Things Past – The Lessons learned
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   The Lessons learned
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Mon Sep 24, 2012 @ 12:25am
Location   Intelligence office
Timeline   SD 58 2358hrs

The intelligence office was quiet, Rhiana, Chief Ayers, John, and Marti were all sitting in the meeting room. They looked no worse for the pressure of the situation. Marti was being reassigned to earth as an adviser to Captain Roland, so she wanted to file her last reports before she left.

Chief Ayers was looking over the repair reports for the com systems in the intelligence room, three weeks of upgrades looking at them in the face after all was said and done. He put the padd down and picked up the beer he had on the table, "Next time some subspace chaos strikes we shut down and go on leave."

Rhiana chuckled for the first time in days, "I could use a vacation, haven't had one since I graduated from the academy."

"Sounds about right for me too, I think I have like 200 days of leave as of last month." John commented

"I'm going to use 60 of them before I report in on Earth, I want to see my family and maybe take a side trip to Mars." Marti commented.

"Mars?" Craig looked up "Why there?"

"No one has exactly gone to talk to the Lieutenants parents, or any other family."

"I've been debating that for a week now, and My first thoughts were not since we don't know the truth about what happened to him, let alone if hes' really dead." Rhiana said

"That's not the point do we know what happened?" John chimed in "The mission reports are vague, one account has him leaving under his own power, another has him being put into a body bag, and yet another has him dying on the operating table during the evacuation, so what did happen?"

Craig looked at the kids as he called them "If he's alive he'll be back, when we least expect it."

===Tofield, Alberta, Earth===

The plain building was almost insignificant in the harsh northern Alberta terrain, the cold for this time of year may have been partially artificial but it had a real feel to it with the matter that is was mid winter, the temperature was a crisp minus 15 Celsius and out in the open with any wind it felt much colder.

Two men in starfleet cold weather gear walked up to the building, one man pressed a button and the door opened, both men entered, as the door closed to the ante chamber the men walked into the main building, they were greeted by a man in a doctors smock.

"The verdict doctor?" the first man said.

"Time is now the only factor, we repaired most of the damage, we were forced to replace the one eye, but there is massive scaring on his face, his left hand is about ninety percent rebuilt with nano technology, and we managed to prevent a large portion of the brain damage we were afraid of, but now its all about time." The doctor reported.

"My question is how the hell did he survive?" the second man said as the lights went from surgical brightness to normal.

"This man has some unexplainable will to live, to date we have repaired his ear, two disks in his neck, part of one lung and yet he lives, there is no explanation."

"What kind of recovery time are we looking at?"

"Six weeks, maybe seven but that might be optimistic I've never seen anyone survive anything like this." the Doctor commented.

"We need to know what happened there, and we need to know what the hell is going on the station that his cover may have been blown."


Intelligence Staff:

Rhiana T'sahen (LT jg)
Craig Ayers (MCPO)
John Maxwell (Ensign)

Unknown officers