Beg, Steal or Borrow – Point of philosophical divergence
by Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Point of philosophical divergence
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Sun Aug 16, 2009 @ 3:25am
Location   Upper Pylon - Promenade
Timeline   SD 9 - 14:25 hrs
*Taps* "Duquense to Ops, fire the test shot." He stated into his comm unit from his overview spot on the upper pylon. He had spent the past several hours testing out the station's guardian platforms to see how well they were performing after being sabotaged in the previous Romulan engagement.

*Taps* "Ok, good, the secondary system is performing within acceptable levels." He reported back to Ops. He was beginning to upload the file and head back to the promenade when he bumped into a person that he didn't see.

Alex accidentally dropped a padd containing the specs for her Science Vessel. She picked herself up and examined the man before her. She began to sneer when she realized what color of uniform he was wearing. "Figures, you're one of that Nazi's underlings. Bet you've come to keep an eye on me, haven't you."

Duquense cocked a brow at the reference. "Nazi?" He inquired. He had heard that term once before while at the Academy and studying Ancient Earth History, but he had never heard the term used as an insult against him. "Excuse me ma'am?" he asked.

Alex spoke, "Read your history sometime."

It made more sense to him. "Oh, you are the woman that arrived on the station earlier this morning. Ms. Marshall" he said in recognition. It made more sense as to why she would call him a Nazi. According to Earth history, the United States fought against the Nazi's during a War. Considering that she wore a uniform that displayed the American flag instead of Starfleet, it was safe to say that she was involved in such a conflict.

"I'm sorry you feel that way Ms. Marshall, but I can understand, I'm sure your campaigns against the Nazis took a toll on you as a person, I can only imagine what combat in the 20th century was like." He said sympathetically.

Alex spoke, "You mean to tell me that humanity has forgotten the most bloodiest and vicious wars that humans had ever fought in the twentieth century? Guess its no surprise, with people like your boss in charge of security. Hell, I feel safer with a phaser under my pillow than Mr. Gabriel's zeal."

"Well, Ms. Marshall, not to be disrespectful, but Earth during the 20th century, your country in particular was involved in various bloody conflicts, and even sat by idly as complete genocides were committed in other nations." Duquense responded.

Duquense thought for several moments. "Well, aside from a few sources, Earth history before the Third World War is not very consistent considering the state of the planet at that time." He remarked. "How did you survive such a trying period?" He asked.

Alex spoke, "Not all of the people in my nation were bastards Lieutenant. Hell, I remember, when I was a Marine, standing guard at a He-3 facility in Russia to prevent it from being blown up by everything from ECON Saboteurs to Criminals, and my reward was the thought that the citizens of Volvograd could sleep in warm beds during January. Thing is, my people had its fair share of saints and bastards. Sometimes the Bastards outnumbered the Saints three to one, and every nation has the potential for that to happen. I don't believe in your, so called, 'advanced sensibility'. I know your recent history Lieutenant. The Federation has run into so many hostile empires, you think war is around the corner. And people like your boss is given carte blanche authority to take even your articles and flush them down the head. That's what I see when I look at Gabriel, and I pray to god that he does not win." She turned and left.

"But Ms. Marshall, while I don't agree completely with Gabriel's methods, there is something to be said for someone who takes a stand for what they believe in." Duquense stated as he thought back to the friends he lost with the Maquis. "Too often, I've watched people standby and watch as others lost their homes and even lives simply because they didn't want to violate rules or rock the boat." He added. "Sometimes, we must follow our hearts rather than our minds." he said.

Alex thought for a moment. "I think I will talk to your Federation Historians Lieutenant. Humanity deserves to know its past, as there is a saying, 'Whosoever fails to learn from history is doomed to repeat it.'" She then left.

Duquense sighed as the woman left. He understood that she had been through a lot, but she had a lot to learn about the 24th century and how the advancement of technology had made life simpler, it still provided for even more complicated individuals. He grabbed his tool case and proceeded to leave the area heading towards his next task.

Lieutenant (jg)
Michael Duquense
Tactical Officer (NPC - Gabriel)

Alexandria Marshall
Civilian Scount