Beg, Steal or Borrow – In light of the situation
by Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   In light of the situation
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat May 16, 2009 @ 6:45am
Location   USS Thor-A and DS5
Timeline   SD 8 19:45

Xelec stoically wiped his oil-covered hands on a cloth as plasma conduits exploded above his head. There was a general din and clamour in Main Engineering as men and equipment struggled to contain the sudden buildup in pressure. Whilst not pleased by it, the old engineer thoroughly enjoyed this unforeseen challenge. "This is why we field-test experimental designs," he said in passing to a very, very, pale Bolian midshipman. The young Bolian then proceeded to vomit all over the metal grating that made the floor of Engineering, adding a unique sour green smell to that of sweat, hot metal and melting plastic.

"Admiral," the intership communications screen suddenly blinked alive. His ever capable XO, another Andorian, spoke in a hurried and stressed tone. "You're needed on the bridge. You should probably see this, sir."

"Can it wait?" he asked her in annoyance. Stripped to waist and covered in grease, he hardly felt it appropriate for him to go to the bridge. "In case you haven't noticed, for the last 24 hours we've had some pretty major problems down here."

"Sir, I don't think it can."

Grunting, he wiped some sweat from his face and made his way to the bridge.

* * *

"Admiral on the bridge!" barked the Sergeant-At-Arms.

Waving dismissively to the crew who now stood at attention, Xelec settled into the command chair. He did not think that proper military decorum was required from them when he was only halfed dressed. "What is it, Crura?" he asked his XO.

"We've just arrived at Deep Space Five. That, uh, accident set us back six hours," replied the Andorian female nervously.

"I know that!" Xelec fumed, his frustration coming to the fore.

"Deep Space Five appears to have been heavily damaged by an attack..." Crura blurted out.

"What?" the Admiral's mind flew. In the quest to get his friend on DS5 as soon as possible, he had sent Vincent ahead in a shuttle. Had he inadvertently sent Vincent to his death? However, given the secret nature of the mission, he could not even inquire about his friend's fate.

"Reports indicate several Romulan ships attacked it, sir. The station's shields appear to have failed. Our supply shuttle arrived shortly after the attack and is currently flying patrol whilst the station is making repairs."

Knowing that "supply" was their word for "spy", Xelec breathed a sigh of relief. Vincent had made it onboard safely after the attack. But his relief was short-lived as a view of DS5 came on screen.

"What in the name of...!" Admiral Uhlan was struck by the damage done to DS5. So often a sign of Federation strength, the party that dared attack it must have reeked of confidence. It also appeared that they managed to do their fair share of damage. "Get me the commander of DS5, now!"

Davies was sat at the desk in his quarters, waiting for a reply from Starfleet, requesting a more permanent position on the station, when he was informed of the incoming transmission.

"Put the admiral through ensign, private channel please." He advised, setting aside the holoplay he was watching.

The viewer burst into life and the Admiral looked none too happy.

"This is Admiral Uhlan," the Andorian said, his antennae twitching. "You don't look like Captain Tahir. Who are you and where is Tahir?"

David was taken back a little by the Admirals curtness. "Commander David Davies, temporarily in command of Deep Space 5 whilst Captain Tahir attends a formal hearing at Starfleet headquarters. May I help you?" He asked in a similar vein.

Xelec pondered this for a moment. He had not been informed of this development. Upon reflection the amount of information gathering, planning and preparation that had gone into Vincent's mission appeared woefully inadequate. To cover for his momentary shock, Xelec launched into attack.

"So, Mr. Davies," Admiral Uhlan began. "Did your orders include ensuring that Captain Tahir had nothing to return to?"

David eyed the admiral for a moment on the viewer. "The station is 99% operational, nothing that cannot be repaired and I am sure that Captain Tahir will be glad to come back to a station that has held its own yet again in battle!" He advised, trying to be as polite in his response as possible.

"Sorry, Commander," Xelec relented. "It's just quite - surprising, shall we say? - to find the station in such a state. What happened to your shields, Mr. Davies?"

David shook his head and simply replied, "Sabotage." and waited to see what the Admiral had to say in his own response.

"Sabotage..." Xelec repeated absentmindedly. "Sabotage..." he repeated, as if the word was new to him. "Are you saying that an agent or agents working for the Romulans were aboard a *Federation* space station? And that they brought down the station's shields? How is this possible?"

"We're still working on the 'How', Admiral, but we have a large population of Romulan residents aboard, such is the nature of the station. We have 2 in custody at present, who are helping Lieutenant Gabriel with his investigation. For now, that's all I know." He admitted, but not truthfully. David was more than aware of some of the tactics used on one of the prisoners, but he was in a position of deniability, as he had not really been informed of the use of force that had been carried out in extrapolating the information.

"Very well," Admiral Uhlan said, contemplating his next move. He did not doubt that the Romulan operatives were the ones who did the actual sabotage, but he suspected that they may have had assistance from one or more members of Starfleet. He made a mental note of the name of the investigator, Lieutenant Gabriel and decided to check his background. "Keep me informed of the results of the investigation, Mr. Davies. In the meantime, the Thor will patrol the area and provide you some additional defense."

David nodded graciously. "Yes sir, we will. If in the meantime, we can offer any other assistance, DS5 and her crew will be at your service."

"That will be all, Mr. Davies," Admiral Uhlan growled. Whilst tempted to mention his engine problems, Xelec thought it unwise to mention an experimental drive system to someone who might be in the employ of a rival power. "I think your crew should prioritise its service and assistance to DS5 at the moment."


CO: Commander David Davies
USS Thor-A CO: Vice Admiral Xelec Uhlan