Small Things – Arrival and Plotting
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Arrival and Plotting
Mission   Small Things
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Thu Mar 20, 2014 @ 12:52am
Location   D'Liin's Apartment, DS5
Timeline   before Isha's return
D'rek D'liin walked into his apartment on DS5 for the first time in months, whistling a happy tune at his impending social upgrade at the expense of that half breed harlot, Rianni. His joy was strengthened, though only for a second, by the sudden appearance out of the shadows of his girlfriend, M'als; a quick scan of her face could tell a blind man she was furious, "What troubles you, darling?" He asked, his face wearing a devil may care smirk.

M'als stared at him for a second, her blood boiling. Did he really have the nerve to ask her what was bothering her? Seriously? Words could not even begin to let him know how mad she was at him, but her fists could, and she quickly used them to knock the wormy little two timer to the deck, "HOW THE FRACK ARE YOU GOING TO LET ME FIND OUT FROM THE SOCIAL PAGES THAT YOU'VE LEFT ME FOR THAT WORTHLESS, HALF-BREED SLUT?" She snarled, snatching him up from the deck with the intention of knocking him right back onto it.

She'd hit him hard, she'd hit him hard and he was not all that strong, so his head was spinning, but he managed to focus and speak, "M'als, I'm not leaving you for that piece of gutter trash." He began, "I'm merely marrying her so I can get into the House Khelliana and inherit her holdings when I kill her."

"Kill her?" M'als paused, releasing her lover's collar. She was mad at Rianni, thinking she had stolen her man, but she was definitely uncomfortable with the idea of murdering her. Rianni, though a disgrace of a half-breed, had always been kind and respectful to her, and the idea of her being led to slaughter was a little much for her to process.

"Of course." D'Liin laughed, "Once I've married her, I can show Lliar that I'm making efforts to turn her into a proper lady of a great house, efforts she'll, naturally, resist. That will give me access to the Khelliana house and their resources, not to mention Monteros Enterprises...."

M'als sat down on the deck at her lover's feet, this was insane what she was hearing, but she couldn't dream of talking him out of it. If there was one thing she knew, once his mind was made up, that was it. She shook her head, only managing to say, "That's a lot of money."

"It is." D'Liin grinned wickedly as he took a seat beside her and pulled her close, stroking the shaven back and top of her head behind her bangs, "And it's all ours when Rianni suddenly commits suicide."

"D'Rek, why do we need to do all of this?" M'als asked, her lovers touch on her scalp, normally a wonderfully arousing feeling, suddenly chilling her to the bone, "We've got plenty of...."

"Do we?" He cut her off, "Look how we live? You deserve better, darling. You deserve to live like the Princess you are. And as my second wife, you will." ~I deserve better, really, but you know....~

He'd convinced her. Even though she didn't dislike Rianni, M'als now knew for D'rek to be truly happy Rianni had to die, just as she'd always known that if he wasn't happy, she could never be, either. She turned and kissed him softly on his lips, "All right, my love. Then she dies."

"That's my girl." He smiled, standing and taking her hand, "Now, let's spend a few hours in bed." It was all falling into place, riches beyond his wildest dreams would soon be at hand, ~Best thing Rianni t'Khellian ever did for Romulan society will be when she dies.~