Judgement – Honeymooners - Part Two
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Honeymooners - Part Two
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Wed Aug 24, 2011 @ 4:29pm
Location   Un-named Planet
Timeline   later on SD39

Several hours later Chelsea was inside the *kitchen* of the luxury tent, preparing an elaborate and sumptuous meal with the help of some local fruit and the replicator.

When it was all ready and laid out on the table, she called to Rick who had returned to his *whatsitsface* to try to get the sand out of it, grumbling as he tipped it upside down and tutted.

"Never mind babe... come and eat?" His wife called.

"You do realize we needed that part of the ship to get home right?" he said a little grumpily placing the part down by his plate, but then cheering up when he saw what they were having for dinner.

"The longer it takes you to fix it, the longer before we have to get back!" she countered, more concerned with the Hasperat soufle's refusal to rise than with his tinkering.

"You put in the flight plan right? So if this bucket of bolts doesn't make it home someone will come looking for us in the end." she shrugged.

They sat down and began their meal. After a while of normal conversation, Chelsea went a little bit quiet and thoughtful.

"Rick.....?" she asked, quizically. "Can I ask you something personal?"

"Always" he said with a smile.

"I was just wondering if ....... do you remember losing your virginity? Does it *mean* as much to men as it does to women? I mean, do you ever think of whoever she was?" Chelsea's soft semi-Bajoran ridges creased together as they did when she was serious or sad.

Rick put down his knife and fork. Leaning back in his chair he scratched the stubble on his chin. He remembered that it had been a mix of Romance, lust and awkwardness when he had lost it....."I do remember when I lost my virginity. And I remember it being a very special if a little quick occasion."

"But do you remember *her*.... do you sometimes have moments when you think of her... not as a big deal that makes you sad or anything... i just mean do you think of that particular person more fondly or more often than others who you loved and lost, later.... or do you never think of her at all?" she elaborated on what she wanted to know, revealing a lot more than she meant to about how *she* felt.

Rick smiled warmly and put a reassuring hand on hers "I do think of her, and she has a special place in my heart, and that special place carries both sadness and fondness"

"That's really nice. I remember the person I.... he was a pilot too...." she said lost in thought. "I really thought I'd love him forever.... for ages.... but I havene't thought about him since I met you... not until now... I don't know why I'm suddenly telling you this... I really don't... I wonder what brought it back to me."

Rick was shaking his head in mild disbelief, he had a baffled and happy expression on his face. "The universe is weird and wonderful place.....she was a doctor....the girl who I lost...well you kno" he blushed slightly.

"What are we like?" Chelsea laughed. "You fell for a doctor? And I fell for a pilot?? How are the odds against that?"

"yeah...." said Rick reminiscently "It was a long long time ago though. Back in my academy days."

"Mine too" Chelsea smiled. "I was in my last year..... we were on a mission and we nearly didn't make it home....."

Rick laughed like their shared similar history was some sort of in joke "I met mine on mission to. Had to fly her to a rendezvous"

"I know.. " she laughed too. "But I bet yours didn't break down on the way back?"

Rick smiled and shook his head with a giggle. "Break down....no. More like sabotage! that woman was a menace around technology."

"I'm not all that good around technology either you know." Chelsea looked a bit hurt. "And you know, I think all pilots must be the same.. because you sound JUST like Henry!" she pouted.

Ricks jaw literally hit the surface of the table he was sitting at. His mouth mouthed the words 'Oh my god' extremely over exaggeratedly. He was struck dumb in silence for a moment before saying "And you're Carisel......"

"NOOOO!" she was equally stunned. "It can't be possible? What sort of baby was it?" she asked, incredulously, trying to find a reason how this could be a mistake.

"Klingon, Romulan, Human hybrid with very sharp teeth!" said Rick Incredulously, subconsciously rubbing his finger.

Chelsea had to smirk. "That was your own fault for putting it in his mouth.... and he loved you to bits!" her smirk faded to a sad look before she said. "like i did. I can't believe this... Rick did I tell you about this and you're teasing me?" she asked in all seriousness wondering if he was joking with her.

Rick shook his head calmly "No we have never spoken of this before......why would we have brought it up? The Mission was classified." his hand squeezed around hers, and he marveled at the tapestry of the universe.

"The mission was but what happened on the *Constitution* wasn't. Except to us I guess, since we were still in disguise. And by the way, I haven't forgiven you for making me fire that beacon and then lettint me think I'd killed you." she dug an elbow into his ribs in vengence.

"What happened on the USS Constitution was, amazing...and brilliant and so very special. But we both knew that it could only be the one time; that day. As we had to hide our identities from each other, and i don't know about you but i was a naive starfleet cadet who was all about duty honor and doing what i was told." He shrugged and smiled "as for the beacon.....well.....that was totally worth it. "

He won himself another dig in the ribs but this time Chelsea followed up with the mandatory glass of water and another wrestling match.

In one fluid motion of strength Rick lifted Chelsea up by the waist, slung her over his shoulder, carried her out of the tent through much protest, then walked into the sea then promptly dropped her in the tropical water.

She came up spluttering, her long dark tresses swimming around her like a mermaid. "ALL ABOUT DUTY AND HONOUR??" she choked.

He smiled kneeling down in the water in front of her "Well now i only honour you my wife."

Chelsea wiped the water from her face, flicked back her dripping hair and smirked back at him. "Lucky you're SOOO handsome when you're wet!" she leaned forward, raised his chin with one hand tenderly and kissed him on the lips. Simultaneaously dumping a handful of wet sand she'd grabbed from the bottom onto the top of his head. The little soggy mush slithered down into his hair and dripped viscously onto his back with a soft thwup. "and THAT was so worth it too, you big bully!" she laughed, attempting to make a run for it but with NO intention at all of escaping.


Commander Chelsea Dunham
Second Officer/Chief Medical Officer


Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham
CAG Squadron Leader