Beg, Steal or Borrow – Training Day
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Ensign Brian Moxis

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Title   Training Day
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Ensign Brian Moxis
Posted   Thu Aug 13, 2009 @ 6:13am
Location   Deck 22 - Holodeck 4
Timeline   SD 9 - 14:00hrs
Gabriel had finished reviewing the program's sequence of events for the fifth time. He was positive that everything was where it needed to be for the exercise.

*Taps* "Gabriel to Fox, Opaka, Duquense and Moxis, please report to Holodeck 4, immediately." he said as he stood beside the doors of the holodeck and waited for his security team to arrive.

Fox had just had his gear transported to his quarters and had not been able to unpack when he heard the call to report to the holodeck for training. Tapping his comm badge, "Understood." Fox departed his quarters in route to holodeck 4.

Four minutes later Fox arrived at the doors to holodeck 4. Fox nodded to Gabriel, "Commander."

Brian was just finishing up his shift when he heard the call. Brian tapped his comm badge, "Right away sir." Moxis checked in with security and departed to holodeck 4. Not saying much to any one passing through the hall, Moxis rounded the corner.

5 minutes later Moxis arrived and saw The commander and Lt. JG Fox. " Greetings Commander."

Jo'el heard the hail in ops. He secured his station and found an officer to stand-in for the time being. He jumped off the turbolift and turned onto the holodeck behind Moxis. "Reporting as requested, Commander."

"Good, you all made it." Gabriel said as he saw Duquense arriving at the last minute. "This is a security drill, all I'm going to tell you is stay sharp and watch each other's back." He said as he pressed several buttons on the wall panel and stepped into the holodeck as the doors slid open.

As the 5 entered the room, the doors closed behind them completely, surrounding them in total darkness. Within seconds the holodeck came to life with a replication of what appeared to be the Main Promenade of the station. It became immediately apparent that the station was currently involved in an invasion.

Just to the left of the group a large console flickered to life with the face of a large man with a large scar descending the left side of his face.

"Federation scum! I am Kor'lel of the Brotherhood. We have invaded your installation and have seized control of your Ops, Main Engineering, Communications, Transporters and Docking Bay. Any attempts to take back this station by force will result in strong reprimands." He said as the view shifted to a Starfleet officer that had been forced to his knees. Kor'lel nodded to his associate and a knife was quickly withdrawn.

Kor'lel looked towards the screen again and smiled briefly, "For too long you have sat by idly while the Romulans have continued to infest this sector with their existence. It is time that a much stronger force take control!" Kor'lel said angrily. "Consider this your ONLY warning!" he said before giving the signal to his associate. The man grabbed the Starfleet officer and jammed the knife deep into the man's chest.

"You have 1 hour to stand down and transfer command to us or we will kill every person on this station in the name of the Brotherhood." Kor'lel stated before the screen was replaced with the Federation insignia.

Gabriel turned to the officers and withdrew his phaser. "Alright, obviously this guy doesn't recogniz- - -" before he could finish the sentence, a phaser blast shot out from across the promenade and raced through Gabriel's chest with lethal precision.

Even before Gabriel could hit the ground, more disruptors began filling the space of the promenade around the cluster of Starfleet Security officers.

Fox was the first to move. His years of actual close quarters battle experience along with his unprecedented lightning reflexes and military training allowed him to move to cover and draw his weapon and avoid the volley of phaser and disruptor fire. He yelled for the other officers to get down then began returning fire. Fox began looking around for a computer terminal to use. If the Klingon didn't have control of the computers then Fox could use that against them. First the team would have to get rid of this resistance. "Covering fire! I am moving up!" as he took out a Klingon target that exposed himself a little too much. Fox moving forward methodically, tactically eliminating targets.

Years of small squad fighting took over and he realized that he was part of a team. He covered the area waiting for his companions to catch up. Already going over plans in his head to retake one section at a time and take all sections at once to eliminate the risk of casualties. The "all at once plan" winning over. It would be necessary to take one or more transporter rooms, depending on how many Klingons were aboard, and transport them all to a secure cargo hold, neutralizing their energy weapons in transport. Flooding the cargo hold with gas will reduce risk until the intruders are secure. HE would run the options by his companions when they caught up.

As the mass of phaser fire came out of no where, Moxis dove behind a big metal object and withdrew his weapon. Moxis fired in front of him, gradually trying to make his way up to Lt. JG Fox. Covering him while Moxis was moving up, he hit another Klingon who appeared out of no where behind Fox. He reached Fox and continued the cover fire.

Jo'el grabbed a hand phaser from the nearest weapons locker. Scanning the Klingons for civilians or Starfleet personel, the Bajoran rigged the phaser into an overload cycle. Satisfied with the apparent Klingon-ness of the group, Jo'el took aim.

"Down!" Jo'el called as he flung his modified grenade. As the crude bomb flew toward the Brotherhood, several fighters scattered, allowing Fox and Moxis to pick a few stragglers off with tight firing.

"That was a nice touch, getting shot seconds into his own exercise. Don't you think?" Jo'el asked.

< On Ops >

Smoke continued to rise from the shatter consoles throughout the department. A casual glance across the area would reveal phaser and disruptor holes through the walls and bulkheads demonstrating the battle that took place not too long ago.

"There are Federation on the Main Promenade!" one man said as he read the internal sensor reports on the console in front of him.

Kor'lel stepped over the body of a Starfleet officer and approached one of the few remaining consoles. "Activate the station-wide dampening field! Let's see how well the Federation scum fight without their phasers to hide behind!" Kor'lel said with a tooth-filled grin.

"Contact Le'Mul in Main Engineering and tell him to begin the countdown sequence. I want this station to be NOTHING but dust within the next 30 minutes. The Federation shall forever remember the Brotherhood." he said as he slammed his fist down on the already shatter console before him.

< Main Promenade >

T'Vark nodded silently as he received the instructions from Ops. He holstered his phaser and withdrew his Mek'leth as he silently stalked the Security officers that were picking off his fellow Warriors, one by one. He knelt and waited for Fox to walk by before he made his move.

T'Vark gave a vicious battle cry as he charged forward and tackled Fox, knocking the man off his feet. T'Vark took the surprise attack and grabbed a piece of metal debris nearby and slammed it into the mid-section of Ensign Moxis, knocking the officer several feet back.

The Warrior turned in time to see Fox aiming his phaser directly into his chest.

Fox pulled the trigger but got only a squeak from his phaser. "What the hell!" Then throwing the phaser at the Klingon, it bounced harmlessly off the Klingon's head.

T'Vark laughed, "Problem Human?" He barked as he charged forward and slammed his shoulder into Fox's chest. He grabbed Fox's left arm and flipped him over his shoulder, throwing him into the wall behind them with a resounding noise as Fox's body made impact.

T'Vark spun the bladed weapon in his hand as he stalked towards the fallen officer. "Get up Human! My little girl's Targ puts up a better fight than you!" he laughed.

Fox, dazed by the impact with the wall, waited for the Klingon to come in range of his powerful legs. Fox performed a leg sweep that surprised the Klingon. T'Vark went down hard on his back, stunned. Fox was up in a second. Fox lunged forward, slamming his knee into the Klingon's temple, rendering him unconscious. Fox applied restraints to the Klingon.

Fox leaned over and picked up the Mek'leth and approached Ensign Moxis, "My phaser is not working, test yours to see if it works."

Moxis aimed his phaser and tried to fire it. Nothing happened. "Guess it's hand to hand combat from now on."

"That's what I'm talking about, by the Prophets' hands," Jo'el said with a bit too much gusto. He unsheathed his katana and checked his flanks.

"Here, take this." Handing the young Ensign the Mek'leth.

Brian took the Mek'leth and looked it over. "Well this will be difficult but also interesting at the same time." Moxis smiled as he prepared to use the weapon.

Jo'el stepped over and nodded to Moxis. "The sharp end goes in the bad guy," he smirked.

"With the amount of soldiers needed to take this station, the lack of reinforcements, weapons and time, I believe this to be a no-win situation. If we are going to make a go of it, we need to flood all key areas with a high concentration of Neurazine gas to incapacitate the intruders, transport them all to a secure cargo hold and find out if they sabotaged the station."

Fox went over to a emergency cabinet and retrieved three breathing masks, giving one to each of his companions. He went to the nearest computer terminal and began punching buttons. "It looks like cargo bay 2 is completely empty. We can transport all the Brotherhood to there and secure with forcefield. The closest transporter is Transporter room 3, one deck down from here. I can flood the entire station with the Neurazine gas, then we can transport them to the cargobay. Any questions?"

"Actually yes, who put you in charge of this operation?" Jo'el asked. "This is a Klingon matter, and I think I'm the expert on Klingons among the three of us. I'm not stepping on your plan, but you might take suggestions before you start making plans for an officer you don't outrank."

Fox bit his lip hard, suppressing the urge to place his right foot where Jo’el’s left cheek was.
“The only advantage that you have over me is that you know the station better. I have fought Klingons and I have fought beside them. I was on the front lines of the Dominion War, leading Spec Ops squads on tactical strikes and rescues. I have trained and lead men older than you and watched them die beside me in combat. One person should be in charge but he is dead at the moment and the next obvious choice was me. Since you think you know more than my guest.” Fox swept his hand in the direction they needed to go and thought to himself, ~But...if you get in my way or slow me down and I will leave you behind.~

"That's lovely. Like the old Terran zombie movies where the rugged old bastard tells his Vietnam stories and suddenly everybody follows his lead..."

"That's because it makes sense. The "Old Bastard" is the one that keeps everyone alive thanks to his experience.

< Ops >

Kor'lel stalked the department as he continued to read the sensor reports that were coming through the series of barely operational consoles. He forcefully withdrew his knife from the chest of a fallen officer and looked toward his lieutenant. "Are they dead yet!?!" He demanded more than asked.

"No, they've made it past T'Vark and those on the Promenade, it appears as if they are trying to access environmental controls." the man replied. "They're flooding the station with some sort of gas. They are neutralizing our men throughout the station!" the Lieutenant responded

"Argh!" Kor'lel yelled as he slammed his fist through a table to his left. He stopped momentarily to observe the blood that dripped down from his hand. "I want their hearts ripped through their throats and hung on a wall, but for the time being I will settle for the look of defeat painted all over their root beer-filled faces." Kor'lel stated as he walked back to another console. Fortunately, Starfleet always prepared for the unknown. The only areas that operated on independent environmental systems were Ops, Main Engineering, and the Cargo Bays.

"Deactivate EVERY transporter and turbolift except this one. I am going to Main Engineering to activate the bomb myself." Kor'lel said through a nefarious grin. "The day shall be ours." he said as he activated a console to activate to the Main Promenade viewscreens.

"Humans! Your pitiful plan will unfortunately be your undoing. By the time your Federation arrive to take back this station, there won't be enough pieces left for them to rescue. Your 'ideals' won't save you, and neither can your precious Engineers. History will smile upon the deeds of the Brotherhood." Kor'lel smiled as he raised a breathing mask and held in front of the viewer mockingly before the screen replaced his face with the Federation insignia.

Jo'el frowned with not a small bit of irony. "As I was saying, if they've taken Ops, they know what we're doing already. But at least we don't have to deal with overwhelming numbers for the time being."

“Ok....... Then what is your plan, leader? You do have one....right?” Fox said tauntingly.

Before Jo’el could answer, “ is mine. We get to the transporter and get it back on line. I get some toys from my room and you and I transport to engineering and eliminate what is there and keep this place from blowing up. Moxis will begin transporting Klingons to the secure cargo bay. Engineering should be the primary concern. Is that ok with YOU?” Fox was the new guy on board and was trying not to be overbearing but the Bajoran was really getting on his nerves.

"Toys, that sounds interesting..." Fox replied.

< Main Engineering>

Kor'lel entered Main Engineering and walked to a nearby console and began to obtain a countdown on the bomb. He smiled as he began to think of the tales that would be told of how he led his men to striking a blow to the Federation's cowardice right on the Romulan's doorstep.

"Mk'Val, begin flooding the reactor core with coolant and disable the ejection sequence. When the bomb detonates I want a cataclysmic failure of the containment system so the Matter and Anti-Matter will combine for a GLORIOUS end to this abysmal piece of Human trash!" Kor'lel said with a sense of satisfaction.

Kor'lel looked at the view screen in Engineering and smiled as the countdown continued to decrease. "Today is a good day for Vengeance!" He said aloud.

"You forgot that we're on the holodeck, didn't you Fox?" Jo'el said playfully as he ran another diagnostic.

"Damn, guess I will have to use what I have on me then," Fox replied with disappointment. "It would have been nice."

"Well, I tried to warn you that your quarters on this simulation wouldn't be exactly the way you left them this morning, seeing as they aren't really YOUR quarters..." He was enjoying this a bit much. The smile was hard to contain. He didn't dislike Fox by any means, but the guy was so gruff and by-the-book. Reminded him of another hard ass who ran security back home.

Jo'el heard a metallic squink and nodded to himself. "Excellent. I've rerouted the ops lockout command into a subroutine in the pattern buffer. We can't beam off station, but it'll work for our needs."

"Can you scan Engineering to see how many Klingons are there?"

"Sure thing," Jo'el replied, checking the transporter's sensor grid. Amazingly sensitive equipment, the grid was the only thing the kept matter from rematerializing inside bulkheads. He squirmed a little at the thought of beaming onto a deck to find his legs fused into the floor.

"Fox, we're on the holodeck. If you can't smile and have a little fun on the holodeck, then what are we here for?"

"May I remind you that this is a training program, not a girls night out." Fox said with a straight face. "We need to get to engineering to stop what ever is being done. Train like you fight, fight like you train. After we are done, we can have fun."

"Sounds like you had your share of Dr. Suess books growing up." Jo'el shook his head. "Too much bad stuff happens in the field to not get a little enjoyment out of your work. I've got four Klingons in engineering. One's on the big board, running the other stations by proxy, and the other three are posted in equal increments around the fusion core."

"My suggestion is, Moxis will beam us in, one of us on either side of the Klingon at the board. Odds are he is making bad things happen right there. We take him out together, deal with the other three, then see if we can keep the holodeck from blowing up."

"That I can agree to," Jo'el said eagerly.

Fox and Opaka rematerialized in the shadows. With a quick nod, Jo'el stepped aside to give Fox a clear shot at the Klingon running the main engineering situation table. Jo'el crouched and aimed at the next closest Klingon, anticipating the firefight to come in mere seconds.

Fox reaching over to the top of his back pulled out his favorite weapon that he always carried, his Polly alloy retractable baton. Since his missions years ago it had been upgraded with electrodes at the end cap. If he pushed down hard enough, the force would activate the pressure switch, sending 2.5 million volts to the twin electrodes that would incapacitate most known humanoids, penetrating clothing and light to medium armor. The electric arc would interrupt electric nerve pulses from the brain and would normally incapacitate the victim if not render them unconscious.

Fox pressed the end of his baton down hard on the shoulder of the Klingon. The sound of the electric arc was silent since it was muffled by the Klingon's body. The Klingon went ridged and then limp once Fox released the pressure. He caught the unconscious body and eased it to the floor so he wouldn’t make noise.

Fox looked toward Opaka as he knelt down with the body. He motioned at the phaser and shook his head no. Hoping that Opaka would remember that the phasers were not working. He then pointed to his sword.

"Hj'Tov! Deactivate life-support in the outer habitat ring!" Kor'lel ordered from the inner ring of the department. Several seconds went by without so much as an acknowledgment. "Hj'Tov!" Kor'lel yelled with indignation. Insubordination was an offense whose price could only be met with the currency of death he thought as he withdrew his blade and stalked to go find the other individual.

Jo'el withdrew his katana and continued to crouch as footsteps closed on the station. The young lieutenant looked for Fox, who had disappeared after lowering the unconscious soldier to the deck. Soon the form of another warrior appeared, seeking out his comrade. Jo'el decided stealth was still the best plan; there were still two more where this one came from.

As Kor'lel walked around the console, he noticed Hj'Tov was absent but his console was still activated. Before he could hit his comm unit he saw the form of Jo'el rising within his peripheral vision. He immediately swiped in a short arc to his right side, scraping the officer's arm before he turned and readied himself.

"Ahh. . . I'll enjoy hearing the sound of glass tearing through your flesh as I slam your face through that console." He said tauntingly.

The Bajoran scoffed as he adjusted his footing for full-on combat. "Not this week." He parried a shot from the bat'leth and kicked his opponent in his ribs. Kor'lel bounced off the bulkhead and pressed Jo'el against the station. The katana was the only thing keeping the Klingon's blade from sinking into his skin.

Measuring his options, Jo'el brought his right boot up and slammed it down sideways into Kor'lel's left knee. He heard a satisfying crack as the soldier stumbled away. As the Klingon turned back, limping and attacking again, Jo'el threw his katana at his opponent's shoulder like a javellin, watching it drive halfway to the hilt. He jumped at Kor'lel, driving the sword home with a dropkick. Once his aggressor was on the deck, Jo'el withdrew his sword. He staggered back to his corner to check himself for injuries, hoping to see Fox before another Klingon emerged.

Kor'lel spat blood from his mouth and he climbed to one knee and began to inch towards his blade. His laugh came out of his throat in a hoarse and gurgled manner as blood began to fill his mouth. "Kill me now, then you'll be free to watch this station tear itself apart in an explosion that will be seen from every cowardly-cloaked vessel throughout the Neutral Zone." he said with a blood-soaked grin.

Jo'el kicked the blade aside and grabbed a fistful of the Klingon's hair. "Explain. Now."

He spat at the Bajoran "ghuy'cha'!"

Jo'el responded by digging the heel of his boot into Kor'lel's shoulder. "Tell me what I want to know..."

He scowled up at Jo'el defiantly.

Jo'el stood up, leaving purple and pink footprints between the wounded and the engineering console. He routed several commands into the transporter grid and held one hand over a key as he looked back down.

"I have just entered a program into this transporter that will beam you into a stasis chamber in the sick bay. From there your will be transported to an escape pod. You will drift, in stasis, from here until eternity. No honorable death, no StoVoKor, and no glory. That is your destiny unless you tell me what I want to know."

Fox silently moved towards the unsuspecting Klingon, now being the hunter. He slowly moved his left arm up to his back at the base of his neck where he retrieved his second baton. He figured now would be a good a time as any to start having fun. Fox recently began to study stick fighting, more specifically, duel wielding sticks or “Double Baston or Sinawali" in the Filipino language.

Now would be a good time to practice. He held both batons in front of him and pushed the button to make them expand at the same time. Each extended to twenty four inches with a metallic twang. The Klingon turning at the noise was caught off guard. Fox began to hit the Klingon as if playing a set of drums (Percussion instruments). He began on the upper torso area, working his way to each arm then the legs. After what seemed to be a minute of seeing the Klingon jerked from the continuous impact of the baton blows, Fox jumped sending his right foot to contact the Klingon’s face on the left side. With a loud thud, the Klingon went somersaulting to the floor, unconscious.

"How many that does that leave, 3 by my reckoning." He nodded to himself as he slipped the weapons back into his pocket. "I do believe we are proving our worth now." He said, but not before a disruptor fired and he felt the surge of power running through his body as he fell to the floor, before darkness enveloped his consciousnesses, he managed to curse himself for not relinquishing the Klingon of his weapon and sighing heavily as he shot a glance of regret to Jo'el as his body fell to the ground with a resounding groan and the flat surface echoed the resounding thud as his skull fell upon the cold surface.

"What the kosst?" Jo'el said as red splattered his boots and trousers.

"COMPUTER! END SIMULATION!" Gabriel said as he witnessed a disruptor discharge despite the dampeners that were put in place.

The surrounding environment of Engineering dissolved into nothingness leaving only the four officers within the black and gold grid. "This wasn't supposed to happen!" Gabriel shouted rhetorically as he knelled over Fox's body.

*Taps* "Security to Sickbay! Emergency beam-out from Holodeck 4 directly to sickbay!" He shouted as he examined the fatal wound.


Lt. Cmdr.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Lieutenant Derick Fox (Now retired)
Continued by Tasha

Brian Moxis
Security Officer

Lt. j.g. Opaka Jo'el