Unity – Arrival
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Arrival
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Jan 16, 2010 @ 1:27am
Location   Docking Bay 44
Timeline   SD16 16:30
Wayne exited the ship flanked by his personal security people, in this case it was two of his son's. He did not know exactly what kind of reception he would have and years of training had taught him that it was better to be safe then sorry.

The fact that the three of them all wore matching uniforms from the late 23rd century. Though these were modified so as to not be confused with the actual uniform and be accused of impersonating officers. He and his son's walked to the lift and took a direct path to the bridge.

They were stopped a floor away from the bridge due to their position as civilians. "May I help you gentlemen." Said the petty officer that was sitting behind a desk. She could care less about the people she worked with and even less about civilians as she thought that they were nothing more then a bother. She was slightly shocked when three men who looked like marines walked out of the lift and to her desk.

"Ma'am I would like to see the station commander, in order to pay my respects and inform her of what my company is and what it does." Said Wayne calmly though he was somewhat put out by this young ladies attitude.

"Sir the captain does not bother herself with civilian affairs." Said the petty officer

"Normally that would be true but I have a feeling she will see me." Said Wayne calmly as he reached into his blouse and pulled out several ribbons including two medals of honor.

One look at the medals was all the petty officer needed she might not like civilians but one had to be a fool to disrespect a medal of honor awardee let alone a person who had been awarded that honor twice. "I will see if the commander is available to meet you please wait in the chairs." She said as she taped a comm link that went directly to the station commander

Davies was on Ops, talking with Mr Rushtone when he received a hail.

=^= "Davies. Go ahead." =^= He responded as he moved towards the centre rostrum.

"Sir I have a civilian down here who would like to request an audience with the base commander

=^= "Civilians? Petty officer, as you are aware, civilians are to report to Central Administration, not Operations." Came his reply as he sidled into the chair alongside Harris.

"I am aware of that sir whoever this particular civilian would appear to be a different case. He comes highly recommended and decorated" Said the petty officer

Davies was intrigued as to why it would be of interest to see the civilian who had requested an audience.
=^= "Very well, show him to the Observation area and I will be down shortly. Out." =^= He closed the comm and slid back of the still cold seat.

"Mr Rushtone, I will be on the observation deck if anyone should need me. It seems a highly decorated 'Civilian' has requested the station commanders presence." He advised as he made his way to the nearest turbo lift and descended to the deck below.

As he exited the lift, the petty officer was there to greet Davies.

"Hello sir I have put them in the observation lounge as you requested though I have to say the eldest man in the group is more then a little unnerving." Said the petty officer

"Lead on officer." His hand signalled her towards the observation room and the four shadowy figures.

As he entered, he wondered if it was wise to come alone, especially as he sized up the 3 men who flanked the Betazoid.
"Commander Davies." He introduced himself casually. "How can I help you?" He enquired as he folded his hands behind his back.

"Commander Davies any relation to on Lt. Col. Simon Davies from the 21st marine battalion." Said Wayne calmly he was going to attempt put the officer at ease.

David was momentarily confused by the question that had come unexpectedly. He shook his head slowly.
"I don't think so. I don't think anyone in my immediate family has a military background, but then again, Davies is a very common surname." He responded, realising the man was making conversation and David didn't agree with the petty officers feelings of being unnerved.

"I basically asked for this meeting to give you a rundown on what my company does. We might be able to help you out in ways that would be considered outside the norm for what starfleet can do." Said Wayne calmly though he made no move to hide the two medals of honor that he wore.

"Really!" David motioned the man to take a seat beneath one of the picture windows that looked out upon the universe. "To be honest Mr?" David took the seat as he asked the question relating to the mans name.

"Bradshaw. Wayne Bradshaw." Said Wayne calmly

"Bradshaw, thanks, but we have a number of traders who offer their services, but we find that many ask for too much in return. I would think, that as a military man," David nodded to Waynes medals, "that our Marine CO may be of interest to you, Lieutenant James Darson." David dropped the name easily into the conversation, unsure of what Waynes' intentions were.

"First off commander rest assured that whatever help we offer the only thing we would ask is to be treated fairly and left alone to do our business. As for your Marine CO I fully intend to pay him a visit after all what kind of man would I be not to pay my respects to men who are on the front line." Said Wayne calmly but with conviction that left no doubt he would make his presence known and soon. "I also intend to talk to a few other people there are some things I would like to arrange in the near future." He added

David brought his leg up and rested it on his knee, laying one hand onto it as he looked across to the three men who accompanied Wayne.
"We try to treat everyone fairly on DS5, well, those that deserve it of course." He replied in earnest as he turned his attention back to Wayne and looked at the cool blue eyes of the man and studied his face for a moment.
His features were chiselled and harsh, a man of action and with his hair which was coal black, he could not evaluate what else the make up of the man was. The lines of age were beginning to show around his eyes, but the eyes were remarkably clear and thoughtful, they held secrets safely within.

"Tell me Mr Bradshaw, why does a man of your prowess need three bodyguards?" He head tipped towards the men who hovered close by, not close enough to be threatening, but they still made David tense and guarded.

Wayne could not help but chuckle at the commander. "Excuse me commander but I just find the situation a little funny you see I do not have any bodyguards never have had and likely never will. Those three men standing behind me are my eldest son's. I should have introduced them before please allow me to correct that mistake. Wayne Jr. my eldest and my chief of security, Daniel my VP of the shipping, and Cody my head of R and D. Like me they like to get a feel for people we have to place our lives in. Also like me they are former marines or in the case of Cody a former starship commander." Said Wayne with a grin and a twinkle in his eye. "Oh and if your thinking of checking me out which I am sure you are you will find that until 2380 I was a member of the marine corps rising to the rank of Major General and commander of the 1st marine division." He added.

Davies looked at them in new light and nodded enlightened.

"Ah!" He let himself say. "Well, I apologise. Gentlemen, a pleasure to meet you." He addressed Waynes sons. He turned his attention back to Wayne. "As for 'checking you out', I am sorry to disappoint, but that is not on my agenda. If you ascertained a permit to trade on DS5, then the federation will have already done that. The stations administrators will ensure that your paperwork is is in order and I just make sure that the Federations needs are met and that all personnel, Federation, Romulan, Cardassian, Klingon or whoever, are kept as safe as possible." David dropped his leg from his knee and stood, turning to Wayne and extending his hand, feeling more at ease.

"Welcome to Deep Space Five Major General. I am sure that we will do our best to help you." He said with a warming smile.

"I thank you for your welcome commander and hope that we will be able to work together in the future. I will of course keep the station administrators informed of what we are doing as needed. There will be some slightly heavier then normal ship traffic for a couple days as things get moved in here but other then that I doubt that you will hear much from us unless you ask." Said Wayne calmly he stood from his seat and walked over to the commander his hand extended.

Shaking Waynes hand Davies replied, "You will sir." And as their hands parted David gave a single appreciative nod and headed back to Ops.


Commander David Davies

Wayne Bradshaw
CEO Bradshaw Intergalactic Incorporated