Beg, Steal or Borrow – Girl Talk
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Girl Talk
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Feb 15, 2009 @ 9:31am
Location   Replimat
Timeline   SD8. Mid-morning
Claire finished with her meeting with Commander Davies and was now on her way back to her office. Maybe she would stop somewhere and grab a coffee on the way...That might make her head feel better.

Smiling to herself Alison took yet another glance at the roses. She sighed as she turned away and made for the turbolift, she had a short break about now, while it was quiet.

"Wait for me," she said, quickening her pace and entering the lift behind another woman. "That saves me a wait for the nexr one," she smiled, " and there's not much time for more than a twenty minute break around here."

"Yeah, I can understand that." She smiled back.

"I'm on my way to grab a coffee if you'd like to join me - the replicator in here is fine, but its nice to get away for a little while. That makes it feel like an actual break."

"Sounds like a plan to me. I'm Claire by the way. Claire Mackenzie."

"Alison Bennett, here we go."

The turbolift deposited them on the promenade near the replimat. "There's never a queue at this time - too late for breakfast and too early for lunch and only seconds away if anyone needs me back in ops."

"I just have a month's worth of paperwork sitting on my desk. Zorana kind of left in a hurry and entrusted me with running the counselling department until she gets back."

"Really!" Alison said, "I'd hoped to schedule another appointment with her. Where did she go?"

"She went to Earth, I guess she had some unexpected things to take care of. Don't worry Alison, you can always schedule an appointment with me." She smiled.

"Then you'll probably get to know me quite well," Alison joked as she took her coffee and they found a vacant table. "I think half of the counsellors avoid me these days, I thought for a moment then I'd scared her away! But really I sometimes just need to say things out loud to get things straight in my head. Did you see the flowers when you passed through ops?" she asked.

Claire listened to Alison as she grabbed her hot chocolate and sat opposite of her. "I find it hard for you to scare anyone off Alison. She should be back soon. And yes....I did see those flowers, they're beautiful." She smiled and wondered if Jarred would be the kind of guy that would send her flowers. She smiled at the thought of him carrying flowers to her quarters.

"Well I was a bit nervous about it, but Zorana convinced me to accept the offer of a date with my friend, and then he sent me those ... and ... well, we're having dinner tonight!" she beamed.

"Congrats!" She replied enthusiastically. "That is awfully exciting! What is he like?"

“The usual – dashing, handsome and just a little bit of a mystery about him. I’m sure that can’t be good,” she added, thinking that she could have applied the same description to Simon, and look how that ended. “No,” she said, “I’m being positive about this one and if it all goes wrong then, what the heck! I got some nice flowers!”

"If you want this to work (even if it only to be tonight mind you), then you have to be positive." She smiled at Alison. "And definately got some really nice flowers!" She said laughing.

Alison chased the froth around the top of her coffee with a spoon, "I'll tell you what the best thing is - he's actually interested in me and what I do. I've lost count of the number of men who ask 'how was your day' then do nothing but waffle on and on about their own."

"I hate the 'self centered' type with a passion!" She agreed. Claire was playing with the marshmellows left in her mug, her mind continuing to wander from the conversation to Jarred and back to the conversation again.

Distracted, apprehensive, trying to put on a brave face; Alison had done it a hundred times herself and she recognised the symptoms. "Do you want to tell me about it?" she asked, "As a friend?"

Claire laughed nervously and smiled. 'Yeah...last night I met the new intellegience officer, Jarred Wallace, do you know him? Well it gets complicated..."

"Sorry, I don't, but at least it means I can't tell him what you said, not that I'm actually a complete gossip. How complicated is complicated?"

"Well...we ended up going for coffee and he invited me back to his place..." She didn't want to look up at Alison to see the expression on her face, she could easily open her mind but it was still to risky. "We are both Betazoid, I have more Betazoid blood than he. We were using our telepathic abilities."

Alison sipped her cooling coffee as Claire spoke, her fingers wrapped around the cup. "That must be odd, seeing other people's thoughts - I guess it isn't actually like that. I suppose it comes as naturally as talking," she mused.

"I have the ability (an extremely rare one, so I am told) that allows me to take on people's emotions so they no longer feel angry or sad. I have taken a lot of Zorana's emotions, I tend to bottle them up, not releasing them until later when I deal with them in a constructive way. Jarred could feel all the emotions coming off of me, I wasn't being careful enough. He told me to let go of the pain and sorrow. When I did I experienced a mind storm, sort of emotional overload. I hurt his mind when mine overloaded, I should of been more careful." She shook her head and sighed.

Alison placed her empty cup down, "I've had enough therapy sessions since my divorce to know that keeping anything like that inside for any period of time isn't healthy. You poor thing, your mind just kind of let go when it saw a way to get rid of them?" It was part question and part statement, for all her apparent ditziness Alison had a very analytical mind. "How did he take it?"

"His mind screamed out in agony. I forced my mind closed and was so weak after the incident. He wouldn't let me leave, he let me sleep. He was relatively ok this morning, I could feel the pain in his head, like a headache but he was ok. He didn't run screaming this morning." She laughed nervously.

"Well that doesn't sound too bad. Claire, if you don't mind me asking, do you think there is anything there between you?"

"Already he is protective over me, so I would say yes." She smiled.

"Good for you," Alison grinned, "if things go well for me we could double date, though that's probably asking for disaster!"

"Why? Just because he's an intelligence officer..."She responded jokingly.

Alison chuckled. She shook her head, "No, 'cause I'm assuming that my date will go well! I'll end up with my elbow in my soup or something."

"Don't worry about it! You'll be fine...just don't order the soup!"

"Or spaghetti or anything complicted," Alison grinned. She cast a glance at the chronometer, "Looks like I should be getting back," she said.

Yeah me too...another meeting awaits!"

Alison pushed to her feet, "It was nice to talk to you, Claire. If you ever want to do this again ..."

"Absolutely! It was fun...we will have to do it again. Same time tomorrow and you can tell me all about your date?"

Alison nodded, "I'll be there!"


Lt JG Alison Bennet
Strategic Operations Officer (NPCd by Louise)

Lt (JG) Claire Mackenzie
Acting Chief Counsellor (NPC played by Mandy)