Beg, Steal or Borrow – A New Day
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Chris Morgans

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Title   A New Day
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Chris Morgans
Posted   Sun Jul 05, 2009 @ 12:53am
Location   Administration Offices
Timeline   SD9 08:30 (Before 'Making New Friends' Post)

Chief Warrant Officer (2nd Class) Mercedes Denoublier woke under a large oak tree in the arboretum and stretched herself stiffly. She stood up, attempted to tidy her hair and hurried back to her quarters. Once safely inside she risked a look in the mirror at her dishevelled appearance, tear-stained cheeks, tousled hair and creased clothing. She shivered at what she saw.

~I do hope no-one I know saw me coming back!~ she thought with dread. Discarding her clothes she stepped straight into the sonic shower. Once clean, she dried and tidied her hair and face, recycled her uniform, replicated a fresh one and set off towards the promenade. At her and Bryan's favourite take-away cafe she stopped for a bag with some croissants and fruit in it and took it to the office.

Missing Bryan who was always here ahead of her every morning, she put the food aside, the lump in her throat stopping her wanting to eat. Last night she had felt that he had *sent her away*.

Actually, the *real* reason Bryan had asked Mercy to go and rest was the clearly visible fact that she desperately needed to and also to ease her off a little from her guilt-ridden fussing over him in her own belief that his injuries were her fault.

This morning she was calmer and could see things more clearly. She was embarrassed at having taken this as a rejection and was hoping that if she gave him some space today, she could make some amends that way. She didn't know how long she could hold out before she *had* to check how he was but she would do her best.

Settling down to some of the mountain of padds and incoming requests for supplies, tools and materials she separated them into the types of requests they were. Requisitions for supplies on one pile, for services on another and for onward transmission for approval or initiation by other departments in another. Just as she was starting a fourth pile for disposal and recycling matters, the door opened and a man walked into the office.

This was usually the mundane part of the job except that the attack had added an extra dimension of chaos. Chris entered scanning the room looking for anything out of the ordinary.

He found it in Chief Warrant Officer Mercedes Denoublier's eyes. The raw emotion spilling from her.

Mercy looked up and wondered at first who he was. "Can I help you?" was the standard question in a situation like this, so she simply asked it.

'Hi. I'm Chris, Chris Morgans. I've got the latest passenger manifests for the last two days and wel...I just wanted to make sure someone got them on time'.

Lame. Lame. Lame. Hi. I'm Chris...ugh. This was stupid and it was all probably nothing anyway.

'Um, here.'

Clumsily he placed the data pads on the table next to the Officer wincing as they spilled to the floor. He looked down at them and then back into her eyes, seeing his own ghosts reflected in them.

'I...uh...I'll leave you to it.'

Red faced, Chris spun around and rushed out.

Mercy stood up and went round the desk to pick up the padds. ~Awww~ she thought, sympathising with the situation Chris had been in. ~That's the sort of thing that usually happens the other way round with me. *I* am usually the one who drops things and gets embarassed. I must make a personal note to be nice to him in the future... what did he say his name was? Chris? ~

Feeling less uncomfortable herself now, Mercy flicked her comm badge to get an update on Bryan and, happy to hear he was getting on well, declined to leave him any message and returned to her work, attempting to make sure she didn't get too far behind without him.

~I'll never hear the end of it if he can say I couldn't cope without him. I wish that guy, Chris had stayed. I could've done with the help. Maybe he'll come back? Who knows?" she thought.


A joint post between :

CWO 2 Mercedes Denoublier
Administrative Assistant - DS5


Chris Morgans
Administrations Cleric