Intermission – Frustration Sets In
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   Frustration Sets In
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Tue Nov 05, 2013 @ 9:48pm
Location   Executive Officer's outer office
Timeline   SD 73 - Immediately after "Lizards, and Trill and Borg ... Oh my"

"Well, she was rather unpleasant. That being said, please go ahead and arrange quarters for me. Something spacious and with a view, if you would."

It was painfully obvious that Drant was either oblivious about the discussion that had just transpired with Commander Viliers, or he was choosing to ignore it. Either option had Steve fuming.

Turning on his heel as soon as he heard the door to the inner office close, Wyman clenched his eyes shut and balled his fists in an attempt to contain his growing frustration. "Petty Officer, give us the room please."

Karen's yeoman looked at the engineer like he had a screw loose. "I beg your pardon, sir?" he asked, as if Wyman had some unmitigated gall to dare give him an order.

The anger starting to bubble over, Steve shot a death glare over his shoulder, "I should not have to repeat myself, Petty Officer - find something to do in another room for the next five minutes. Did I make myself clear?"

Swallowing hard, the younger man rose from behind his desk, "Y-yes, sir." Clearly the career paper-pusher wasn't accustomed to being bossed around.

Steve was a long way from caring what the non-com thought of him as he turned himself back on Drant. "Do you have even the slightest idea what an ass you made of yourself? How bad you made me look before my superior officer? Do you even care, you self-centered egomaniac?"

Blinking incredulously, Drant clasped his hands behind his back and regarded Steve for a moment. "Now is that any way to speak to a superior officer?"

"I'm not talking to a superior officer - just a higher ranking one! And for that matter, have you failed to realize that your rank is pretty much honorary? That Starfleet gave it to you for being a good boy and not escaping back to Zarn with whatever secrets you have squirreled away? If you were a real major, Ensign Rhe'la wouldn't have standing authority to give you orders!" Wyman yelled, his face going beet red.

"Are you quite done with your little tantrum, Lieutenant?" Drant asked flatly, narrowing his eyes at the gesticulating engineer.

Before Wyman could say anything else, the tirade was interrupted by a slow clapping sound. "Thank you, Steven, for saying what everyone who has ever met him has been thinking." Sharas remarked, the hint of a smirk in the corner of his mouth.

"It had to be said, Commander! And for your information Drant - I am done! I'm done dealing with you! I've had all I can stand of your antics! I have a family and a department that need me, and I don't have time to waste in a foolish attempt to get you to act like a reasonable being!" Steve almost seemed to calm down a bit after that. Before Drant could throw any more fuel on the fire, Steve turned and headed for the turbolift. "Commander, he's all yours. Having the patience to deal with this megalomaniac is clearly above my pay grade."

The Andorian and the Zarnac just watched as Wyman boarded the turbolift, called for it to take him to engineering, and departed. "I wonder what got into him?" Drant muttered as the yeoman returned from his "break."

Looking from Drant to the turbolift and back again, P'Trell simply dead panned, "And I doubt you ever will."

Lt. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer

also starring

Lt. Cmdr. Sharas P'Trell (NPC)
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Cavalry

Provisional Major Drant, Son of the Twenty-forth House (NPC)
Starfleet Intelligence