Beg, Steal or Borrow – Following Protocol
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Following Protocol
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Jan 10, 2009 @ 10:09pm
Location   Starfleet Command
Timeline   2 weeks before SD6

At 44 years old, Commander David Davies was again packing bags to jump into the breech of commanding a ship where he didnt know any officers, crew or civilians aboard. He was used to it though, he relished each command with the joy of any new command.
He had been offered his own command many times, each time refusing to make that final leap to have his own ship. He was happier handing back a ship after each mission and heading for home to relax in the company of his wife, Gwyneth, in the heart of the Welsh Valleys far away from the stresses of Starfleet.
As the call from the Admiral, he was fastening the latches on his case. He tapped at the view screen.

"Commander David Davies. Good evening Admiral." He replied in his broad Welsh accent, taking a seat at the large unpolished natural wood desk.

"Commander, I hope your ready for your next assignment. I can now inform you that your heading to Deep Space 5. Captain Tasha Tahir will be recalled to Earth and we have decided that you should take the new Oberth Class, yet to be designated with a name. That honour will fall to the station. It is currently in final preparation in the New San Francisco shipyard on Mars and will be ready for you tomorrow morning."

"Thank you sir." He hid his hatred of space stations. Sitting targets for all and sundry was the way he felt about them. All power and no grunt. "I am ready to depart and I have my orders." David informed the Admiral.

"Excellent. I am sure you will find DS5 a challenge, not your usual run of the mill station. She has just finished repairs after the Boaoran incident and a low profile must be kept whilst we try to restore diplomatic channels with the Boaoran hierarchy. I am sure I do not need to go into details." The Admiral tilted his head forward, emphasising the need for a restitution on the station and the surrounding area.

"No sir. I understand. If I may, when will Captain Tahir be advised of my arrival?" David asked knowing that in most cases, ships commanders were rarely informed.

"She will not be. We will issue an order for her to return to Earth before you are due to arrive. She will not be informed of any change of command and I am sure she assume that the station will fall to her XO. You are reminded Commander, that you are only in command as a stop gap. Keep the homefire burning as you would say." The Admiral flickered a smile.

David grinned. Admiral Dougherty and he had known each other for a number of years and he knew when he was not expected to ask a question.
"Aye sir. Understood." He responded. "I will keep the station warm for her."

"Very good. Starfleet command out." And the viewscreen emblazoned the standard Fleet symbol.

"Ask no questions, told no lies." David said aloud, as he pushed the chair away from beneath him and made his way back to his case and donning the thick black overcoat from besides it as he headed out into the chill of the night, heading for the shuttle to Mars.


Commander David Davies
Played by Tasha