Judgement – Revenge of those forgotten
by Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Ensign Addison Falkland & Ambassador Cala Lurn

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Title   Revenge of those forgotten
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Ensign Addison Falkland & Ambassador Cala Lurn
Posted   Thu Dec 22, 2011 @ 8:41pm
Location   Docking bay?
Timeline   SD40 01:00


Mathew sat back in his chair as a reminder about the departing of Ambassador Sel'ia flashed on his screen. He knew the same would be happening in Captain Tahir's office.
=^= Totti to security. Are all the arrangements in place for the departing of Sel'ia?=^=
Mathew knew with the tense political situation on Feltor that Sel'ia is a prime target for political extremists.

=^= "This Lieutenant Potter, down here in Docking Bay 12. I have men placed at all entrances into the main corridor for the Bay. I've even had OPS clear all traffic from this area so we won't have anybody 'accidently' passing by. My men are ready whenever you ready to depart." =^= The officer said as he reviewed a briefing on the upcoming event.


Captain Tahir was in the guest accommodation with the crew from the Horatio when her comm signalled a waiting message. She excused herself from the Captain, Paul Buckley and tapped on the nearest console, entering her code. The signal informed her the Feltian Ambassador was soon to depart.
She excused herself and made her way to the Docking bay and the Ambassadors shuttle.

Mathew and Addison arrived at Sel'ia's quarters where two security guards stood watch on opposing sides of the door. He nodded to the closer of the two and proceeded to chime the doorbell.

Sel'ia had all her things packed and was ready to go back home to her people. She was grateful that the Federation had helped her and was still going to help her when she arrives back home. She heard her chime and she stated, "Enter."

Mathew entered and began to speak in a very formal manner "Greetings Ambassador. Your ship is docked and ready to depart on time. I'm here to escort you to the docking bay where Captain Tahir and I will see you off."

"Greetings Lieutenant. I'm all packed and ready to go. I would like to thank you so much for being ever so kind and helpful to me," she stated moving closer to him, "I look forward to working with you with the array and stabilization of our Government ."

Totti smiled and began to speak again though this time more informally "You're very welcome Ambassador. I too look forward to helping you and your people. I will be leading the attachment to Feltor Prime and I will certainly be dealing with you again."
He looked towards Sel'ia's bags "Lets get going. I will get one of the security officers to bring your bags."

Totti and Sel'ia exited the V.I.P quarters. Totti eyed one of the guards "Ensign, please bring the Ambassador's bags. Lieutenant you walk ahead."

The Ensign nodded as he reached the the bags belonging to the Ambassador and began to following the others.

Addison considered it a privilege of her station to be able to escort any Ambassador or senior ranking diplomatic official. She smiled at Ambassador Selia as she followed her chief's directions.

- A short time later-

The Captain broke into a sprint in an attempt to catch up with the small congregation that had already began to make their way to the umbilical link to the Feltorn Ambassadors craft.
"Wait!" She yelled.

Selia stopped were she stood as she heard some one stated Wait. She slowly turned around and smiled softly as the Captain caught up to them. "Captain is there something I can do for you or do you wish as well to see me off," she stated cheerfully to the head of the Station.

Mathew stood with Cala and Addisson. Two of his favourite and most trusted people on the station. Cala was in the middle of the trio and contrasted the two purple diplomatic outfits that were flanking her.

Totti glanced at the two Feltian guards at the diplomatic ships entry point, who were standing on either side. It was only then when he looked back at the floor in thought that lowered his mental guard against casual thoughts. A chill ran up his spine.

Lt. Potter watched the sudden congregation outside of the vessel. ~Why are they stopping? Chit-chat INSIDE the vessel~ He thought to himself. He liked for travel assignments such as this to go smoothly from point A to point B, less time for the *unknown* to take place.

Tasha was only a few feet away and was about to respond......

Selia walked up to the Captain and stated, "Please Captain catch your breath. I don't wish for you to pass out on me know." Then she giggled slightly.

Tasha eased a smile to Selia finding it enlightening to hear a giggle and held forth her hand. "I'll try not to, unfortunately, I should use site to site transport more often." She admitted as she gripped Selias hand bidding her a good journey.

Cala walked up next to the other Ambassador and asked, "Captain what is it sir." Concern rolled on her face deeply wondering why the Captain wish to join them.

Tasha cocked her head slightly. "Is what?" She enquired politely.

"Well the report stated you weren't coming. That you were busy, sir," Cala stated, "But if you changed your mind then great. More the merry I always say."

Tasha gave a single nod as the small party made their way along the umbilical to the Feltian shuttle.

A faint familiar computer clink was heard from inside the shuttle that stopped the Star Fleet party but Selia continued on as if unaware. A blue light flashed inside the shuttle and station alarms began to ring.

The lights dimmed slightly and the computer spoke monotonously -Intruder alert! Intruder alert- As this happened several stealth suited Feltians burst from the shuttle with the unmasked leader grabbing Selia.

Mathew's already shocked face turned to one of horror. He recognized the leader, it was Civaal. Her hatred and excitement radiated in the air.

Civaal pushed Selia back into the arms of one of her men. She glared at Totti with teeth born, then she eyed the Captain and began in a harsh tone spoken almost through her teeth "Tasha I presume? Give me Lieutenant Totti or...." She looked over at a terrified Selia cruelly. "I will kill the ambassador leading to no peace on Feltor."

Selia was bewildered the entire time this was happening. She screamed for help and tried to fight her way out of this situation but nothing helped. Two males were holding her and she had a terrified look upon her face.

Cala jumped into action when the Felines jumped out of the shuttle pod. As they were pulling the Ambassador away, Cala tried her best to make her way to her but a fully grown male Feline came face to face with her. It was nothing she wasn't use to and she showed no fear to him. She held off and hit the grown male and tried to get his weapon from him. But threw her efforts she was stopped in her tracks by another Feline holding a phaser pistol to her. She quickly backed off with her hands held up.

"Lt. Don't," she yelled from the crowed after the woman gave her demands, "Let me go. I'm more valued then him." She was in no mood to have Mathew go.

Tasha gripped the railing tight as the room started spinning. Her knees buckled and she collapsed. The immediate danger had left the party unable to acknowledge Tasha's state, though she looked ok for somebody passed out on the deck.

~ And here comes those damn UNKNOWNS ~ Lt. Porter thought to himself as he saw the invaders appear out of the shuttle. He quickly reached for his phaser just as one of the terrorists came charging towards him and grabbed his wrist.

Porter responded by bringing his arm upward and slamming his elbow into the individual's face. He used the distraction to withdraw his phaser from his holster and bringing it directly into the man's solar-plex and discharge the weapon. Ordinary, the person would just be stunned, but a discharge at such close range would undoubtedly cause severe burns and lacerations to the individual.

As the Feline fell to the ground, Porter raised his weapon and aimed it at the closest Feline to him.

Mathew decided to act quickly and took charge of the group. He presented a mask of calm though the reciprocal feelings were squeezing his innards. He knew there was no negotiating with Civaal, she was out for blood and this could be his last day.

He turned to the Star Fleet party "All of you get the hell out of here now, she wants me nothing else."

Unable to react in time, Addison glanced around at each member present. The scene and its participants would be engrained in her eidetic mind forever. She too backed away, though not entirely out of the area and looked to the Captain, still lying unconscious on the deck.

"That is not going to happen, Lieutenant Totti." Porter said as he kept his weapon trained on the Feline in front of him.

"Salazar, get the Captain to safety!" He shouted to one of the other three security officers in the Docking Bay. He was certain that communications had been disabled so there was no point in trying to contact sickbay.

"Release the Ambassador!" The ranking Security officer said to the unmasked leader. He wasn't sure who he was or even what she wanted, but he certainly wasn't about to just give up an Ambassador without a fight.

Civaal was annoyed and the grinding of her teeth echoed around the bay. On looking around she uttered something in ancient Feltian which made her troupe fidget slightly. She grabbed Selia as a body shield phaser pistol at her temple and pressed forwards towards Totti who just froze staring at Selia. The security officers moved back in time with her bold steps. She pushed Selia forward at the officers to distract them, grabbing Totti in the same manner then moving back towards her group.

She waved arrogantly at the lead security guard teeth bare as a transporter beam locked onto the group whisking them away to their vessel.

A Junior science officer sat over his desk which flashed unexpectedly alerting him to something interesting.
=^= Ops to Tahir. Captain a vessel has just decloaked and left the system at high warp. It's headed for the Feltian system exact location unknown but it looks like one of the outer planets moons. =^=

=/= "Lt. Porter to Ops, we've got a situation that just took place. Felitian Terrorists beamed into the station, kidnapped an ambassador, Lieutenant Totti, and incapacited the Captain. Put the station on Red Alert and contact Starfleet Command." == The security officer shouted into his comm unit.


Lieutenant Mathew Totti

Lieutenant Miles Porter
Assistant Security

Feltian Fanatic

Ensign Addison Falkland
Alien Affairs Diplomat

Captain Tasha Tahir

Ambassador Cala Lurn

Ambassador Selia
NPC by Haleigh