Unity – The Second Treaty of Versailles?
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   The Second Treaty of Versailles?
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Sat Jan 09, 2010 @ 8:27am
Location   Outside Natrina's Bar - Promenade Deck
Timeline   SB16 ...lunchtime

Chelsea stood there like a child whose lollipop had been snatched by a passing bully.

Ryan shifted slightly, unprepared for her reaction although perhaps he shouldn't have been. He knew she had moved on in terms of her heart but he hadn't considered that she might still be attached in other ways.

He put on his best cheery smile and punched her gently and playfully on the upper arm. "Come on, you don't have to pretend! I *know* you'd be glad to see the back of me if I actually *left* DS5..... " Chelsea's yelp of protest at the very idea, almost cut him off mid-sentence but he laughed and held up his hands as if in surrender.

"Woah! I'm not... ok? I'm not leaving the station, so chill, right?" His eyes pleaded with her even though his face still wore the cheerful front. He looked at Rick and then back at Chelsea before he continued.

"Both of you, I'm really happy you two are so good together. And you are, you're really amazing together; we can all see that. I'm really happy with Nora too and I really love the dancing. The only thing that I really am having problems with, is my career. I've kinda lost my Muse with medicine right now. All I want to do is dance."

Chelsea frowned but her face held compassion rather than anything else. "Can you not still do both?" she asked, hopefully.

"No babe, I'm doing neither at the moment. Well, actually I AM doing both but badly because I'm half-doing everything. I need some time to get my head together. I want to visit Bajor and find out more about my dad..... " he explained.

"... is that wise?" Chelsea looked alarmed at the mention of Ryan's infamous father. "I remember how you reacted when you found out who he really was." She did remember, vividly; he had really hurt himself.

"I know Chels but since then I've had time to think about it. There are two sides to every story and I want to know *his* side of it. Is that bad?" he asked, genuinely looking for her approval, knowing all the details as she did.

"No" she shook her head softly, the compassionate expression returning. "No, Ry, it isn't bad. But it *is* risky. What if he had no excuse and you're stuck with knowing the worst about him? Wouldn't it be better to live with the possibility he could have had reasons to do what he did, but to never know for sure either way? At least that way you can still have hope?" she offered.

Ryan looked at Rick. "I found out recently my dad was .... " he began to explain but stopped finding this hard to describe. "well, knowing Bajoran history you could probably guess if I just simply said he was responsible for the deaths of literally hundreds of his own race." He began to falter and Chelsea moved towards him supportively.

"It's okay" he reassured her, smiling softly. "Nora has some wonderful theories on why people walk the paths of fate that are allocated to them.... and we've done a lot of research on the Prophets and beliefs lately too. We'll be fine and we're even talking about marriage and kids too."

Chelsea found herself dealing with mixed feelings on Ryan's new independence from her support. She was uncomfortable to relinquish her role as his confidante too. They had been not only lovers but best-friends as well and whilst she was settled and happy with the idea that the former had moved on for them both, she was reluctant to find herself replaced as his best-friend.

However, it was to be expected as, like it or not, they had both changed and now had less in common. Ryan seemed to be reaching around his life and connections trying to find his own path and identity. His old self had taken a complete implosion on learning that he was not only half-Bajoran and had never been allowed to know until he had found out by accident that he had been surgically altered as a child to get him safely away, but then to discover his 'real' father was infamous and hated.

These had been life-shattering discoveries for the CMO and now that he had found himself more and more drawn away from his career choice and towards a natural talent that again had been a surprise to discover, it seemed that Ryan Milarno was starting from scratch with finding out who he really was.

Chelsea knew all this and understood completely. Ryan could see from her face that she did. She reached out her fingers towards his hand and he took them, squeezed them and flicked a tear from beneath one of her eyes. "Don't start" he said softly smiling at her. "You're such a softie!"

She looked at him and did her best to smile.

"I'm just taking a couple of weeks leave and then I'll be back. I'm hoping to go onto light duties until I'm settled and I need you to understand and help me do this. Can you do that for me, as my friend, Chels?" He asked her.

Chelsea swallowed hard. "Ryan, I promise on Rick's life, I will always be your friend. You will never lose that. It doesn't matter if you turn out to be Gul Du'Kat himself, altered and with your memory wiped....."

Ryan looked horrified at the thought but laughed. "By the Prophets Chels... steady!!!"

Dunham held his hands high above his head like a prisoner of war. "Bloody hell I think the treaty of Versailles was less complicated then this!"

She grinned sheepishly "Ok, but worse case scenario, right?"

Rick and Ryan both grinned back. Ryan said "Just remember, if I *am* a Cardassian Gul, it'll probably turn out you're genetically modified too!"

Chelsea shook her head in denial but shot a look at Rick. She was sure he'd be happy to confirm *that* particular suspicion had occurred to him once or twice too.


A jp between

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

Lt Cmdr Chelsea Adams

and Npc:
Lt. Ryan Milarno
(played by Jools with Dayne's kind permission)