Unity – Infiltration
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Sergeant Major Charles Doherty

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Title   Infiltration
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Sergeant Major Charles Doherty
Posted   Sun May 02, 2010 @ 11:19am
Location   Main Docking Bay
Timeline   SD 17 - 14:00hrs (after the attack)
Gabriel stood at the docking bay with an armed detachment of security officers. The attack had caught everybody off-guard, both in its short duration and in its efficiency. The Anubis had been disabled within minutes and the station was also caught with its pants down, yet instead of going for the kill, it actually tried to engage the Anubis directly, giving the more powerful vessel a chance to gain its second wind.

Reports had indicated that the Anubis was able to recover the crew members that were onboard from their escape pods. However, the enemy vessel's warp core breach and subsequent EM Pulse had knocked out long-range communications for all vessels within the immediate vicinity, including the station. Back-up wouldn't be necessary since the enemy combatants had surrendered peacefully and were being brought onboard.

[Marine HQ]

Flynn sighed to herself and rubbed her eyes. Yet another situation resolved. She swiveled around and called out to her subordinates, “All right, everybody listen up…we’re back at condition green, recall all troops and have them report for debriefing. The station is safe once more. Good work Marines.” There was a small commotion down below in the pit as the technicians clapped each other on the shoulder.

She moved down from her perch to the pit, requesting a cup of coffee from a nearby Marine steward, and then moved to a female marine who had informed her that there were some anomalies in the security systems. The lower ranked woman explained the situation quickly. There was nothing explicitly wrong with the security network, but there were some anomalous readings.

Flynn pondered this for a moment as the steward returned with her coffee. She inhaled deeply, than drank, savoring the buzz of caffeine as it surged through her system, “Corporal, are there any breaches in the security at the moment?”

“Negative ma’am. We are all green.”

“Hmm…still, just to be sure, run a level 4 diagnostic on the main interface, and a level 3 diagnostic on the subroutines that are showing flags. Inform me when you’re done."

She turned away to peruse a list of personnel that she had available to her in light of so many Marine resources being deployed, and found a name on the list that she had never seen before. She frowned to herself and tabbed the COM, =^= Sergeant Major Doherty, this is Captain Flynn, please report to MTAC immediately." =^=

[tag Doherty]

{ USS Anubis }

Lockhart stood behind his helmsman, his hand rested on her shoulder. "Good job," He uttered and turned. Signal the security chief, prisoners are ready to to be transferred and then inform engineering that repairs can be carried out immediately. No shore leave until the ship is fully functional.

{ Docking Bay }

Gabriel signaled for the main hatch to be released so the Anubis crew could bring the prisoners on board. "We've got a full-house today, gentlemen. Separate the enemy soldiers and take them to the designated detention centers, Main Security won't be able to hold everybody." He said to the gathered security officers.

"Be sure to check all facilities for explosives" he added, "This isn't some Jarhead Amateur-hour." he said, referencing to the Marine's negligent incident the previous day.

"I want the groups divided and delivered to Holding on Deck 1232 near Engineering, Deck 55 by Sickbay, and the recently repair Holding Cells on Deck 578 near the Armory." Gabriel directed.

Gabriel nodded to two officers by the large Klingon known as Tan'Rek. "Those soldiers look hurt, take them to sickbay so the doctors can take a look at their injuries, soon as they are released, I want them escorted back to their designated brig." Gabriel said while continuing to direct traffic.

Gerrard held his head low. Even Gordy at his side was not in a jubilant mood. He looked around as his eyes adjusted to light. The security officers pushed them both onward.

Ryouske quietly maneuvered himself to be part of the group that would be diverted to the armory, his intended target. Once they had gotten to the holding cells themselves, he would be able to spring his plan into action. He could only hope that their mole onboard the station had managed to sabotage the security subroutines previously determined, including feeding a loop, and deactivating the transporter sensors.

{ OPS }

Elliot deactivated his padd and made his way through the hallway in his recently replicated uniform. It had been nearly a decade since he had worn a Starfleet uniform on a Federation facility. The last time he had a comm badge on his chest was during his time onboard the USS Camelot with Dorian Gabriel. Elliot couldn't prevent his fist from involuntarily clenching in anger as he thought back to how Dorian had betrayed him all for some self-righteous duty he believed he owed. Right now Elliot couldn't dwell on that fact for too long, not when their plans were now set in motion.

The doors to OPS whisked open for the man and he proceeded to take the first step onto the adjacent platform. He could feel the adrenaline beginning to flow through his veins as he visually scanned the room in search for his target.

The last of the Marines went about departing OPS, and bumped into Elliot on the way out, “Sorry Commander,” one of them grunted, and then continued out the door, getting deep into conversation with one of his fellow Marines. The hatch hissed shut behind them, sealing the Marines off from the Command Center.

He strolled across the floor and walked directly to Commander Davies. "Sir, the authorization for the recent arrival of the prisoners." Elliot said to the Commander as he handed him the padd.

Davies eyed the officer, assuming he was a member of the Anubis crew and reached out for the PADD. "I want them to be catered for, some are former members of the federation and they are to be treated as such." He advised, looking down at the report.

As he read, something was odd about the writings. He shrugged his shoulders. "This report is incomplete, Commander, but I am sure your captain will put it right when he has the chance. Quarters have been prepped for you command staff and you are more than welcome to use any of the facilities DS5 has to offer. He said with a nod as he stepped half a step forward and offered back the PADD.

"Thank you David, the Cause shall remember your contribution." Elliot said as he quickly drove a knee into Davies' solarplex and brought his elbow down into the back of his skull. As the Commander fell to his knees, Elliot quickly rushed behind him and placed a dagger to his throat as the other officers on OPS noticed the commotion.

William started to rush forward as Davies hit the deck, but skidded to a halt as the man held the knife to Davies' throat. His hands immediately shot to the air in surrender.

Robert was a step behind Harris and narrowly missed colliding with the Comms chief and did not see the commander under threat from the officer that had assaulted him. He sidestepped and then saw the predicament that they were now in.

"Whoa, there's no need for that. I am sure we can help you obtain whatever you need." He spoke in a level voice, his eyes darting from console to console, looking to see if there was an available weapon. When he could not see one, his hands began to wave down the officer, trying to calm the situation, which was already strangely calm.

"Nobody make any sudden moves, or else this station will be searching for a NEW Commanding Officer yet again." Elliot said as he reached for his comm badge to contact the rest of his group.

=+= "Begin now!" =+=

{ Sick bay }

Tan'Rek had memorized the route to Sickbay from his *drop off point* and on materialization he flicked a huge hand to indicate that his team should move out. Tan'Rek's team had all been briefed over and over and moved smoothly as they had been choreographed.

It took only a few minutes until they all appeared from different directions along the corridors and entered Sickbay as one, spreading themselves out like fluid filling a confined space. Tan'Rek himself marched on huge, heavily booted feet, straight down the main aisle and by the time the medical staff had looked up, stood up or challenged anyone, all his team were in place.

Tan'Rek's voice boomed effectively across the whole Bay.

{ OPS }

=+= "Elliot to Krah, I have the OPS. I need the information from that device, immediately!" =+= He said into his comm unit while he continued to hold the Commanding Officer hostage.

He looked at the officers on the bridge and pointed to the one who appeared to be in control of the communications.

"You! Send out a priority 1 message to the USS Anubis and the Rakara, tell them both to immediately undock from the station and move away from the station or else the station WILL open fire on them." He demanded.

Alison Bennett hesitated, what was she supposed to do? She looked from the intruder to Davies to her console and back again. Did she follow his orders? "You won't get away with this," she said, never before having been sure why someone always said that.

A slight smile danced across Elliot's face. "You know what, you might be right about that." He said as he took the dagger and placed it against Davies's throat with enough force to draw blood. "Perhaps they won't be so courageous when somebody ELSE's life is on the line." He said as the smile faded away.

Davies felt the skin on his neck break and a trickle of warm blood made its way to his collar, but he made no sound as the mans grip tightened and David had not yet gained his second wind to make any play of his own.
His eyes alone told her to follow the impostors demands and he stared a plea to Rushtone & Harris to follow suit.

Alison looked again at Davies, looking for his agreement. She moved then to her panel. "I'll send the message," she said taking her time to put it together and in between her actions she sent a second message. This one went to the Executive Officer whose location was currently unaccounted for, she had been somewhere between Ops and the JAG facility but had not checked in at either location. Finally Alison pressed to send both messages and straightened.

"I have sent the message," she said.

"Very good, it seems Starfleet has maintained its efficiency since I left it." Elliot said as he and his current hostage moved slowly to a nearby console.

"I want EVERYBODY to go into David's office and seal yourself in there." He said as he tightened his grip on the Commander to emphasis his point.

Not struggling, David gave the slightest nod, as he didn't want to antagonise the man who held him any further.
He watched as the staff shuffled along to the staircase and made their way up and into his office.
Being pushed along by his captor, David stopped as his foot rested on the bottom tread of the stairs.
"What the hell do you want?" He asked in a calm manner, but received no response aside a push upward on his arm already behind his back.

{ Docking Bay }

Gerrard lifted his head a little, pushing Gord sidewards. "I told you, there is no way I am going to be held a prisoner on any stinking starbase. It's you fault, those waffles were undercooked and made me ill!" He screamed, waiting for Gordy to respond, so that the security officers would approach just a few steps more.

"Well I didn't force you to eat them. I prefer waffles over anything. I hope you barf your brains out then you'll be quiet!" Gord yelled recognizing the bait and playing into it and re-gripping his phaser reading himself.

Gabriel had just handed the padd back to the Security officer of the Anubis accepting responsibility for the prisoners when he heard the commotion. It was bad enough that he had to find space for all of these people, but now they wanted to bicker amongst themselves like little children.

"Both of you, shut up now!" Gabriel said as he walked over to them both and shoved them in the general direction of the other escorted prisoners.

"Another word out of either one of you and I'll save myself the trouble of dealing with the paperwork and just shove you out of an airlock!" He said angrily.

Gord turned a pleading look to Gerrard he wanted to shoot the security chief but didn't want to until he had permission.

[Deck 578 – Brig near armory]

Ryouske and the team he was with moved quietly under the watchful eye of the security officers assigned to guard and transfer them. He kept alert but servile as they moved through the station, keeping track of where they were in relation to the armory. This was one of the most crucial parts of the plan…escape from custody, seize the armory, and cut off access to there and all of the weapons lockers across the station, then wait for more orders. This wouldn’t affect the Marine Armory which was on a separate network than the main one, but he calculated a good chance that the Marines wouldn’t have time to react to the situation…especially with everything else going on.

Soon enough they arrived at the Brig and entered it. Since it was recently reactivated, there was only a lone security guard sitting behind a recently constructed desk, looking considerably bored. The guards maneuvered around, crowding them all into the foyer and prepared to check them in.

As soon as the guard’s back was turned, Ryouske struck, smashing his bindings into the man’s head and bringing him crashing to the ground. On cue, the rest of his squad also sprung into action, quickly dispatching the rest of the guards.

“Quickly,” he whispered, “take their badges, weapons and belts and put them in the cells.”

As the team took care of that, he pressed the button on his jacket that was in reality a cleverly disguised micro-transmitter. When pressed, it sent a signal to the one use transporter devices in the escape pods where the weapons were stored, and told them to transport the cases to this location.

As they materialized in front of him, the squad returned with what they had confiscated from the officers. They knew what to do now. They donned security uniforms that were in the case and put on everything they had taken from the bodies. Ryouske donned one as well, and picked up a case, “Alright…90 seconds. Lets move.”

They had run through the simulation so many times that they could have walked the short distance from the brig to the armory blind folded. They reached the massive doors directly on schedule and walked calmly through as if they belonged there.

The security officers on duty took one look, saw the uniforms and went back to what they were doing. Ryouske moved over to the desk where the master-at-arms was located and handed him a PADD with a smile, “Sir, checking in some weapons for maintenance. Just need you to sign this, and I can drop these and be back on my way…Commander Gabriel is being very pushy today, what with the prisoners coming aboard and all…but then when isn’t he pushy?

The master-at-arms chuckled and nodded, before taking the PADD, and turning around to his console. Ryouske casually checked the sign in area, and noted that there wasn’t anybody else besides the guard detail in the armory at the moment. He nodded to himself and raised his hand to signal his team. At the same time, he drew his weapon, a silenced TR-110, and put two rounds into the back of the security officer’s head, causing him to collapse in his chair.

The rest of the security detail was dispatched as effectively, and within moments the armory was under their control. Ryouske sent a team to watch the doors, while his computer tech pulled the corpse of the Master-at-arms out of his chair and set to work.

About a minute later he turned around and gave the thumbs up. All weapons lockers were set to deny any Federation personnel access. Ryouske nodded and ordered his men to set to work fortifying their position, and wait for orders from the Commander.

{ Anubis }

"What?!" Lockhart exclaimed as he spun about to the console. His face reddened in anger as he took a breath, hardly able to contain the fury at the stupidity of that order.
"Undock or be fired upon! Who is giving the commands around here?" His hand slapped at his chest in disgust.
"Ops, are you serious. We have hardly got maneuvering thrusters and you are ordering us to leave? Get me Commander Davies!" He seethed as he paced to his command chair and slumped downward.

{ Secondary Ops }

Cordova held his breath, as he monitored the Operations monitor, now capturing the live feed from there, whilst security were watching a time looped signal. He only needed 2 or 3 minutes for Elliott to take the command ring and as soon as the 3 security officers and the engineer vacated the secondary OPS, he would be back there to complete the next stage. The lockdown was still in effect and only the Anubis had been granted Station access, but he had to debilitate the docking ring from the rest of the station, whilst ensuring that the command to disable the station weapons was initiated.

{ Main OPS }

As the last officer filed into the Commander's office, Elliot forcefully pushed Davies into a nearby chair and pressed a button to seal the Commander's office and its inhabitants inside of the room. He next pressed several buttons and within moments the entire department was illuminated by the re-materialization of a male figure.

Elliot nodded to Cordova as he reappeared. "I take it everything went well on your end?" He asked rhetorically as he attempted to gain access to the station communication system. Fortunately, starfleet had not changed its underlying subroutines. It took only a few moments to input the pre-designed program into the console to give him exclusive control of the comm system.

"Cordova, I need you to focus on establishing a link with the team on the planet. Once Krah is able to access the temporal coordinates inside of the Romulan device we can transmit it to the team with the Iconian device." Elliot spoke in a hurried manner as he tried to coordinate the teams on the station.

=+= "OPS to Sickbay, Tan'Rek, report. OPS to Armory, Ryouske, report. OPS to Engineering, Gord, report. OPS to Gerrad, status on securing Main Promenade?" he said =+= he communicated to his team.

Anthony dove over to the console, tapping furiously at the control pad. He cursed himself, he was sure that the link was fully established in secondary ops.
"Docking ring is powered down. No supply lines to the Guardian platforms. Planetary link re-established. Setting up a buffer and anti resonance fields." He stated turning to look back to Elliott.

Davies leant forward as his hand dropped to the desk. Every inch of his body was on fire and he hurt like crazy, but he was not going to let the station fall so easily, he had a plan but he had to signal Villiers and Gabriel and right now, he was lacking a comm badge.
His fingertips lightly dabbed at the seeping wound on his neck as he watched the two men busying themselves.

"Who are you? What do you want?" He muttered, trying to distract them both.

Elliot looked over at the Commander still seated in the chair. "Who are we?" He said rhetorically. "We are here to save you and the rest of the quadrant." He replied as he continued to type on his console.

"We are Soliders for the Founders of the Beginning." Elliot said in a direct tone. "Many of our members are the last of the Maquis, many more of us our believers that all things can be changed for the better if you just go back to the beginning." Elliot said as he took a seat himself and looked towards the Commander.

"Imagine if you could go back and change the past. What if you could SAVE everybody that you have lost in the War. What if all of the pain you suffered could be avoided?" He asked in a serious manner. "We are here to do all of that, we are here to save not just you, but the Federation itself." Elliot said passionately.

If he could have stomached the pain he would feel in laughter, he would have. "Save us?" He questioned. "Save yourselves more likely." He sniped as his head fell forward and he struggled for breath. He coughed, and he wished he'd laughed, it would have been less painful. "Which war are you talking of... the Dominion war, the Borg war, the Boaoran war..." He coughed again and tears fell from his eyes as he squeezed them tight. The pain in his stomach now overruled the pain in his shoulders and neck.

Elliot pushed Davies back into the chair so that he was sitting up and facing him. "You just don't get it, do you David!?!" Elliot said while standing up. "The Dominion War was one of the SINGLE-MOST preventable Wars in the Federation's history. Over a billion people were killed. Everybody that I knew and served with onboard the USS Camelot were lost!" He said as he looked a the viewscreen ahead of him. "Everybody except a certain young security officer. . . ." he said to himself mores so than anybody else.

"But most importantly, we have the ability to stop it from ever happening!" Elliot said, slamming his fist on the console. "We have the power to change history so that the War never started, your station intercepted a Romulan artifact that has the temporal coordinates of an Iconian Gateway that we have discovered." Elliot said in a more excited tone. "All we have to do is just borrow your facilities for the time being. If your people cooperate, then no harm will befall them." He concluded.

Davies held his manical gaze for a moment and though he thought they were totally insane, he did not say it aloud.
"Are you serious? That was before this station was anchored here. We'd all be killed!" He remarked as a shiver of fear shot up his spine.

{ Marine HQ }

Flynn sipped her coffee calmly as her troops worked with a quiet intensity. All was well now on the station, and she was feeling quite proud of herself for having stayed calm throughout the whole ordeal. She considered calling Darson and informing him of the attack, but then remembered that long range communications had been knocked out by the EMP pulse. She was about to request an ETA on the repairs when there was an alarming cry from the pit.

“Ma’am!” one of the communications techs shouted frantically, “We have a situation. A message was just sent out from Main Operations, priority one, ordering both the Anubis and the Rakara to undock from the station, or we would open fire!”

Flynn just about spit her coffee out as she stared down at the Marine. She quickly got up from the command seat and began issuing orders to an increasingly frantic staff, “Comms, can we get a confirmation on that message?”

“Yes Ma’am, the message is quite clear. ‘To the Anubis and Rakara, Urgent. Under the direct orders of the Commander of Deep Space 5, you are to immediately undock from the station and vacate the immediate space or you will be fired upon.”

“What the hell? Intel, can we confirm that this is a drill or simulation of some sort?”

“Negative ma’am, we have no record of any drill or simulation planned for today. It could be unannounced, but at this point that seems very unlikely.”

“Acknowledged…what are the readings on the security systems? Confirm that we are currently at condition green and secure.”

“Confirmed. We have no indication of any breach of security. Diagnostics will be finishing up momentarily.”

“CIC, Run a scan of the space around the station…are there any immediate threats of any kind?”

“Negative! Space around the station is clear.”

“Comms, get me main operations.”

“Trying…no response”

“Something is very wrong here…alright, we’re moving to condition yellow. Dispatch a team to Main Operations. Transport them directly there,” This was a move that would put only the area that was under Marine Control on alert. A notice would show up in Ops, but otherwise there would be no indication throughout the rest of the station.

“Roger that…prepping team. 60 seconds to transport.”

“Control, Comms. We are picking up flash traffic…Captain Lockhart attempting to communicate with Main Operations”

“CIC, what is the status of the Anubis? And Comms, shunt the transmission and piggy back us onto it, I want to hear what’s going on.”

“Control, CIC. The Anubis is heavily damaged from their confrontation with the rouge vessel. Their weapons are disabled, and their propulsion is limited to maneuvering thrusters only.”

“They’re not going to be able to move. Shit…something is very, very wrong.”

“Control, Dispatch. We are unable to transport the team up to Main Operations.”


“Transporter control has been locked out. We can’t use our fast-deploy pads.”

“Dispatch, send them up via the lift and find out exactly what’s going on here.”

“Negative ma’am, no can do. Lifts apper to be locked out too.”

Flynn had had enough, “Go to condition red!” She shouted. Alarms started blaring throughout the complex, and the Marines who had just returned from duty prepared to go out again.

“Ma’am!” The corporal who had brought the issue about the security anomalies raised her voice, “Diagnostics are complete. Security systems have been compromised, several sub-routines have been tampered with!”

“Can we reset them?”

“Negative. Without the tertiary command override, we are restricted to monitoring systems…we can’t affect them.”

Flynn remained quiet and thought about this for a second, running the possible options through her head. She did have the authority to declare a station wide red alert, or intruder alert, but she wanted to be absolutely sure before doing something like that that, “Comms, do we still have communication capabilities?”

“For the moment.”

“Then get me Commander Villiers on a secure channel!”

“Yes Ma’am…you’re on.”

=^= “Commander Villiers, this is Captain Flynn in the Marine HQ…we have an urgent situation developing down here!” =^=

So they had been caught with their pants down. For Karen this was literally true.

The situation had seemed to be under control and Davies could manage in Ops without Karen so she had made her way back to the JAG facility where a pile of work was building up. She had made it as far as the promenade when a tell tale knot tightened in her intestines. Karen had paused and considered the situation, the cause a lunch of improperly spiced Bahgol from the Klingon restaurant - she would have word with them later - her first priority was to find the nearest restroom.

By the time she emerged from the stall it was all over.

=^= What's the situation, Captain Flynn. I've had a ... medical situation ... and been out of the loop for twenty minutes." The Marine sounded worried.

=^= “Commander; our security systems have been compromised, Main Operations and Commander Davies cannot be contacted, and a message was sent to the Anubis ordering them to undock and move away or they would be fired upon. Where are you now ma’am?” =^=

As she listened Karen retreated into one of the stalls, choosing a 'fresh' one this time. =^= A public restroom on the promenade ... level 1. Any chance of transporting me out of here?" Karen suggested but receiving a negative response she nodded and leaned her back against the wall. "Looks like I'm on my own then. Flynn, can you locate the nearest weapons locker? I can use the maintenance passages to move around."

=^= “106 Meters down the corridor to your right. Ma’am, I’m requesting permission to declare Intruder Alert. Something is very wrong here and we have to lock down what we can before things get any work. We should probably get in touch with Commander Gabriel as well. What do you plan on doing?” =^=


Commander David Davies &
PO William Harris &
CWO Robert Rushtone
By Mark

Fmr. Cmdr Elliot Hartsfield
Maquis/Founders of the Beginning
NPC'd by Thom

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer, indisposed!

Remaining Trojan Crew
Commander - Melia Krah - Karen
Helmsman / Flight Greg Keeler - Jarred
Ops - Ronald Gerrard -Mark
Weapons specialist Ryouske Nakayagi - Darson
Tactical - Gord Jowan - Freeman
Bridge Officer - Dunham
Quartermaster - Tan'Rek - Chelsea