Beg, Steal or Borrow – Finders Keepers
by Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Finders Keepers
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Sat Aug 08, 2009 @ 7:05pm
Location   Science Lab 1
Timeline   SD9 - Immediately after the Leda's return

Greo materialised in the empty space between the inspection pit and the main scientific computer. Before the glimmer dissipated around him he could see the twenty foot tall computer core appear in the pit to his right. Eagerly he walked to the nearby console and activated the inspection pits sensor matrix as well as a level 4 containment field. Suddenly it occured to him that this was the first time he had actually been inside the laboratory. He looked around.

Eight well equiped stations lined the walls with three other similar inspection areas arranged so the four quarters of the circular chamber could accomodate a large project. In the centre of the room a data relay strummed with faint pulsating blue light. Several doors and access panels dotted the walls. Impressive he thought. He had been inside some fairly impressive scientific facilities but this took the biscuit. Again memory struck him, he slapped his commbadge.

"Tovon to Villiers. Commander, I have returned from the survey of the debris field." Slowly he turned round to face the almost obelisk of battered romulan technology, green light falling on his face. "We found something rather interesting."

Karen placed her padd gently on her desk - Tovon had not wasted any time getting stuck in, she thought.

"The sort of interesting that I should see, Lieutenant?" she asked. There was something so open about the station that she did not really trust the security of thecomm system, particularly not with the clutch of saboteurs and infiltrators that the report she had been reading suggested were aboard.

"Commander, begging your pardon but I would be so bold as to say drop whatever you are doing. This is top priority." Greo walked back towards the computer station hope his grandiose claims weren't out of line. He had resisted the almost overwhelming urge to start investigating the large device. He knew that his senior officers would need to give him clearance first on this one. "Could you arrange for some security personnel also, you'll understand once you get down here."

"OK, I'll humour you, Mister Tovon, I'll join you in ten," Karen said, "I'll decide once I see how interesting this is whether or not we need to call in Security."

She was not one to cause a rumpus over nothing, so it made sense to find out for herself first. Karen arrived at the lab a little earlier than she had stated, but went straight in, "Astound me, Lieutenant," she said.

Greo had been waiting for the commander, but was surprised by her early arrival. He had been fine tuning the security field and increasing it from a level 4 to a level 8. He had also done his best to secure the laboratory. As the commander entered Tovon spun around raising an arm towards the computer core like a magician at the reveal of a magic trick. A grin spread across his face.

"Commander! We managed to retrieve the reinforced computer core from one of the romulan warships."

Karen folded her arms before raising one hand to her chin. "That is interesting Mister Tovon," she agreed, though interesting was perhaps an understatement.

"Is it stable?" she asked. It was the correct decision not to have alerted Security just yet, not because they were security, but because if there was anything significant in there it could relate to Gabriel's potential predicament.

"So far I haven't probed the core. I have been able to establish that it is pretty much intact on the outside and its internal generator has a steady signature. The tritanium alloy shows some areas of weakness and the isolinear..." He looked up at the commander, realising he had slipped into confusing technobabble. "I... er, yes it's stable."

"Lieutenant, this is an Intel matter, not station Security, but I will retain ultimate jurisdiction. Confidential, Tovon ... until we have a better idea of what is in there."

"I just beamed it in so only those on the Leda have any idea that it's here, oh and Lieutenant Tan." He brushed his hand over the controls on the science station one more time. Knowledge was a few taps away and he could hear it calling him. "Don't worry ma'am, my lips are sealed. How should we proceed?"

Karen nodded, as she watched the Cardassian, her tongue pressed against the back of her teeth as she considered her options ... she was XO, here, not a legal eagle ... but the aim was the same. "Make your initial analysis, then convene the directly involved parties for a briefing in this room at 17:00 tomorrow ... make sure you have something new to tell us. I will be available between now and then if anything of particular interest arises ... understand?"

"Understood Commander. I will get a preliminary reading and deliver my findings." He paused and scratched at his ear momentarily. He looked at Villiers, there was a lot she wasn't saying and he needed all the info he could get if he was to have the right context to plunder a romulan secure computer system."Just one thing Commander. Since I wasn't here for the romulan attack and am new to all that's going on around here I was wondering if there was anything I should be aware of, or look out for? I mean I don't even really know whose ships they were."

"It is under review, Mister Tovon," Karen was only part way through the reports herself, "Make your initial analysis with an open mind, and as we trawl the details that are being compiled about the attack we'll see where we can identify crossovers."

"Very well Commander, I'll get right on it." Greo was being literal and walked over to the computer station. He started accessing the labs main sensor matrix. Starting to input the first sensor sweep he suddenly realised his accidental rudeness. He turned to face Villiers again. "Sorry Commander, was there anything else?"

Karen shook her head. There was an irrepressable keeness about the man and she was not going to be the one to burst that sort of bubble in a new arrival. This was a rare event, someone was going to be very upset that the core had not been obliterated ... unless finding it was the intention. Still, Karen had every faith in the Cardassian, and no reason to doubt the abilities of the rest of the team. An open mind, just as she had advised Tovon.

"I'll not keep you from your work, Lieutenant," Karen said, "When you have something for me, call me, and invite Wallace and Freeman to attend your initial briefing - don't take any risks, just get us the big picture of what we might have here - we'll then arrange any assistance you might need decrypting and dissecting."

As the commander left the laboratory Greo paused for a moment to take stock. The primary imager was now online and accurately modelling the core so he had a moment to stand back and breathe. It was still his first day and already his skills had been put to the test. He had commanded a starship, even if for just twenty five minutes. He'd plucked a romulan computer core from a shattered D'deridex warbird and now stood in the scientific heart of the station analysing it. His body felt weak momentarily and he wiped sweat from his brow. You can do this he reassured himself and in his mind he heard his father's words:

"Remember that there is a key piece to every puzzle, something that all other elements hinge on. Find it and the rest falls into place.

The imager finished its first run and Greo stepped closer to the core itself, drawing a toolkit from a cubbyhole by the computer station. To do this sensibly and safely he would have to access the main data port and see if there were any physical safety protocols before he began his indepth scans. Already his mind raced at the data that this computer core might hold, the knowledge that could be his to gain. With a deep breath to settle his nerves he clambered carefully down the ladder into the inspection pit.


Lieutenant Greo Tovon
Commander Karen Villiers