direction of indication, she knew whose mother she was sat by. “He has brought my family to shame I am sorry to say, but still, he is my son and I must show him that no matter what he does, he still has his mother.” The woman angled herself towards Tasha. “Do you have children?” She asked with the warm smile still on her face.

Tasha looked away, not for shame of her son, but because she and Roman had never discussed it or had the chance to.
“No, I don’t.” She replied a little coldly.

The woman didn’t say anything immediate in response, but finally she gave a little sigh. “You’re still young dear child, so you may still yet have time to understand the bond of a mother and her child.” She said standing. “Excuse Captain, I have upset you and I apologise, that was not my intention.”

What she said was cruel, as Sorensen’s mother knew nothing of Tasha, but equally, she had not considered his family either.
“No, please, sit down. You have nothing to apologise for.” Tasha said with a hint of a smile on her pursed lips as she motioned Mrs Sorensen back to the seat beside her.

The lady smiled and gave a single nod, clutching her handbag to her chest she smoothed her dress beneath herself and retook her seat.
“That is very gracious of you Captain, thank you.” She said putting her bag into her lap and opening it, taking out a small quartered sandwich and offered it to Tasha. “Peace offering?” She asked holding the clear wrapped sandwich before Tasha.

Tasha looked at the bread and shook her hand, raising her hand as if to ward off the sandwich.
“No thanks, I have already eaten.” The smile came easily to Tasha.

“It is cooked bread, not replicated.” She advised, as if trying to tempt Tasha into taking the sandwich.

Tasha thought she was trying a little too hard.
“I’m sure thank you.” She said resisting the offer.

“Very well.” Mrs Sorensen said as she put the sandwich back into her bag.

End of Part 2

Captain Tasha Tahir