Interlude – Finding his way
by Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   Finding his way
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Mon Jan 03, 2011 @ 2:02am
Location   Main Engineering
Timeline   08:00

((Main Engineering))

Lt. Vincent Kramer entered Main Engineering. He wasnt sure what to expect on a Starbase. As he entered he was very amazed at the advanced displays and monitoring equipement. There were many officers moving about and monitoring the stations.

Kramer stepped up to a serious looking Vulcan Ensign and asked, "Excuse me. Where would I find Lt. Freeman?"

Not turning away from his console immediately. He took abreath and then looked at the new arrival. "Good day to you Lieutenant. You can find Lt. Freeman up those steps and on the right." He pointed to a cluster of officers at an LCARS.

"Thank you Ensign." Kramer said.

"You are most welcome," the Vulcan replied and went back to monitoring his console.

Taking a few steps up, Kramer stopped a few feet away from the group of officer. A Lieutenant was giving instructions to the others. Kramer assumed that this might be Freeman.

When the group separated and went to their tasks, Kramer stepped up without delay. "Excuse me, Sir. Are you Lt. Freeman?"

"Depends on whose asking. I maybe a lowly crewman just doing his job." Freeman responded to the person standing behind him. He noticed he was a Lieutenant from the reflection on the screen.

Kramer noticed a more relaxed nature in this senior officer, so he relaxed just a little. "Good morning Sir. I am Lt. Vincent Kramer. I’m here to report for duty."

"Great, fresh meat. You’re going to be getting all of the dirty work for a while. I'm glad you are here."

“I believed that might be the case, but I am glad to be here just the same. Thank you." Kramer replied pleasantly.

"I'm sure you are. Follow me." Bruce instructed making his way to his office. He motioned for the Lieutenant to sit down. "As your green you won't have heard, I am leaving on an away mission to give some aid to some colony. I hadn't expected you to arrive so soon so you’re going to be stuck here on the station while I am away."

Kramer sat down. “No problem Sir. Where would you like me to begin? Is there anything in particular that I need to watch for while you are away?

Bruce handed over a Padd to the new assistant. "There are a lot of small items around the promenade that need to be taken care of, this is the list. If you get done with this, the ADHD's could use some re-alignment and calibration tests. Though that's normally ops' job I consider them my prerogative as I installed them."

“Not a problem” was Kramer’s quick reply, “I’ll get right on it.” Vince had confidence in his abilities and was sure he was do a good job for the station, but there were always many uncertainties when it came to a new posting.

Looking at the PADD with the available engineering staff. “I’ll pull 4 engineers to assist me, unless you have someone specific I should take.” Kramer left the statement open for correction.

"Have your pick everyone works hard, I'm sure they will enjoy working with you." Bruce replied.

"Is there anything else I need to know before getting started?" Kramer asked.

"Nope, I will leave you to it. Don't destroy the station while I am away." Bruce replied. "Now if you will excuse me I have some packing to do." He said walking out of Engineering.

Kramer was just a little startled by Lt. Freeman's abruptness.

Kramer walked up to the main Monitoring Platform. He reviewed the list of repairs taking place. Reactor 2 was totally shut down due to radiation leakage. They should have Reactor 3 up later today.

Talking to the officers sitting at the consoles on the Platform, "Alright men, I'm Lt. Kramer, Asstistant Chief. Lt. Freeman has gone on a mission off the station. I have to go down to the Promenade and see about a couple small issues." He saw noddes all around and stepped down out of the Platform.

Kramer looked at the PADD of Engineers and their current job assignment. He made some changes and resorting. Then pressing his com badge he read the names, "Ensigns Martin and Lewis, Chief Gretski, and crewman Nevlin; report to Main Engineering for assignment in 5 minutes."

This was definately bigger than Lt. Kramer had expected. But if he played it by the numbers and relied on the experience of the crew, things would work out fine.