Cascade – The Aftermath
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   The Aftermath
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Mon Jan 28, 2013 @ 8:09pm
Location   Sick Bay
Timeline   SD 70 - 16:20 (Immediately following the explosion)

=/= "Duquesne to Sick Bay, 2 to beam directly to sick bay, medical transport emergency." =/= he said as he stared into the eyes of Yolanthe. "You go with him." he said.

"Thank you," she gave him a brief nod as the beam took hold of them both, and whisked them away.


"You have the assistance of Trill," Krah said, stepping forward. It was then that she saw that it was not Cardassian hyperbole. "Come on," she called back to the diplomats, "if we can assist, we will!"

Legate Turvan did not wait for a response as he immediately rushed past the gathering diplomats and made his way towards to his smoldering Embassy. "I will find the responsible parties for this and they will pay, no matter how large or small their involvement." He said through clenched teeth as he entered the nearest turbolift.


he explosion had automatically triggered a yellow alert, and the klaxons were blaring throughout Sickbay. The Emergency transport hadn't been too specific, there hadn't been time. The transporter chief had just aimed the injured Ambassador at the biggest patch of clear space available. As he and Yolanthe shimmered into solidity, teal uniformed medics swarmed towards them

"What the Hell is going on??" Lance called out.

"An explosion!" Yolanthe managed to get out. Her white shirt had soaked up a large amount of cardassian blood, and was an ugly shade of brick red against the emerald green of her skin and hair. "in the embassy. He needs help."

"Get me him onto a biobed and get him sedated! " Lance shouted, "Rodgers get that bleeding under control Stat!".

He grabbed Yolanthe's arm, "Are you hurt??" He demanded.

"No, no, just him!" she replied

Rodgers worked quickly, cauterising, regenerating and patching up as fast as he could manage 'on the move'.

"Patient has internal concussive injuries but no current organ failures. He has fractures to his internal bones; his ribcage in particular and some fragmentation of his exoskeleton at the neck ridges, bilaterally. His legs are crushed from the knees down." He broke off from his monotone report to call across to two other medics at the sides of the gurney they were using to transport Getal through to Main Theatres making it difficult for the work to be done until they had him up on the table.

"Henderson, Splint the left leg - secure that calcaneus back to the talus .... Gods know how those got separated, must have been one hell of an impact on that foot.... Martinez, you take the right foot and see what you can to... looks like there are a couple of phalanges missing.. Did anyone save the severed origials?" He articulated in an animated manner, urging speed from his colleagues.

As suddenly as he had switched away from the report, Rodgers switched back as if he had never stopped
and had just continued all this time, returning automatically to his previous monotone. "He also has an extensive concussion to his frontal lobe. The scans show hematoma within the cranium and the brain fluid pressure is rising, Sir" he finished reporting to the Chief Surgeon, finally letting go of the instruments he had been using and looking up at Lance for comment and further instructions.

Lance stepped forward, "If we don't relieve the pressure of that haematoma the rest is pointless, we'll start there." He said. "Prep for surgery."

Rodgers, Henderson, Martinez, an anesthetist, two ODA's an ODP and two nurses all moved like a synchronized team into the rehearsed choreography of the preparations they were all so accustomed to.

When they were "scrubbed" and ready with the patient under and entubed, monitors blipping and screens of all sizes showing various data and detail, they stood respectfully aside to allow the Chief Surgeon to step to the fore and begin. One of the nurses pushed a trolley of instruments forward for Murdoch's choice of 'opener'.

Legate Turvan quickly walked through the doors before they fully had a chance to open. His eyes moved from side to side within the ridges that adorned his face. He searched purposefully for the fallen member of his species. He was immediately greeted by a human nurse.

"Human" He said directly. "I want to know where Getal is and what his status is." he said without a hint of courtesy.

Lance glanced at the nurse on his way to the OR, "Get him out of my way" He hissed in her ear, she immediately nodded, "This way sir." She said. Leading Turvan towards the reception counter.

"Very well," He said as he began to follow her through the main foyer of the medical facility. Even from this distance he could hear the bustling of a team of doctors working and shouting out medical terminology. Hopefully, it was not all in vein.

"I wish to speak to someone in charge, as Acting Ambassador to the Cardassian Empire, I have a right to know what is the medical condition of one of my people." Turvan stated affirmatively so that others could hear and recognize that he would be in charge during Getal's significant absence.

Rodgers saw an opportunity to step in and sidetrack the problem. "The CMO isn't here at the moment but the ACMO might be in the main office if you want to speak to someone *in charge*..... " he offered, feigning helpfulness but actually sidetracking the onslaught away from Lance who had his hands full with a complicated operation underway and no desire to be hampered by a blustering Cardassian wanna-be, posturing around needlessly.

"Very well" Turvan stated, slightly annoyed at being passed around like a Bajoran street urchin.

Yolanthe had been guided to the observation window for Lance's operation room, and she watched in grim silence, dark jungle green from head to toe. She was no medic, but nothing good ever went with the phrase 'hematoma'. And there was bound to be internal damage. the blast had rocked the entire promenade.

But there was nothing more she could do but watch the chief surgeon work, and hope federation medicine was up to the task.

Turvan walked through the medical bay, narrowly missing the various medical personal that were running to and fro in response to the incoming injured.

"Where is the Acting Doctor for this facility?" Turvan said in a loud voice as he entered the main area. His patience was wearing thin and he had yet to speak to someone in a position of authority. "WHO HERE IS IN CHARGE!?!" he demanded adamantly.

It was at that moment that the CMO returned. She strode into Sickbay, getting an update from Ed McBain who had been working near the doors and was filling her in on what had been happening. "I got the call that there's been an emergency. Even *I* couldn't sleep through all the comm chaos and the red lights." she was characteristically calm and light about it, despite the dedication to have got out of bed and given up her much needed sleep shift to be here to help.

"There's a Cardassian demanding to speak to the Senior Doctor but Ryan is up to his elbows in casualties and Lance is performing emergency surgery. No-one has time for a puff-ball diplomat but he's really making a scene." Ed explained, rolling his eyes.

"Oh really?" Chelsea's soft Bajoran ridges creased together in a defensive frown. "Keeping my expert staff from their devotion to duty with his bluster eh? Where is he?" She moved in the direction that Ed pointed as he dived for some supplies and hurried back to his patient.

"Someone was looking for me?" she asked pointedly as she discovered the large Cardassian gentleman who appeared to be badgering her senior nurse at the door of her office.

Legate Turvan turned and was caught off-guard by the Doctor before him. He could tell by her less defined ridges that she was a half-breed. It made sense that a Federation installation would be the last refuge of half-breeds from Bajor. However, he was concerned about their treatment of Cardassian patients. He had more than enough experience with Bajorans to know that they seldom pass opportunities to seek "revenge" against innocent Cardassian citizens.

"Yes, I am here to learn of the condition of Getal. I've assumed responsibility for the Cardassian Diplomatic Mission on this station and I have yet to hear ANYTHING about one of my citizens." He said forcefully. "Are you in charge or have any idea what is going on here?" He asked pointedly.

"Both!" she answered pulling herself up to her full height and looking 'the lizard' in the eye. Bullies were never easily dealt with and least of all if you were too accommodating. Chelsea had only lived on Bajor for a year since she was a child but she knew of her father's heritage. She also knew of Ryan's mixed heritage and history and was relieved that he hadn't been free when this Cardassian Man-hurricane had arrived and started bringing down the house with noise and hot air. Fortunately she had been alerted to the blast and its victims, which is why she was now here, even though technically, she should be off duty, fast asleep.

"Your citizen, and all the other sentient beings that were caught in the blast at your embassy Legate, are all being cared for to the best of my staff's abilities, without exception and without any concern about who they are or who wants to check up on them. It would not be in my staff's duty remit to inform you, or anyone else, of the medical condition of any patient undergoing treatment until AFTER the emergency has been resolved and they are all stable.... Unless one were to die of course, so *no news is good news*. If you haven't heard he's dead then he isn't - and by the way, I happen to know that my best surgeon is doing HIS best with Getal right now... so it's even more certain that you shouldn't be so worried."

Un-noticed at first by the CMO. Milarno stood with dried blood on his hands and arms, his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and a slight glistening shone over his brow, everything had been crazy since the blast and he'd been inundated with casualties. He was stopped in his tracks midway through what seemed to be a very heated exchange, he rolled his eyes when he saw who Chelsea was speaking to, he'd had dealings with Turvan before, he didn't want or have time for a repeat.. "Is there a problem doctor?" Ryan asked, normally they spoke casually to one another but he didn't want to be deemed unprofessional by the Legate.

"I don't think so Doctor Milarno" Chelsea joined the formality in the face of the scowling Legate, picking up and agreeing with Ryan's choice of approach.

"The Legate was inquiring when there might be news and I was explaining that his colleague was still undergoing treatment." She summarized.

Turvan was prepared to respond to the woman when *he* arrived. Turvan's eyes narrowed within their sockets as he shifted his attention towards Milarno.

"I don't want this half-breed anywhere NEAR a Cardassian citizen!" Hydel bellowed. "He has made it very clear that he wishes for Cardassians to rot in hell. I don't want this hate-filled man using this as an opportunity to get revenge against an innocent Cardassian citizen!" Turvan demanded.

Ryan instantly felt his blood beginning to boil but he was surprisingly calm on the surface. "Yeah" he nodded. "I might have said that to you, but they won't rot in hell by my doing. I'm a doctor and with that I shall do no harm, I've never harmed anyone unless in self defense and that my friend is the truth. Until fully fledged members of Cardassian society show themselves in a different light, prove they're not what I know them for then you and your people will get no respect from me. However like I said I shall do no harm, it's the founding rule of medicine and I will not stray from that" He stared at Turvan then spoke again. "I wouldn't be doing what I do here on this station, right now covered in the blood of innocent people if I went around hurting people would I?" he eyed him cautiously.

"Save me your self-righteous prattle, Milarno. I can see the hate for my people in your eyes even as you force yourself to regurgitate that canned Federation spiel." Turvan replied vehemently.

"The only one who is *regurgitating canned spiel* around here is you Legate. All Doctors swear the Hippocratic Oath and they all MEAN it! It makes us stand above anything so dishonorable as *revenge* on our patients no matter how despicably that patient might have behaved in his life out there." she indicated widely to the outer walls of sickbay. "NONE of my staff nor myself will EVER stoop to anything less than totally professional and dedicated. I will stake my life and the lives of any that come under the umbrella of my care and responsibility here on that fundamental core value and principle." The CMO stood tall and drew in her breath to stay calm even under the vehemence of such an attack.

Turvan's chest continued to rise and fall as he continued to breathe deeply. "Fine. . .but if ANYTHING happens to any Cardassian citizen within this facility I will hold that mongrel solely responsible." He said while maintaining eye contact with Ryan.

"You will withdraw now and IF you have any complaints when all is done to the best of our abilities, you will bring them to MY door and or that of the Captain of the base. You will NOT hold anyone else responsible for anything that falls under MY remit." she countered, taking full responsibility for her department.

Turvan smiled at the frustrated Doctor. "Fortunately for that Bajoran mutt he has such a strident woman to fight his battles." He replied as he began to turn to leave the area.

"I assure you Legate this mutt can fight his own battles and I'm mixed race. I don't appreciate the abuse spilling from your mouth!" he raised his voice angrily. "Enjoy the rest of your day, I'm going back to do what I do best" Ryan informed the Legate with a harsh bite to his tone and turned to leave himself then walked back through the way he came, giving the Cardassian no chance to reply. It seemed keeping his temper in check was something he needed to work on.

Chelsea glared at the Legate and turned on her heel too. She couldn't see what he was trying to prove other than what a jerk he was but she didn't have time to take him on with so many legitimate and much more deserving matters to attend to in the form of the injured.

A JP Between:

Hydel Turvan
Acting Cardassian Ambassador

Lieutenant Ryan Milarno

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights

Cmdr Chelsea Dunham

Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Head Surgeon