Small Things – Blue on Blue
by Lieutenant JG Gralthek Sirran

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Title   Blue on Blue
Mission   Small Things
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Gralthek Sirran
Posted   Wed Oct 16, 2013 @ 6:59pm
Location   USS Polaris, moored at DS5
Timeline   Day 1 of "Small Things" - 0800

Sirran marched down the gangway leading to the airlock, PADD in hand. Reaching the officer of the deck he announced himself. "Lieutenant Sirran, Strategic Operations. Permission to come aboard?"

The young security man consulted his own PADD and noted the Andorian's time of arrival. "Permission granted, Lieutenant." He noticed the reason for Sirran's visit stated on his device. "Meeting with the XO, eh? Good luck to you, Lieutenant." He grinned as if remembering the punchline to an old, favorite joke.

Sirran's antennae twitched as he contemplated the meaning of that. "Thanks," he said, brushing it off. He marched confidently through the airlock and into the sleek, beautiful, and brand-spanking new USS Polaris, a deep-space exploration vessel. DS5 was her last port call before heading off into the great unknown. Her ETD, however, was still 24 hours from now, which gave Sirran plenty of time to meet with one of the ship's command staff and discuss his ideas.

It wasn't too long a walk through the immaculate, brightly-lit corridor before he found a turbolift. Sirran stepped in and said, "Bridge." The doors swooshed closed.

*********** Moments Later *************

The doors swooshed open and Sirran stepped out. He found a busy bridge with crewmen working, chattering, and marching purposefully to their assigned tasks. The comms were also alive with chatter from other decks and DS5 ops, which had people deployed in spacesuits to inspect the ship's hull. No one paid any attention to Sirran, save for a couple of polite nods. There was a genuine sense of excitement in the air.

Commander Henry McTeague was standing over the engineering console giving instructions to the crewman sitting there. He looked every bit the part of a proper First Officer: handsome, steely-eyed, and all business. And even though the ship was moored he issued terse commands as though they were in the middle of an ion storm with an enemy ship in trail. Sirran walked up to him and snapped at attention.

"Mister Sirran, I presume," McTeague said before Sirran himself could say anything. "Welcome aboard the Polaris." He was still looking down at the console display and not at his visitor.

"Thank you for having me, sir," Sirran replied.

"No, that's not going to work," McTeague said to the engineering crewman. He typed in some one-handed commands while the crewman looked on, then tapped his commbadge. "Bridge to engineering. That plasma flow in injector one-seven bravo is still up at ninety thousand kilopascals. What's the story?"

=^= We've tried different things, sir, but we can't bring it down. We may need to shut down and get someone in the nacelle to inspect it. It's got to be the regulator. =^=

McTeague sighed in frustration. "Get to it then, Mister Berris. We've got a hard deadline to meet." The comm switched off. Then McTeague said to the crewman, "Keep me informed."

"Aye, sir."

McTeague finally turned his full attention to Sirran, who was still standing ramrod straight. "At ease, Lieutenant. As you can see we're very busy here. Sorry to keep you waiting."

"It's not a problem, sir," Sirran said. "I won't require much of your time."

McTeague gestured to the empty conference room behind the bridge. "Should be quiet enough for us in there." He led the way and Sirran followed, leaving the bridge crew to their work.

When the doors were closed behind them, the two officers took seats at a round, polished-oak table with a holo-imager embedded in the center. this was where the ship's senior staff had their meetings. "So, what can we do for you, Lieutenant?" McTeague asked.

Sirran slid his PADD across the table. "As you know, Commander, my job is to coordinate Starfleet activity in this sector."

McTeague skimmed over the PADD's contents. "Yes, I know what a strategic operations officer does, Lieutenant. What do you need from us?"

Sirran leaned forward and placed both arms on the table, fingers entwined. "Well, there's not much activity to coordinate out here on the frontier. The few ships that are out here are usually on their way to someplace else, like the Polaris."

"Hence the term 'deep space,'" McTeague replied with a wry grin as he continued scrolling down Sirran's list. It was a list of star systems out along Polaris's projected flight path, as well as many that were not. "What is this?"

"It's a list of places I would like for you to visit and observe," Sirran said. "And then send information back to us. With so few assets to work with I have to rely on -"

"Wait," McTeague interrupted, holding up a hand. "Is this a request from Fleet? Or is it just something you would like for us to do?"

Sirran's antennae bent outward in confusion. "The request is mine, sir. I do not 'like' asking you to do it but in order to be effective at my duties I must -"

McTeague interrupted again, this time holding up both hands. "Lieutenant, Lieutenant. I can't take this to my Captain. Some of these places we may visit, sure. But we'll do it with our own mission objectives in mind."

"Of course," Sirran stammered out. "I wasn't attempting to supersede your mission objectives."

"Okay," McTeague replied through stern eyes. He looked back at the PADD again. "And some of these other systems..." He shook his head. "They're far outside our projected flight path. You honestly expect us to divert from our assigned orders to go check them out for you?"

"Well, no I don't expect it, sir. I understand your mission schedule allows for diversions, however, so I'm including them as suggestions."

McTeague glared at him for a beat and then released the PADD from his grip. It clattered on the desk like a cracking whip. "Lieutenant, if this ship diverts it will be at our discretion only. We don't need any 'suggestions.'"

Sirran opened his mouth to say something but McTeague continued talking. "Furthermore, while it's commendable that you want to extend your station's strategic reach, you'll have to do it with your own assets. That's why Starfleet gave you an assortment of fighters and small craft. Use them." He pushed the PADD back to Sirran.

Sirran took the PADD. Many of the places listed were months and even years away at high warp. Much too dangerous a journey for anything less than a starship. He thought of pointing that out but the conversation was over anyway, as McTeague was already standing up and straightening his uniform tunic.

Sirran stood up as well to take his leave. "I understand, sir. Thank you."

"Anytime," McTeague said in a tone void of any sincerity. The two men walked out, Sirran first and the First Officer following closely behind.

The bridge had not become any less busy during their absence. Crewmen were still hurrying about to ready their ship for its long voyage. In twenty-four hours they would be boldly going, and if all went well then the name USS Polaris would take its place in the annals among the other great ships.

Great things awaited, and in no way would a lowly officer from Deep Space Five be a part of it.

Sirran made his way across the bridge and to the turbolift. He passed the ship's Chief Engineer, who was exiting the lift and nodded to him on his way out.

"Who was that?" He heard the Chief Engineer ask the First Officer behind him.

"You don't want to know."


Lt.(JG) Gralthek Sirran
Strategic Operations - DS5

Cmdr. Henry McTeague (NPC)
XO - USS Polaris