Beg, Steal or Borrow – Calm Before The Storm
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Calm Before The Storm
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Thu Apr 16, 2009 @ 6:42am
Location   Emergency Sickbay
Timeline   Just before 14:00
Setting up after the Senior Officers' briefing hadn't taken either Chelsea or Ryan very long in Main Sickbay or in the Emergency second Infirmary further down the myriad station decks.

The Sickbays were emergency areas at all times and as such were ready-to-go whenever called upon. With the medical staff all recalled from off-duty and all reporting in, there was anticipation in the air as they all slotted into their established routines and roles in the tapestry of medical cover as set out for a battlestations situation. Everyone knew what they were required to do and they all knew where they should be and so on.

Chelsea found herself in the midst of this, ready to go, surrounded by efficient staff in similar mode and a lull before the inevitable casualties would begin to arrive.

The first minor civilian bumps and bruises resulting from the predictable panic would all present to the Main Sickbay and Ryan was already dealing with an influx of these.

Emergency Sickbay 2 would take the second wave and the more seriously hurt, so Chelsea knew she had some time on her hands. After a third check of the essentials and the staff, she had begun to pace and on realising she was doing so, she remembered how bad for staff morale that was, so she took herself into the office.

Her thoughts wandered to the whole situation.

~Romulans attacking? Just as Raedheol had been called away. What would Isha be thinking or doing right now?~ Chelsea wondered and began to worry.

=^= Adams to Ambassador t'Khellian =^= she enquired, telling herself that a moment just to check that her friend was okay wouldn't hurt.


“Chelsea, how kind of you to think of me,” Isha said as she swept from her office into her quarters before either Opaka or the shiny blue marine could object. She waited until the door had closed behind her before continuing. “You’ve just saved me from having to deal any further with one of the little jobsworths that Major Darson has dug up for my ‘protection’ – truly if we do things the way that creature is suggesting, the mob will break in and have me blindfolded and on my knees before a firing squad faster than one can say insurrection.”

=^= By the Prophets Isha! That's terrible! I can't stand by and let this happen! =^= Chelsea was alarmed and her brain went into overdrive.

=^= Develop some sort of internal pain, or something that looks like you need medical help..... I don't know.. be inventive! Twist your ankle or something... I'll have you transported here - we can protect you here in the Emergency Sickbay.... I can't bear to think what might happen to you in the care of your enemies! =^=

Adams was up in arms and ready to go to the Embassy herself if she had to, but transporting Isha, site to site, was the safest option and a medical clearance might just be classified high enough to over-ride Darson and his security goons.

=^= They haven't hurt you already have they? =^= Chelsea was struck with another horrible thought that made her feel nauseated.

"Please, Chelsea, there's nothing to be concerned about. I admit Darson's eagerness to send a hoard of men for 'my protection' was a surprise. He doesn't strike me as the philanthropic type, but if the consulate does become a focus for violence then I may find I am glad of their presence. Commander Davies was also kind enough to provide me with a bodyguard and if I'm stuck in the company of a Federation security officer they can hardly accuse me of doing anything untoward later, can they?" Isha grimaced to herself, quite glad that Chelsea could not actually see her expression. "So far nobody has used the term 'house arrest' but that is what my situation amounts to."

=^= You don't want to be *rescued* then? =^= Chelsea began to relax a little as she was reassured by Isha that she wasn't too distressed by her situation.

=^= I shall have to answer to *Arrain Rh'vaurek* if anything happens to you in his absence! =^= she smiled at the memory of the misuse of Raedheol's first name, although she had forgotten that Isha probably knew nothing of that conversation.

"I think its best that I stay where the people who wish to keep an eye on me can do just that. If I go missing they'll only start getting nervous. As for Rh'vaurek, he can go and hang himself," Isha said.

Chelsea was shocked to hear such anger in Isha's tone over the comment about Raedheol. "Isha?" she gasped, her wide eyes invisible to her friend but her intake of breath had been audible.

=^= What's happened? Why do you say that? I didn't know if he left or if you sent him away and I was so caught up with the meetings and this emergency that I never got the chance to ask. Although perhaps it isn't my business? What did he do? =^= she tried to get this straight in her own head and it came out jumbled to say the least.

"He left! Does there need to be more? He left and he didn't bother to tell me that he was going. Who does he think he is using me as his whore? He'd better not come back either, I'll kill him!"

=^= Oh, Isha. I'm sorry. =^= Chelsea was almost speechless. What her friend had just told her revealed so much more than the actual sentence might have seemed to on the surface.

For instance, it was obvious to Chelsea that Raedheol must have hurt Isha deeply. It was out of character for the *Head of the two families and Ambassador to the Romulan Empire* to allow so much passion to even dwell inside her, let alone to escape in her voice. Chelsea could only imagine how powerful the feelings must be, building up inside Isha, to have spilled over in that way.

Worse still for Isha to use the reference to his 'using her as his whore' could only mean that they must have finally acted upon that physical tension that Chelsea had witnessed between them. She wanted more than anything to give her friend a hug.

=^= If only I could get to you right now, I'd defy all your customs and frowning on my human weakness and i'd hug you close to me until you had me arrested for assault =^= her voice was so low and so full of compassion that it was almost a whisper as she replied, a lump audible in her throat.

Perhaps if she had achieved more than a handful of hours rest over the last three nights Isha would have held her temper a little better, but between them and in such very different ways Rh’vaurek, Tahir and Darson had made that impossible and this morning the demands had imperceptibly slipped and become outright threats. Isha wanted to scream but that, and the whole bursting tide of her emotions would have to wait until she was alone, and nothing more was required of her.

Despite her anger at herself Isha chuckled, "You really are a delight, Chelsea," she said with genuine affection. "Rh'vaurek is both the worst of men, and the best and he somehow brings out both the best and the worst in me. I know well enough that one cannot tame the wind, yet it doesn't stop me from trying. I am quite the fool at times."

"I don't think you're a fool at all, Isha," Chelsea replied earnestly. "If I were in your place I should have been drawn to him like a moth to a flame too. You don't have to be Betazoid to sense the power of the feelings you *both* have for one another and I should have thought a lot less of each of you, had either of you been indifferent. He will come back. He has no choice. He can no more leave you than you could live without him. Such are the ways of unions of the soul, my lovely friend. You are not trying to tame the wind, you are trying to tame your own heart as it struggles against your destiny and Rh'vaurek's."

As she listened, Isha stuffed a pinch of hairpins between her lips and twisted her hair into a loose knot, pinning it in into place as she paced around the room; best not have it flowing around all over the place if there was going to be trouble, “Love is a very dangerous thing, Chelsea, It leaves one exposed. What do you think his enemies would do if they thought that all they had to do to harm him was to harm me? What do you think my enemies would do?” Isha said pulling the last pin from between her teeth. “We’re not even social equals,” she added with a sigh, though with a brace of warbirds outside her window that was perhaps the least of her worries right now.

"You will overcome the conflict in the end, Isha, even if you can't see from here how that will come about. It's what you both need in order to flourish and whilst you're both independent forces to be reckoned with, imagine how invincible you would be as a team!" Chelsea wasn't sure where all this philosophy was coming from but she suspected it was something she was learning for herself as her relationship with Ryan progressed. "Love is many things, Isha, but it never comes without great cost of one kind or another to the individual upon whom it settles itself. The joy of it is finding out that cost is worth it in the end."

Isha agreed with that. “Just like any duty. Chelsea, thank you. You treating me just like any other friend has kept me sane. Now really isn’t the time to reach breaking point, though the Elements know they’ve pushed me far enough,” she said, her tone as dry and brittle as frost. Isha placed her palms and her forehead against the door that lead back through to her office. In there Opaka and the marine were waiting, and somewhere beyond them an attack fleet; the consequences of love were truly the least of her worries.


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian
ACMO: Lieutenant Chelsea Adams