Incommunicado – Of Doctors and Captains
by Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Of Doctors and Captains
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Mon Jun 11, 2012 @ 12:46am
Location   Captains Office
Timeline   SD40 10:00 (backpost)

PADDs in hand, bag in tow, Tally stepped in a brisk and lively fashion as she nearly raced through operations towards Captain Tahir's office. Her 24 hours on the station had been uneventful, hardly the conflict, drama ridden place her predecessor and superiors described, but then again, it had only been...

"Twenty five Hours, thirty four minutes" She recited to her self. It was a nervous habit she had picked up during her childhood, her talents in math oddly enough though, were far from stellar. Continuing to speed towards the office block she waited a short second for the doors to reception to open and then proceeded to walk in, though slower this time. Her sights turned towards the empty reception desk and gave a slight inhale then a heavy sigh. "Punctuality was also not a strength of this place as I recall." Her distinctive accents making those words appear more elitist and superior then they were meant to be, if only just.

Looking over her schedule, Tally glanced at the time blocks she had set for each of the command and senior staff, Captain Tahir was naturally first on her list, Commander Villiers, near last, Commander Adams after the Captain, so on and so forth. The delay was not a concern to her, her time needed to be flexible if she was to survive on this station. Hopefully though, those people with whom she shared a common face with had decided to play nice today.

Tasha could see the shadow of someone at the door.
"Come in, I don't bite." She called out.

Tally would have given a small smirk at the comment if she wasn't already absorbed in her work of fine tuning her time tables to fit with reality. She put her PADD down and walked at a brisk pace into the Captain's office and gave a polite bow of her head. "Captain Tahir," Tally said as she put her hand out. "Taleria von Alesk, your new 'Chief of Crew Mental Health and Stability' saying her full, formal title aloud with a small smile."

The Captain cocked her head, bemused at the woman who strode in, yet just a moment prior, had hesitated and stood in the shadow of her doorway, then announced herself as a 'Mental Health specialist'. She too would have smiled at any other time had Taleria von Alesk not looked so serious but hid it with the faintest of smiles.
Tasha stood and accepted the extended hand and shook. "Welcome aboard Taleria von Alesk, Chief of Mental health and stability. What brings you to operations?" She queried as they both sat and glanced at the PADD she held close. "Your transfer orders?" Tasha asked as she looked at the device.

Tally shook her head. "No..." She said as she reached down into her satchel to find another one of the PADDs, running her long fingers across the upper edges, making note of the color coating. "...these are my transfer orders, straight from Starfleet Medical and Headquarters." Tally said as she popped up and handed Captain Tahir the PADD. "The form finalizing the transfer of Kreallia t'Jay is also included..." Tally said, her voice trailing, she had no idea about the Captain's relationship with her predecessor.

Tasha took the PADD and read with mixed emotions. Losing a member of staff was never easy, but it happened but she had a friendship with Kreallia and they were never easy to replace and somehow she felt that she would not have a similar relationship even though they were both Romulan. Her nostrils flared a little as she read the counsellors transfer orders and her history. She was barely out of training and here she was now leading the counselling department on DS5. She rubbed the tip of her ear as she lowered the PADD.
"Are you ready for the challenge of catering for the mental stability of such a diverse and mixed crew?" She asked in a low tone, as if unsure that Taleria would be able to.

Tally resigned herself to a small smile at the question and it quickly retreated. "I guess that's fair..." She said as she moved over to the window, taking in the sparkling diamonds of stars, a 'glittering sea of night' as Virgil said. "... in terms of training I graduated near the top of my class at Cambridge, received my medical doctorate with honors, earned chief psychiatric resident at Starfleet medical, and I participated in the Meikan study while I was a fellow at the Academy." Tally said with a minor hint of pride, though she presented her qualifications as a matter of fact instead of a boast. Taking a breath before she returned to the front of the captain's desk, Tally walked back across the room and pulled out another PADD for inspection. It contained her new department structure for maximized efficiency, autonomy between specialists, and the assignment of counselors to specific people. "My predecessors lead the department on a case by case basis, I'm going to try running it like a military organization with counselors assigned to set lists of personnel while I myself will oversee administration, the health of the command staff, and whatever specialized tasks you would have of me captain..." Tally said calmly.

Tasha watched as the counsellor walked to the observation window. Her stride was level and long, she held a poise atypical of a Romulan, yet she was different. Tasha was not an expert, but there was a hesitation to her demeanour. Not one of unsurity of herself, but more to Tasha. She did not look at the Captain as she spoke from the window, that was a sign of humility yet she stated her history with a sense of pride. She took smaller steps back to the desk and the search for the device she sought was elaborated, as if she was deciding whether or not to divulge information and then she deftly pulled it out and offered it to Tasha.
Tahir looked up into her eyes and for the briefest of moments, there was an expectancy in them, as if Taleria sought acceptance.

Tasha took the PADD not looking down at the contents, she didn't need to. There were things to be said for military structure, after all, even starfleet in its infancy was set out as such.
"If that is how you wish to run your department, then who am I to stand in your way." It was Tashas turn to rise "If you believe it will service the needs of the crew, you have my sanction." Tasha stated holding the PADD forward for Taleria.


Captain Tasha Tahir
Lieutenant Taleria von Alesk