Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Confessions, Part 1
by Commander Rakka & Lieutenant JG Jonathan Riley

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Title   Confessions, Part 1
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Commander Rakka & Lieutenant JG Jonathan Riley
Posted   Mon Jan 05, 2009 @ 10:35pm
Location   Riley's Quarters
Timeline   SD 3 - 2030 hrs. (Backpost)
Rakka had a thousand things on her mind, but now that she had finally found a few moments between meetings, only one came to the forefront.

She used her security clearance to get into Riley's quarters and stepped in. She held onto the wall for balance, overwhelmed at how much the whole place was filled with the smell of him. She hadn't realized until now just how familiar that smell had become. Now this was going to be the last of it.

She went to his couch and picked up a pillow. Pressing it to her face, she breathed it in. It was amazing how much he felt nearby in that moment.

She glanced around at his untidy dwelling and her eyes rested on the Roman centurion garb he wore during one of his favourite holodeck programs. Tenderly she picked up the helmet, deciding right then that she would keep it. There was a bare corner of her office that could use a nice showpiece, and she felt it was an appropriate object to honour his memory.

Now, focusing on what she came for, Rakka sat down at his computer.

"Computer, play Lt. Riley's most recent personal log." She quoted her authorization code and waited.

The computer replied back to Rakka with the familiar annoyances. "Please specify log,"

"I thought I did!" Rakka muttered. "Fine, play... the first log."

A portrait of Riley came up on the view screen, "Cadet Riley, personal log. I can't even begin to explain what a crazy first day it's been. I didn't even make it to the station before I had Cardassian pirates hijack and destroy the transport I had hitched a ride on,"

"Computer, stop log," Rakka sighed. She wasn't looking for a play-by-play of everything that had happened to Riley from day one. So what was she looking for. "Computer... play portions of any log that mentions my name," she said.

The computer chirped and replied with her request. "Search complete, first log entry pertaining to Rakka, Lieutenant Commander," The screen changed to a clean looking Riley, rested and pulling his shirt over as he prepared for duty.

"I came face to face with this Nausicaan today. In a fast second I was her subordinate transferred over from Engineering to Security. What the hell do I know about the Security Department? I don't know....there's definitely something...about this Commander Rakka. I'm looking forward to helping her develop her sense of humor," he said as the log completed.

"End of log," The computer chirped. "Second log entry pertaining to Rakka, Lieutenant Commander," the screen glowed again with a bruised faced Riley.

"I swear, every time I see Rakka, I'm in the infirmary before or after our meeting. I'm starting to think she's got a thing for me, hahaha, man yeah right. Her and every other female on this station I'm sure. I certainly had an interesting time with her in the Holo-Suite....Well that's how I got this lump on my head anyways," the log ended.

"End of log," The computer chirped. "Final log entry pertaining to Rakka, Lieutenant Commander," the screen lit up once more.

"I think I love her, I have to tell her. That damn Cardassian woman couldn't just stay away from me, now I've lost all hope of a shot with Rakka. I'm going to get her to realize what she means to me, even if it kills me. I just hope I'm not out of time," The log ended abruptly.

"End of log," The computer chirped. "End of logs pertaining to Rakka, Lieutenant Commander," The screen darkened.

Rakka let out a long breath. It felt like all her insides were melting into a hot liquid and draining straight down to her feet. Was she just overtired, and hearing nonsense?

"Computer... play that last one again," she mumbled.

She listened to Riley's last words, and then listened to them again, and again. There was no mistaking what he said.

"Riley?" she called out helplessly, as if he were right in front of her and could give her some answers. Finally, she lay her head down on the desk and shut her eyes, trying to come to terms with what she had just heard. She could not understand it any more than she could respond to it.

After a few minutes, she lifted her head and looked down at the pool of tears she had left behind.

"I guess we both left things unsaid," she whispered. "No wonder you never liked yInchu'." She rested her forehead in her cupped hands. "You should have said something!" she cried out. "I would have left him!"

She heard the words coming out of her own mouth and only then realized how true they were.

She left his desk and lay back on his couch, grieving and pondering what might have been.

After several minutes, she picked herself up and went back to work. She started shuffling through his desk drawers, looking for anything important. Rakka wasn't sure Riley would have a will, but he might at least have something somewhere that would give a clue as to what he would want her to do at a time like this.

She found a stash of isolinear chips containing his personal holodeck programs and briefly glanced through them. One was labelled, "RAKKA".

"Might as well," she decided, pocketing the chip and sealing Riley's quarters, heading off to the nearest holodeck facilities.


Lt. Cdr. Rakka (rather flattered)


Lt. JG Jonathan Riley (from beyond the grave!)