Incommunicado – He who pays the Piper. . .
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   He who pays the Piper. . .
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Fri Jul 13, 2012 @ 4:00pm
Location   Promenade lower levels
Timeline   SD 58 - 02:00

Glin A'dan Galen stood looking over the balcony of the long-abandoned section of the corridor. This place was once a bustling center of the station's Feltorian population. However, the start of the civil war on Feltor Prime prevented regular shipments from arriving to the station. Eventually, the local merchants recognized that the unstable political environment proved to be an unstable for business as well. Unfortunately, it's distance from the promenade prevented most people from venturing this far into the lower bowels of the station. Fortunately, it was a convenient meeting place.

The young Cardassian was growing impatient waiting for the El Aurian to arrive. He had sent a message to meet at this time and in this area, but the Cardassian had been waiting well past the designated time. . .much to his extreme annoyance.

His patience was tested for another ten minutes, the faraway sounds of commotion from the machinery the only thing to keep him company. As his nerves stood on the edge of frustration, a silent figure approached, remarkably close. It was as if he'd show up out of thin air.

"I believe you were waiting for me," the tall, lean man asked. He was almost as tall as the large Cardassian, but with an intimidating presence that seemed to make him larger than he was.

"I do not appreciate waiting" Galen replied. Observing the individual closely. "Neither would Legate Hydel Turvan if he was not otherwise occupied with more important matters." The attache' stated plainly.

"And I don't appreciate your tone, but we're not here for a social visit, are we?" Draylin returned.

"Indeed," the young Glinn replied pointedly. He handed the padd to the tall man, waiting for him to recognize the photo on the padd.

Draylin merely glanced at it, taking in the picture without expression and handing the thing back. He looked expectantly up at him. "Yolanthe Ibalin," he simply said after a moment.

"Yes, as you've learned, Getal is very much attached to her at the moment. It appears he has very strong feelings for her." Glinn responded. "We want her removed from the picture." The Cardassian said flatly.

"No," Draylin replied in a similar fashion, shaking his head.

"Need I remind you, Mr. Tal, that considerable resources have been devoted to your original task of throwing Getal's life into turmoil. However, we believe that that goal could be better accomplished in a more direct manner." Galen stated. "Particularly, with the bartender being dealt with. Besides, she has no family and not vital function to the station. Her absence would not disrupt any long-term plans that we may have.

"And need I remind you that your further plans do not concern me. We met and discussed this job before all of this was set in motion. The terms were set, I was paid, and I did the work, quite excellently if I do say so myself. I'm not some street market salesman you can call up if you change your mind and want to add a few more crates to your bulk order from a week ago. If you wanted something done, you should have thought it through and told me in the beginning." The El Aurian's tone was cold but the underlying annoyance at the man was clear.

"Do not tell me that you've suddenly grown a sense of remorse, Mr. Tal." Galen responded. Having read the man's file, he knew better than to think such a thing.

"Furthermore, from what we've learned from the situation that took place within the brig, you seemed only too content to do what you did." Galen continued. "And that was merely a recreational task for you." He added.

"We're simply asking you to do what you would have done anyway, except with compensation for your efforts." Galen stated.

"Well you're asking too much, and compensation isn't going to entice me to agree. Nothing will. I'm not a fool. I did the job your employer asked of me and unless he's blind, I doubt he's missed the chaos my presence and actions on DS5 have caused. And now you're just asking me to go back there and stick my neck out because you'd like a bit more fun? So no, I'm not some amateur who is going to add to finished work for some extra credits." Did they really think Draylin was that stupid? There was no way anyone could really find him from anything on Deep Space Five. He'd made sure of that, and he sure as hell isn't going to poking around again.

Galen stared at the man for several moments before taking a step to the side to look over the balcony. "I apologize for wasting your time." He said as he slowly turned back towards the man.

"When I was instructed to speak with you I was under the impression that you were a dedicated professional." He said as he completely faced the man and looked him in the eye. "Instead, I now see that pusillanimous would have been a much better word to describe you." he said intentionally.

Draylin rolled his eyes, unimpressed. "Please, I'm not a child so don't treat me like one. You know the deal. I got a job, I did it. It's over and my work is done. And word of warning, don't think of sending someone else to kill Yolanthe. I don't like amateurs meddling in my work."

"I would advise you to be mindful of such a cavalier tone. You might find your particularly long life coming to a screeching halt." The Cardassian said pointedly.

"In regards to that colorful consort, at this point it would prove to be more than a burdensome hassle to have someone clean-up the mess you've left behind. We have other plans for the Ambassador." he responded.

"On an unrelated matter, what do you know about that Human and Romulan demonstration that took place on the promenade earlier? Is it something that should concern be concerned with?" He inquired, knowing that the El Aurian would keep tabs on just about every major incident while onboard the station.

"I wouldn't be." In truth, Draylin thought that any large group of entitled idiots was dangerous, but it wasn't his concern. He's made quite a nice life for himself by not sticking his nose where it didn't belong and not helping anyone for free. Though Draylin didn't react on the man's optimistic threat on his life, he made a mental note to keep an eye on him and his employer.

"Very well," the Cardassian began. "We'll be in contact if your services are needed again." he said with finality.

"Fine," Draylin nodded before turning around leaving without another word.


A'Dan Galen
Attache' to Legate Hydel Turvan

Draylin Tal
NPC by Maja