Incommunicado – Ghosts of the Past
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Ghosts of the Past
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Mon Jun 04, 2012 @ 9:53am
Location   The Bowels of DS5
Timeline   during "Freedom to Assemble"
Girauna knew she needed to be handling the problem in the Romulan section, it was a near riot and as the Acting Chief of Security she needed to be there. ~Ten bars says it's Dorian and that bunch of lunatics he's fallen in with.....~

Instead, she was wandering into the deepest, abandoned bowels of DS5, the area her patrolmen jokingly called 'Ghost town,' with a TR-110 drawn and readied to meet an old special branch contact she might end up having to kill. As she passed by a shuttered group of emergency living quarters, not used in many years from the look of it, she thumbed the safety off, preparing for the worst. ~It usually is with this guy.~

The former operative known as 'The Ghost' watched his former partner from a distance, smiling softly at how kind the years had been to the Deltan beauty he'd been in so many tight situations with. If he thought for a second she would stand beside her friend instead of the mission, he'd have done everything in his power to keep her here, DS5 was a big part of his plans now after all. But, Girauna, poor, predictable, Girauna, could never see the bigger picture, so she had to go, and he had in his jacket the one thing that would get her out of here even faster than strapping her to a photon torpedo and shooting her off.

Angel could see her, too. She could also see her lover watching her, admiring her, and it did not make Angel happy. ~Might have to save us some trouble and just kill this bitch now.~ She thought, her hand tightening around the grip of her knife, wondering how it would feel to scalp a Deltan.

"All right, Phillipe." Girauna called out, leaning against the door of a shop that had been closed for even longer than the living quarters, "Let's get this over with, I got other things to do."

"Sweet Girauna, always in a hurry for reasons unknown." The Ghost chuckled as he stepped out of the shadows, the beautiful Angel in tow. "That's really no way to great an old friend, is it?"

"Old friend?" Girauna sneered, "I almost went to prison over you."

"But you didn't." The Ghost reminded her, "I took care of you, even if you didn't realize it."

"Look, what do you want?" Girauna snapped, she was getting ready to back out of here, not about to give Phillipe a clean shot at her back.

"Watch your tongue, bitch." Angel spat, "Or I'll have it on my wall like a trout."

Girauna didn't even register the threat, if she'd known more about Angel she'd have opened fire, merely turning to The Ghost, as he now called himself, and asking, "Who's the bimbo?"

The Ghost stepped to his left, placing himself between the charging Angel and, if not for this intervention, his soon to be very dead former partner, grabbing Angel's shoulders, "Now, now, love, that's just Girauna's personality. You'll get used to her." He smiled, patting the Trill woman's cheek and stroking her short, brown hair, "Takes about five years."

"If I had to spend five years with her I'd eat my gun." Angel snarled, taking her place beside her lover as he wanted.

"Oh, goody." Girauna smiled, "Let's be roomies."

"Girauna, shut up." The Ghost sighed, his former partner's personality even came to annoy him sometimes, and this was one of them, "And let me show you what I have for you."

"What? She's not my present?" Girauna quipped, indicating Angel.

The Ghost placed his palm over his face and sighed, he remembered now why he had left Girauna behind instead of grooming her for Angel's position, she was exasperating on her best day and unbearable on her worst. Shaking his head and refocusing he reached into his coat, "No, she's not, this is."

Girauna snatched the PADD from his hands and read over it quickly, it couldn't be true! It was too good to be true! "If this is one of your screw jobs I swear to every god man has ever believed in I'll kill you slow."

"It's very, very real, my friend." The Ghost smirked, placing a hand on her shoulder as she'd been so taken by the information he'd given her that she hadn't noticed how close he had gotten, "Your Mr. Ermaine has been at his grim tasks again and I've found him for you. All you have to do is go now and get him."

There it was, there was the catch, this was another one of Phillipe's attempts to screw with her mind, "Which I can't do as I'm out of Special Branch and assigned here. You think this is funny?"

"You'll find Chief T'Raina quite anxious for your return actually." The Ghost smirked, seeing his former partner had no idea how high his people were placed, "She should be calling your Capt. Tahir shortly to request your return to Special Branch. You'll leave from here straight to go after Vassily Ermaine. I've given you your whale, Ahab, now slay him."

Girauna sighed and lowered her head, even her greatest victory would have a cost, "When I'm done with Ermaine, I'm going to take T'Raina down, then she'll give me you. I will burn your operation down, Phillipe." She pledged.

The Ghost couldn't help but laugh at that, mainly because he knew his former partner really believed she could do exactly what she said, "Sweet, sweet Girauna, one day, when you realize how things really work, you come see me, and we'll put you on the road to a more profitable future."

At The Ghost's command Angel followed dutifully behind him, stopping in front of Girauna for just a second and laughing, "Really, get a clue." Before grabbing her by the collar of her uniform jacket and kissing her hard, before throwing her back against the bulkhead even harder, "And don't cross me, bitch."

Girauna watched them walk away, wiping blood from her lip; the crazy bitch had actually bitten her, and wondered exactly what the frack she had gotten into now.


Lt.Cdr. Girauna
Acting COS

The Ghost
Former Special Branch Agent/Intergalactic Crime Lord
