Deception: The lesser part of Valour – An Interrogation to Remember (Pt 1)
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Commander Rakka & Lieutenant JG Petro & Arrival Alexandria Marshall

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Title   An Interrogation to Remember (Pt 1)
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Commander Rakka & Lieutenant JG Petro & Arrival Alexandria Marshall
Posted   Thu Dec 04, 2008 @ 9:02pm
Location   Marine Detention Center
Timeline   SD 3 - 1845 Hours
Petro paced in front of the Marine Detention Center, waiting for someone to arrive. For the first time in her life she felt serious anger. Small tremors flowed through her body like volts of electricity through water. Her eyes were set and focused on every detail they could pick up. She breathed through her nose, her lips tight together.

The red dress flowed around her like waves of blood, wafting in the breeze that she created with her short roomed pacing. Her mind replayed the events in the promenade and in the Command Center. The two incidence's blending together to create one inseparable event. Whether they were related or not, she couldn't tell and at this point she didn't care. She wanted answers. She needed justice. She would get them both.

Darson left a confused Lieutenant Flynn in the CCC, and headed down towards the end of the complex that contained the Marine Detention Center. Yet another three letter acronym, the MDC was not nearly as large as the Station's main Brig, but was just as sophisticated, used mostly for either internal discipline, or housing POW's.

He met Lt. Chau'saura, his Vulcan ILO, a few corridors away from it, and bid her fall into step beside him, "Did you gather all the necessary Materials, Lieutenant?"

She nodded impassively, "Yes sir. However, the Doctor was very clear. The potential side effects of the drugs-"

"Are irrelevant," Darson finished, "At least in the time frame I had in mind. Now then, has Commander Rakka arrived yet?"

She gave a small shake of her head as they turned the last corner before the checkpoint, "No sir, she hasn't arrived yet. But, someone else is present and waiting for you. A J'Naii".

Darson stopped, "A J'Naii? Hmm...Must be the Quartermaster...ehh, Petro, wasn't it?"

"Warrant Officer Petro, Sir. May I ask what you plan to do sir?"

"Something wildly unorthodox, Lieutenant. Tell me, have you ever been to a Klingon Opera? I've been to a few in my days...very interesting pieces."


Darson rubbed his hands together in the fashion reserved primarily for the most evil and twisted of Criminal Masterminds, "Nothing, Lieutenant. I simply plan to put on a performance this that I think will be my greatest work."

"Indeed Sir. Will there be anything else then?"

"Thank you then, when the Commander arrives, I want her processed through post haste, are we clear Lieutenant?"

"Oorah, sir." She responded emotionlessly, as she saluted. Darson made her hold the salute for a couple of seconds, then dismissed her with a regal wave of his hand. As she turned and strode away, Darson continued heading down, finally reaching the checkpoint.

As he caught sight of the Quartermaster in the Flamboyant red dress, he thought to himself, "Act which we meet the characters and set the scene."

His first impression of the J'Naii was anger. That was clear enough. He didn't have to be a telepath to notice that there was a lot of pent up rage in that tiny package, just waiting for an outlet.


He strode up to her and eyed her coldly. After a moment of silence he said, "Officer Petro. Thank you for joining me down here. Will Commander Rakka be joining us?"

Petro looked up at the man who had approached. "Soon." She said. "You must be Darson. I was told you were coming." Her voice soft but bitter.

Petro had left before Tasha could say anything. She had asked Chelsea to ensure that Riley was treated with respect and that Commander Rakka be kept at distant observation. It was a few minutes before the Captain arrived at the detention centre and her shoulder ached more than she was going to let on.

Darson was about to respond to Petro when he saw the Captain approach. As she got closer he turned to face her, “Captain,” he said in a cold tone, “So nice of you to join us. Is your shoulder injured? That was a nasty fall you took before.”

Tasha was in no mood for games or pretences. Her shoulder hurt like hell and her emotions were being strained to be kept in check.
She reached out to Petro and gently took her arm, whilst facing the major and though she owed him a token of appreciation, she didn't feel like offering gratitude or pleasantries at this particular moment.

"Your welcome. Your command to join you here was rather oblique to say the least. We're here for a reason and that reason is?" She asked the tautness of her voice clear in each syllable as her eyes narrowed. She didn't know why, but she trusted him and so far, he had earned that trust.

He cocked his head to the side and said conversationally, “Very well then. Now, I can understand any feelings of confusion about why I’ve brought you here. Can you guess?”

Tasha shook her head, she really didn't care. The pain in her shoulder coupled with the loss of a man, had given her more than enough to contend with. "Major, right now I don't care for games. I have reports to complete, a shoulder to have looked and on top of that, I have a station to run all whilst there are martyrdom seekers who have nothing better to do, then pick off our staff at their own volition." Her eyes went cold; she felt he had an ace up his sleeve as Petro spoke.

Petro watched the conversation as her eyes flicked back and forth between the Captain and this man. "We don't want games." Petro said. "We want answers. You bring people down to you then play games with them. Do you enjoy tinkering with time?"

Darson reached up and flicked an imaginary speck of dust off his cloak, “Of the team that attempted to assassinate you Captain, one was killed, but the other was taken alive. I thought you would like to watch the interrogation live…such as it is. Was I wrong?”

The Captains eyes closed. The anger that she felt was racing through her veins and she would dearly love to see the prisoner interrogated, but now was not the time, nor the place. She calmed her mind as she began to quote regulations about prisoner treatment, but Darson raised his hand.

“Please, Captain. Save your breath. I have no intention of violating the subject’s rights,” He said, twisting the truth just a little bit.

"In the interest of placating myself and our security chief, that you are dealing with this 'By the Book', you will of course, ensure that all her rights are protected, 'By the Book' " Tasha kept emphasizing, a small grin had now appeared on her face, signifying that she was of course, protecting the station.

“Hmmm…of course, of course. However, according to regulations while you may watch the interrogation, you may not be present in the actual room. I’ve prepared accommodations for you both to watch from the control booth…so, let’s get started, shall we?”

He beckoned to a Marine standing close by, “Staff Sergeant, take the Captain and Warrant Officer to the viewing room for Room 1, please. Captain, If you would just follow the Staff Sergeant, we can begin.”

Tasha nodded and waited for the Marine to lead her and Petro to the secure viewing room.

Petro followed behind the Captain. All of this seemed to be considerably flamboyant under the circumstances but she went with it none the less. Maybe she could learn a few things.

The two women followed the marine to a small grey door and Tasha was not aware of these rooms on any of the stations plans, but then again, she still had a great deal to learn.
She lead into the cool room with a large viewing window and her lips pursed as she saw a set of 4 leather chairs all facing the window. The floor and walls were bare and there was an odd smell in the room, reminiscent of drying paint. It was obvious this room was newly built, or infrequently used.

Tasha took the seat at the furthest end and smoothed down her trousers as she sat and leant towards Petro as she took the seat next to her.

"Did you know about these viewing rooms?" She asked, keeping her voice just audible to her companion.

"Nothing." Petro answered. She looked around the room to see if anything jogged her memory, something she might have seen on an invoice. "It may have been done while I was under. I don't recognize anything from an incoming inventory."

~ End of Part 1~

MCO: Major James Darson
CO: Captain Tasha Tahir
Quartermaster - Petro
CSO: Lieutenant Commander Rakka
Lieutenant Commander T'Lan