Things Past – Sarafin Delight (Part II)
by Lieutenant Vincent Kramer

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Title   Sarafin Delight (Part II)
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Kramer
Posted   Mon Dec 26, 2011 @ 8:58pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   1900 Hours
Sarafin Delight (Part II)

Engineering can be a wonderful place of fulfillment. The whole idea is to provide power, keep things running, keep everyone happy, and not get noticed. The title of Assistant Chief of Engineering means that you have a great deal of responsibility to make sure things are implemented, completed, training is accomplished, everything is on schedule, and in most cases receives very little recognition for his efforts. Yet, when something goes wrong, it all falls flat on his or her shoulders. Of late, that has been the case for Lt. Vincent Kramer, Assistant Chief of Engineering.

((Hurst Suite))
( 1900 Hours )


Starbase Deep Space 5 is very different from other starbases, because of the exterior residential ring. The designers of the Celestial Class Starbase seemed to want to give a good portion of the residents and guests the possibility to gaze in on the main structure of the station each day from their suite.

Sierra and Heather Hurst are daughters of Alonzo Hurst a purchasing executive for the planetary counsel of Sarafin. The people of Sarafin believed in keeping life simple, yet still modern. An agricultural planet where the weather is controlled, Sarafin boasts of the 70% land mass of the planet, 68% of that is used for food production, an astounding claim. There are only 4 large cities on the planet, of which only 8% of the population lives. The rest live is modest dwellings across the fertile landscape, where beauty of their world is enjoyed daily.

At 1900 Vincent Kramer arrived at the Hurst suite. He looked down at his appearance. He had changed out of his Starfleet uniform and dressed for the night. The black pants and jacket reminded him of an old style Tuxedo, but with that shinny strip down the sides of the pants and arms too. The red shirt with open collar had wavy lines in the material running down the front. Pressing the entrance button, Kramer could hear the deep throated tones of hanging resonating tubes in the residence. 'They must have gone all out to have those pipes put in place,' Vince thought.

The door sprang open and Sierra was there to greet him with a big hug and Vince was towed inside.

The entry way was very lavish with dark tones on the walls, it was decorated with paintings and pieces of art. Several pieces were on pedestals and on the walls. He didn’t recognize any of them. 'They might be from Sarafin,' Vince thought. The floor was white and black specks and looked like of fine marble.

Heather raced up to him and launched herself at him, jumping up. Vince had to brace himself and catch her. Her navel was even with his chin. He had his arms wrapped around her bottom. She squealed, wrapping her arms around his head.

“Hey now!” Sierra complained. “I didn’t get to do that.” Putting her hands enviously on her hips.

Setting Heather down gently, “Girls girls.” Vince began, “Take it easy on this poor old engineer.” He then added, “I’m a wounded soldier.” referring to his injury.

"Ah, that's so sad." Sierra said taking hold of his right upper arm tenderly.

"I'm so sorry. I hope I didn’t hurt you." Heather said, taking hold of his left arm soothingly.

“Let go of me for a minute girls.” Vince said, “Let me take a look at you two.” Stepping back from them, “You two look fabulous.” He said with a smile. Both ladies curtsied in a way Vince had only seen in movies of old. With one foot out front and bending at the waist making a bow, their arms extended out to the sides holding the side edges of their skirt.

Sierra and Heather wore matching dresses, but they were mirror images of each other. Vince was sure that they had been hand made for them. The sleeveless dresses were a wraparound style with no collar, a plunging neckline, and belted waist. The trailing ends of the skirt were pointed and uneven. The fabric was a soft green and yellow with sparkles in swirly patterns. The dresses seemed to slide across their bodies and shimmer with each movement.

“Where ya gonna take us, Lieutenant?” Sierra asked.

Heather countered her sister, “His name’s Vince, Sierra.” Walking up to him and placing an affectionate hand on his chest. “Don’t you know anything?” Saying negatively to her sister, as she looked into Vince’s eyes and smiling, givingly.

Without trying to be rude, but needing to proceed before they broke out into a squabble, Vince said, “I . . I think we should go.”

This made both girls squeal and each grab one of his arms, again, and they headed out.

After leaving the suite, one thing that Vince noticed right off, without the girls mentioning anything, was there were two very large men following them right out of the suite and everywhere they went. No doubt they were their body guards. They never talked nor interrupted a thing during the night, but they were always within a rocks throw. Even using the turbo lift, separately, they would show up. It was almost as if the girls had a tracker on them for the guys to follow. He was beginning to understand just how important they were to their Father.

There are so many possibilities for entertainment on Deep Space 5; concerts, restaurants, clubs, bars, holodecks for all kinds of settings. Vince took them to about a half dozen different places during the evening. He tried to not stay more than 45 to 60 minutes at any one location, enjoying the company and conversation with the ladies. A drink here . . a bite to eat there . . It was a very different experience for Vince. There were many dances from orchestrated formal group dances to wild and crazy free for all of pouncing and shaking of their body and hair; from fast and fancy footwork to slow and sexual. There were several passionate kisses from each of the ladies over the course of the evening. Vince enjoyed them all extremely well.

Going anywhere with these two extremely beautiful women was a challenge in itself. Either they were distracted by things they saw along the way and pulled Vince to see it as well, or the looks of the many passers-by had to be dealt with. Some ogled the girls, many just smiled with envy, others made jealous remarks, and a few even were repulsed by the 'graphic sexuality' the ladies exuded just being in the room.

The evening progressed in this fashion for the next fantastic 5 hours.

OFF: To be continued -

Lt. Vincent Kramer
Asst. Chief of Engineering