Interlude – Tag, you're it...
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   Tag, you're it...
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Mon May 31, 2010 @ 2:26pm
Location   Romulan Consulate - t'Merek's office
Timeline   SD18 - late night

Maiell rubbed his eyes, hoping to clear the feeling of sleepiness from his brain while what little was functioning tried to find a reason his cousin had asked him to come to her office this late. She sounded reasonable, so he knew he had nothing to worry about there. But she also sounded a bit excited, which, from experience, he knew he should be worried about. Arrienye was usually a very calm, deadly professional person, and whenever she showed real emotion that he'd seen was when she had one of her 'ideas'.

With a loud sigh, he walked up to her office door and, surprisingly, it opened before him. Raising an eyebrow, he cautiously walked inside to see the woman huddled over something on her desk. Her toolbox was opened up next to her and its contents covered almost the entire surface of the desk.

"Hey, Arri," he began, but was soon cut off by Arrienye. "Computer, lock door," she said quickly, looking up at him. Maiell shifted slightly under her gaze, giving her an inquisitive look.

"Hey," she greeted him finally with a smile. She didn't get up and, being family as well as off duty, there was no need for any formalities between them, so Maiell walked closer to her and sat down on the chair opposite his cousin. He watched her work on the thing in front of her, which turned out to be a rather unique looking weapon. One he couldn't recognize.

"What are you working on?" he asked her, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"One moment," she just told him instead of replying and Maiell sat back in his chair, looking up at the ceiling. The two sat there in silence for almost twenty minutes and just as Maiell was about to get up and leave, Arrienye spoke up.

"I got Ullhan Saren to bring in this specialized equipment for me," she told Maiell, looking up at him. Maiell looked down at the gun suspiciously.

"You got *Saren* to do something for you?" he asked her, leaning over to rest his arms on the desk, pushing some of the tools away to clear the area first. Arrienye looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. "Yes, why?"

"So...what did he get you?" Maiell asked tentatively, deciding to avoid the question as he moved his chair back a little.

"This is a new tracking device. Each tracker is completely unique, can't be spotted by anything less than detailed medical scans and leaves no marks on the outside," she said with a tone of excitement in her voice. Maiell nodded, impressed, but then he stopped.

"Wait, is this the new nanite tracker?" he asked. "Yes!" Arrienye nodded enthusiastically.

"How the hell did you get it, it's only been released into military usage a week ago."

"I have connections, Maiell," she said simply, shaking her head as she looked back down to the weapon on the table, picking it up.

Maiell shook his head with a sigh. He leaned back, "So what? You just asked me to come in here so you could brag? I don't believe you..." Maiell pushed the arms of the chair he was in to get to his feet, unable to believe Arrienye had woken him up for *this*.

"Hey, where the hell are you going?" she called, standing up as well. "I wanna test this!" she revealed and her cousin stopped dead in his tracks. "Wait...Oh, no," he shook his head.

"No way, you are not shooting me with that. I don't want inert nanites inside me," he said firmly, moving to the door.

"Too bad, cousin. Think fast!" Arrienye quickly held up the weapon and fired the small dart into his stomach. He let out a painful yell that made her very grateful for having a soundproof office.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Maiell exclaimed, pulling the sharp object out and falling to his knees. He felt pain going through his stomach, making it burn. Arrienye winced, putting the weapon down and walking over to him slowly. "Um, Maiell, are you alright?" she asked.

"What kind of question is that!?" he asked in anger. "Of course I'm not fucking alright! You shot me with an inch-long dart!"

Arrienye realised she probably shouldn't get any closer, so she walked back to stand behind her desk, taking up the small tracker. Her face suddenly lit up with a brilliant smile. "It works!"

"Oh good!" Maiell shot back sarcastically, getting back onto his feet. "Don't mind the blood, then," he continued, looking at his hand, which was covered in green blood. He lifted up his tunic to see blood trickling down the puncture on his stomach. Arrienye looked over at him. She snorted. "You are such a baby," she shook her head. Maiell looked up at her in disbelief.

"And you are crazy," he shot back, wiping at the blood.

"Whatever, you can go now. Thanks," Arrienye told him, sitting down again, looking at the gun, as if contemplating something.

Maiell blinked, the pain subsiding, the anger and frustration he felt having burned it away.

"You know what? When you came here, I was worried for you. But now that I see just how much of a crazy bitch you really are, I know you'll fit right in with the rest of this freak show," he told her, turning around leaving her office, heading for the infirmary. Half way there, he stopped to think. Looking back at Arrienye's office door he considered his actions.

'How would it look for Arrienye if I said she shot me, her own family, not to mention a member of her staff, with a weapon for a 'test'?' he wondered, then looked back at the infirmary doors. Letting out a sigh, he turned to go back to his quarters.

"Stupid family," he muttered just as the doors closed.


Post by

Arrain Arrienye t'Merek
Insane weapons nerd


erie'Arrain Maiell tr'Tahn
Loyal Guinea pig