Judgement – An (un)Suitable Boy
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton

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Title   An (un)Suitable Boy
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton
Posted   Thu Nov 25, 2010 @ 1:42pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 35 1800

Edward stopped in front of the Box Of Delights. ~So it's a casino. Okay. I can do that~ he thought. It couldn't be too bad, being a waiter or holosuite attendant. He opened the door and approached the bar, standing rather than seating himself, and looking expectantly at the being behind it, an attractive young Bajoran man, with the traditional earring.

"What can I get you?" Rosh Pelin asked. The mood inside the bar was quiet, sombre, with few people drinking.

Reaching his hand over the bar, he introduced himself. "Edward Stapleton. The secretary at the Merchant's Association said I could find a Ms. Ilbain here. About a job."

Looking a bit uncertain, Pelin shook his hand. "Uh this is a bit awkward-"

Before Pelin could continue, a young human male, that was impressively good looking, even with the hair down to his waist, wandered up, putting his tray on the bar. "Hey Pel, who's this?"

"Edward," said the assistant barman. "Tah sent him down here about a job. He wants to see the boss."

The man held his own hand out. "Blake, I'm the head waiter. Ever wait tables?"

Edward shook the second man's hand, impressed already with his sense of confidence. "Edward," he said, and released Blake's hand. "No, but I learn quickly."

Pelin, perked up, he'd had an idea. He turned and beckoned to yet another attractive male, a trill this time, who was standing at an empty dabo table. He came over, "What's up Pel?"

"This guy's been sent for a job, but I don't want to bother the boss. Aren't we short a croupier?"

The trill nodded. "We're always short a croupier." He looked Edward up and down, in a not too dissimilar fashion to the way Tah had examined him, though with more calculation and less salaciousness. Deciding he could take this further, he held out a hand. "I'm Ahjess Denn. Ever been in a casino?"

~Dabo!? You've *got* to be kidding me~ Edward thought to himself, as he took the Trill's hand. "Edward Stapleton. Yes, I've gone to places like this before, but as a customer, never as an employee."

"Think you could handle it. Its not hard?" Ahjess asked.

Edward shifted his weight to one leg, taking a long pause to consider. "Aren't I a little old for this?" Usually the Dabo girls were young, pretty, and acted like they didn't have two brain cells to rub together.

The three men, barely more than boys in Edward's eyes, exchanged glances. "Well," admitted Ahjess, "Maybe a little. But there's plenty of grannies who'd think you're more than young enough."

Edward rolled his eyes. Grannies, huh. Great.

"And quite a few of the ladies prefer an older man." Blake assured him. the statement had the other two staring at him in disbelief.

Ahjess shook his head, and chose to ignore Blake, who had never met a woman who preferred another man to him. "Why don't you come upstairs, we can give you a try out in the holodeck?"

"What have I got to lose," Edward said, and followed the young Trill, noticing with a frown that the hips before him swished just a bit too much for his comfort.

Ahjess led him inside the holospa, and into the wardrobe replicator. He tapped a few buttons, and a rack of clothes appeared. "Take your pick."

Sequins, rhinestones, and some brightly colored, stretchy material seemed to comprise most of the costumes presented. Edward's eyebrows dropped until his eyes could barely be seen. Bridget was not going to like this. He stepped forward and fingered some of the items, sliding the hangers along the rack, looking for something less flashy. Going through the selections once, he returned to a hanger that contained an off-white shirt with some sort of ruffle things at the neck and sleeves, and a pair of pants that looked like they were scuffed brown leather.

Looking at the Trill once, he turned his back and put on the costume. The pants were snug in places he wasn't comfortable with, and the waistband laced up from a rather deep opening. He cinched it closed as far as he could, which made it much more modest, but also made him wonder if he was going to be able to breathe in it. The shirt went over his head roomily enough, but his ample, dark brown chest hair was rather obviously displayed down to his navel. He turned and faced Ahjess.

The clothes were... young. The trousers were tight and the shirt appeared to be missing almost all it's buttons.

Ahjess put a hand over his mouth, trying not to laugh. "Not bad. Not bad. Can you walk in those things? Bend over?"

"I'm afraid if I take too deep a breath, the seams are going to pop." However, Edward took a few steps forward, and experimentally squatted. To the surprise of both men, the seams held fast.

He stifled a sigh and stood up straight. "Alright, what now?" Edward was wondering how he was ever going to tell his parents that he'd promoted up to a Dabo Boy.

"Well, if you're feeling brave, we wax your chest. If not, we'll start you off on the dabo wheels. If you can charm some latinum from the customers this evening, we'll try and get the boss to take you on. Feeling brave?"

Both bushy eyebrows stood out from Edward's forehead like angry felines. "No chest waxing." His voice had a naturally low timbre, but this time it was slow, deep, and menacing. "I'll work the game, but the chest hair stays."

Ahjess's grin got wider. "Talk to the ladies with that voice, you won't need to." He sauntered past. "lets go spin some wheels."


Edward Stapleton
(sigh) Dabo Boy
NPC by Charlene

The Boys of the Box Of Delights
NPCs by Notty