Interlude – Touching Base
by Commander Richard Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Touching Base
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Thu Jun 17, 2010 @ 10:43am
Location   Security Office Complex
Timeline   After 'Acceptance'

After his time with the XO, discussing his new position as acting CAG, and effectively taking over the Starfighter wing Department and making his way back to his office, Dunham decided to make a little detour, to touch base with the Chief of Security, to discuss if he needed anything from Starfighter wing. He entered the domain of the security offices and walked up to the Security officer at the main desk. "Good Day, I was wondering if I could speak with Lieutenant Commander Gabriel, I'm sorry I don't have an appointment. My name is Richard Dunham."

Alexia raised her eyebrow and looked the officer up and down. "He rarely sees people without appointments" she replied. "But you could just happen in there and see if you get shot at or not?" she smirked, wondering if Dunham would take her seriously and leave, or try anyway. Gabriel was in a reasonably good mood, so there wasn't really any actual risk this time or she wouldn't have sent the pilot in but he wasn't to know this.

The secretary/administrator raised the perfect blonde eyebrow again as Dunham walked in anyway and she looked back at her screen without allowing the fact that she was impressed, to be noticed.

Gabriel raised his phaser and lined up his target. Held his hand steady as he waited for the target to move into the sufficient position. It began to move slightly to the right, but Gabriel anticipated the movement and aimed his phaser slightly ahead of the target, compensating for the movement. The shot lanced across the range and disintegrate the target within moments.

"Nice shooting sir" said Dunham from the doorway of the firing range. He lean't on the door frame casually arm's folded, waiting for permission to enter the chief of securities domain, "Got a moment for a quick chat sir?"

"Yes, very quick, Lieutenant." Gabriel replied as he stepped to the side and allowed Lieutenant Trellis prepare his shot. The Trill assumed the firing position and began to take aim with precision.

"Up stairs just made me acting CAG. So I was wandering if there is anything I can do for you sir?"

Both security officers looked up at the man.

"Congratulations, Lieutenant, that is wonderful to hear. I'm sure you will do a fine job in that capacity." Trellis responded in a cheerful manner.

Gabriel on the other hand was less enthusiastic. "So the reports are true that the Romulan was thrown out like processed trash." He replied with the slightest sense of satisfaction.

"Now that you mention it, there is a concern that I have had for a long time." He said as he placed his weapon onto the table and allowed Trellis to continue the training session.

"The Romulans, Klingons, and Cardassians all have received an influx of new staff and support craft in the past several weeks. So far they have managed to maintain a low profile outside of the station and I don't have jurisdiction to conduct a proper investigation inside of their embassy." He said.

"However, I will not have them build their own private little armies within our own space. I never trusted Monteros to put the needs of the Federation above that of her own kind. However, I have more confidence in your abilities." He said reassuringly.

Dunham decided to let the comment on his friend slide, Gabriel was his superior officer, and it was not his place to argue semantics with him. "Yes sir"

"What I'm asking, Lieutenant, is for you to direct your squadron to increase its patrol within certain "areas" of the station's parameter in regards to the alien governments. I want them to know that we are observing them and will not allow them to conduct their own proxy wars at our expense." he said.

Dunham nodded in agreement, that pretty much went with what the XO wanted. "I can have eyes in the sky in those area around the clock."

"Very well Lieutenant, I have the utmost confidence in your ability to remember who's side you are on, unlike your predecessor." He said coldly.

Dunham bit has tongue back determined not speak back to a superior officer, "Yes sir, thank you sir."

"Very well, unless there is anything else you need?" He asked as he picked up his weapon again and aimed at the target.

"No Sir" said Dunham with a smart nod, and dismissed himself.


A JP Between:

Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Si'lar Trellis
Assistant Chief of Security (NPC'd by Thom)

Ensign Alexia Jackson
Assigned to Security Dept (NPC'd by Jools)

Lt Richard Dunham