Intermission – Settling Accounts
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   Settling Accounts
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Sun Apr 20, 2014 @ 1:14am
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD 80 1925

"We will turn this empty store front into a debris area. Anything cleared from the Bradshaw offices will be stored there until their security staff can pick through it. They're being terribly difficult about allowing Starfleet access..." Drant trailed off as he gave orders to the assembled engineering teams. Disaster recovery was actually something he rather good at, as it was an area the Zarnac Imperial Marines were heavily trained in. Though he didn't get to use those skills while living on Earth as a virtual prisoner of Starfleet.

But now, with Deep Space 5 blown into several piles of pieces, he had been pressed into service. He couldn’t say he didn't enjoy actually having some semblance of authority again after so many years.

"You've got it Major." the petty officer in charge of the engineering team replied with a nod before leading his team back into the fray.

Drant watched them go; his tongue flicking satisfactorily. That was when he suddenly found himself grabbed by the throat and slammed into a bulkhead.

"You bastard! You knew about this didn't you? You're here to soften DS5 up for invasion, aren't you? When's the Zarnac fleet going to be here Drant? TELL ME! NOW!" Wyman screamed in his face. "So help me - I will kill you, and then I will kill every last Zarnac that tries to set foot on Earth without an engraved invitation!"

The Zarnac Marine struggled to loosen the engineers grip on his throat. "You blind fool! If I was behind this the fleet would already be here! Did they not teach you tactics when they taught you warp field theory?" Unable to get free, Drant did the only thing he could think - he kicked Wyman in the groin.

With a gasp and a grunt, Steve released the death grip on Drant's larynx and fell to the deck. "Why did you do it, Drant? Just tell me when they're getting here... so I can get my little girl to safety..." he begged between hoarse breaths.

By this point several security officers had converged on the scene. Drant dropped to one knee beside Wyman and put up a hand to the armed personnel. "Stand down. We have all been through a terrible tragedy - the Lieutenant more than most. He is not in a proper frame of mind right now." His voice was raspy from having spent nearly a minute fighting for oxygen.

"Lieutenant... Steven, your family is as safe here as they are anywhere else in the galaxy. I realize that you are blinded by your loss, but despite everything - I bare the Federation no ill will. Starfleet is the only thing protecting me from the Emperor's wrath. Even if I handed him Earth on a silver platter, my head would still end up on a pike next to Starfleet Command. This... this was not the Empire. It is too flashy. This is the work of common thugs equipped with an uncommon level of firepower." he explained, his voice even and calm in an attempt to bring Wyman back from whatever had come over him.

"Sharas is dead..." was all Steve could force out.

Drant just nodded, laying a gloved hand on the engineer's shoulder. "I know, Steven. Despite our differences, I still respected him. If the circumstances were reversed I could see myself having the same thoughts about him that he bore for me. Starfleet is weaker with his loss. But we will persevere. And you must move on. For your hatchling."

With that the Zarnac returned his gaze to the security personnel. "This incident never happened. Record it in your logs in any manner you see fit, but Lieutenant Wyman should not see his career ruined by what just transpired. I will not press any charges, and I will deny that he ever laid so much as a finger on me - understood."

The ensign in charge of the small team looked to his fellows and nodded. "I don't know what you're talking about, Major. We didn't see anything."

Wyman rolled over and looked the younger human dead in the eye. "That's Provisional Major."

Normally that would raise Drant's ire, but given the circumstances even he had to chuckle. "Yes. Just this once, I will relent on that count, Lieutenant."

Lt. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer


Provisional Major Drant, Eldest Son of the Twenty-forth House
Starfleet Marine Corps