Intermission – Be mindful of the company you keep
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Arrival Atlana Durak

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Title   Be mindful of the company you keep
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Arrival Atlana Durak
Posted   Mon Oct 21, 2013 @ 4:21am
Location   Provisional Cardassian Embassy
Timeline   SD 74 - 10:30
Ambassador Hydel Turvan examined the Warship Dumar as it remained docked with the station. The vessel was truly the pride of the Cardassian Armada. It had been successful in defending Cardassia's interest in numerous engagements since the end of the Second Federation War. Now, it sat proudly waiting its next orders.

Atlana listened to the sound of her own footfall as she walked the decking of the station. There was something ominous about each step, she trusted Turvan about as much as she trusted any Cardassian these days, so when he'd requested her presence to the Embassy she felt it safe to assume that something was up, something she wasn't sure she was going to like. The doors of the Embassy suite swooshed upon to her and Atlana didn't even hesitate at the secretaries desk, they both knew she was expected.

Turvan turned to the recently arrived woman and smiled. "Ms. Durak, what a pleasure to see you again." Hydel said as he closed the gap between the two.

Atlana lowered her head but would not take her eyes off him. "You sent for me, Ambassador Turvan." She showed him the respect his station required.

"OH please, there is no need for formalities amongst fellow Cardassians." He replied. "In times like these we must all pull together and see one another as family, not as just mere colleagues." he stated as he took a sip from his drink and leaned against the desk. "How are things going for you?" He inquired.

Atlana lifted her head took look at him through her fathers brilliant blue eyes. "My family is dead, Ambassador as you well know." She saw him sipping on his beverage enjoying his position, the authority that came with it. For some reason it made her skin crawl and she couldn't place it. "The station is accommodating. I've met some interesting people." She added. Not wanting to delve into the relationship potentials with Muz or whatever it was that was going with her and Sarish.

Turvan took a sip from the glass and then sighed. He swirled the thick liquid in his glass for several moments as he searched for the appropriate words.

"Yes. . .that's what I wanted to speak to you about." He said as he returned his glance to the woman's eyes, taking a slight detour to observe her feminine curves. "I'm concerned Atlana about the company you are keeping." he began.

"Particularly, the Bajoran you have been spending time with. I'm certain that you recognize how others might perceive such gatherings, right?" He asked.

"The Bajoran is an on going assignment." She offered little else on that. "Perception is in the eye of the beholder, Turvan, I cannot change what you think you've seen." She smirked slightly. "Although it flatters me some that you find my movements about the station of such significance." Atlana teased him some.

"An. . .assignment, you say?" He asked incredulously. "Atlana, come now. . .this isn't the Occupation. if you are looking for an assignment for mere "comfort", then there are a better choices than some . . .street urchin." Turvan said with obvious disgust. He was not certain what was worst: Her spending time with a Bajoran or a Bajoran Terrorist. Although in his experience, they were quite often one and the same.

"I'm certain that there are much more QUALIFIED individuals that you could spend your personal time with." He said with a knowing smile. "In fact, your services are needed within the Embassy. We could use a person of your. . ."skills" to support Cardassia." he added.

Atlana frowned as she came towards Turvan. "The Bajoran killed my sister several years ago, how dare you suggest I find comfort in his company." She was insulted, but not beyond reason. The truth was during the occupation Cardassians often took Bajoran women as their "comfort" and the women were submissive enough to obey, it planted an idea.

Atlana folded her arms closer to him but still standing and still not willing to get too close to him. "I'm Listening."

Turvan smiled as she drew near. "I am in search of qualified individuals whom I can trust to protect valuable assets of Cardassia." He stated taking another sip, enjoying the flavor of the liquid as he passed over his tongue. "Namely myself and staff." He said, getting to the point.

"A woman of your talents and experience would be undeniably perfect for such a desirable. . .position." he added.

Atlana was sure he was hitting on her, it was like watching a snake charm its way into the heart of it's victim. Atlana just wasn't exactly biting. She smirked at him. "We both know you don't trust me that much." He'd be silly if he did.

"Come, come, my dear. As I've told you before, Cardassians must stick together." He said as he took a step away from his desk and towards the woman. "We must be united it every. . . essential. . .way" He emphasized as he took another sip from his glass.

"Besides, I have big plans for our people now that I have the resources of this station. I'm certain that *your* plans can fit into them as well." He said, acknowledging the reality that she too held an agenda while onboard here.

Atlana's eyes drifted over his for several long moments, he wasn't exactly bad looking as far as Cardassians went, but again... everything about his body language screamed SNAKE... "I assume a strong leader like yourself would be capable of protecting his own." She stepped in a little bit closer to him " however for the good of the empire and the Cardassian presence on this station, I could find it within my plans to get closer to you and your.... staff."

As he finished his drink, Hydel smiled a self-congratulating smile.

Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Union

Atlana Durak
Shop Owner Unique Antique
Obsidian Order Agent (retired)