Beg, Steal or Borrow – Time is short
by Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Arrival Alexandria Marshall

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Title   Time is short
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Arrival Alexandria Marshall
Posted   Mon Mar 09, 2009 @ 1:45am
Location   Operations
Timeline   SD 8 1225

Da`nal walked out of the Romulan Consulate he checked his PADD. ~Good~ he thought to himself. His program had not only sent out a scrambling signal to jam what ever listening devices that had been present but it had also recorded the entire conversation with the Ambassador. Stepping into the turbolift he waisted no time as he activated his commbadge.

=^= Lt. Cmdr Da`nal to Commanders Davies and T'Lan. I need to speak with both of you immediately.=^=

David tapped his chest.
=^= "Commander, Davies here. If I may, can I ask if this can be deferred, I am on my way to a very sensitive meeting, if not, Commander T'Lan can proxy for me." David stated.

Stepping from the lift out into the Operations area, Da`nal replied, =^= "The information is sensitive as well as urgent sir. It concerns a serious threat to the station. However I will meet with Commander T'Lan IF you are unavailable." =^=

T'Lan entered operations. "You called Commander?"

=^= "Very good Commander. I will call you as soon as I am out of the meeting. Davies out." =^= He closed the comm, heading to the Romulan ambassadors office himself.

Turning to the First Officer as she approached. "Yes Ma'am. I suggest we move this into the CO's office."

"Very well." T'Lan stated.

As the door closed behind him Da`nal launched into his report. "Prior to the staff meeting this morning I escorted Rakka to her ship. Before leaving she gave me information regarding the Romulan ships outside the station. She also said that she was 'cleared' by the Romulan Ambassador to share this information with me."

"What has been revealed?" T'Lan asked.

"Perhaps it would be best if you heard for yourself." Pulling the padd that had recorded the conversation.

(As posted in The Enemy of My Enemy)

[approx. 40 minutes later]

Obviously T'Lan was not happy about this. She let loose a sigh.

After the entire recording finished playing Da`nal retrieved the PADD. Given the information she froving I would suggest calling in the rest of the senior plan a course of action. We know that we face both an external and internal attack. Time is short but if we prepare we act quickly we can be ready for both."

No sooner had Da`nal finished than Commander Davies voice came over the comm. "All hands, this is Commander Davies. We are currently under threat of an attack and I urge all civilian personnel to take shelter in the lower decks. All shops are to close and preventative measure to be taken. All department heads to report to the conference room on the double. That is all. Davies out."

Without waiting on T'Lan he turned to the door of Davies' office, moving toward the conference room.