Beg, Steal or Borrow – Unclear message
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Arrival Alexandria Marshall

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Title   Unclear message
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Arrival Alexandria Marshall
Posted   Sat Apr 18, 2009 @ 10:53pm
Location   Intelligence office
Timeline   SD 8 1400 (minutes before the attack)
Cheif Ayers sat behind his desk in the encrytion room, he'd gone over the cryptic messages three times, even gone so far as ask for some help from the Cadet, it didn't make sense. He'd had enough and had to check in with ops. =^= "Encryption to Ops."=^=

T'Lan spoke. "Yes Cheif, is this important." She said in an annoyed Vulcan voice. She had enough on her plate without one more crisis being added to it.

"This would qualify as important Commander, I'm getting a...well, its a message but I don't have the proper counter encryption key for it." the chief said humbled.

T'Lan spoke. "Do you not have the proper encryption key?"

=^="Sorry Commander but regulations state it has to be a permanent command rank officer authorizes access, otherwise I'd ask Captain Davies."=^=

"Report Cheif. What is this transmission?" T'Lan asked.

=^="Its a report of somekind, its from...what the....."=^= the chief was for the first time in 15 years confused. =^="Commander, I think this is a report concerning Ensign Wallace!"=^=

"Continue..." T'Lan asked

=^="they found surrvivors, Mr. Wallace is amoungst them, hes' been wounded, no other data than that ma'am. I'm working on finding out what this signal is about that the Romulan ships are waiting for."=^=


Chief Craig Ayers
Encryptions Officer

Cadet 1st Cl Martina Perth

Cmdr, T'lan