Interlude – Psychiatric Exam
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Psychiatric Exam
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Mon May 31, 2010 @ 4:33pm
Location   Cdr. Villier's Quarters
Timeline   after Rianni is released from sickbay
Lt. Cdr. Charles Burns had been called off of his duties on the USS Wijambu to do a psych evaluation on some nutty Romulan pilot who'd slit her wrist and he wasn't happy about it at all as he made his way to the quarters of the acting XO, Cdr. Karen Villiers. ~The only good thing about this is after I talk to this woman I already have a lawyer here to toss her out of the service. Trying to kill herself, she should be shot for that.~

After half a second searching followed by half an hour walking Burns stood in front of Cdr. Villier's quarters and rang the chime, "Hopefully we can get this done quickly." He grumbled to himself as he waited.

"Come in," Karen called rubbing her shoulder. Climbing a hundred decks only to be shot by one of the Maquis had done nothing to help her mood. She was tired, irritable and had a stack of documents to read through.

Burns stepped into Villier's quarters with purpose, he wanted to get this done and get back to his ship and not be bothered by it anymore than was needed, "Ma'am, Lt. Cdr. Charles Burns, psychiatrist. I've been dispatched by sector command to do a psychiatric examination on one Lt. Cdr. Rianni Monteros-Th'Khellian." ~th-Khellian? That's the same name as the Romulan Ambassador here, isn't it?~

"Ma'am, I was told I needed to report to you before beginning my assessment of the officer in question." Burns continued, "I've also been ordered to advise you that we are looking at an involuntary medical discharge."

Karen pursed her lips. "Shouldn't that be the responsibility of the CMO to declare whether or not Monteros is fit for duty? Perhaps you should check in with Doctor Adams," she suggested. This was highly unusual. She understood that if sector command wanted an exam that they would run it by her as Executive Officer with a duty and responsibility to her staff. What Karen did not understand was what had prompted the external intervention.

"I've been instructed not to allow Dr. Adams any input in this situation." Burns replied, "Command feels she's compromised due to her relationship with Lt. Dunham, who has a vested interest in keeping Lt. Cdr. Monteros in her position."

"Have a seat, Commander Burns," Karen said. Once he was settled she continued. "I have no doubts about Doctor Adams' professional integrity," she told him, "and I will make that view known to sector command." Karen had barely exchanged more than a few words with the doctor but she knew her reputation. Karen bristled at the insult. "What are your grounds?" she asked.

"Okay, Commander, let me start by saying I'm not any more happy about being here than you are about me being here. I didn't ask for or want this assignment, it kind of got shoved down my throat." Burns began, "But, now that I'm here my duty is quite obvious. We can not have an unstable person like this Monteros woman in command of, or even having access to, high technology weapons like our fighters. Especially not a woman with conflicted loyalties."

Karen nodded. "Explain," she said. She was not going to do his work for him, he had to make the case before she would give him the go-ahead.

"Commander, it is a fact that Lt. Cdr. Monteros did recently attempt suicide after a straight woman she'd been pursuing left the station to get away from her, correct?" Burns replied, "So we've got a woman here who has shown stalker tendencies and emotional instability with suicidal ideation. How can we be sure that she won't attach herself to someone else and attack them during a flight when they don't reciprocate her affection."

Karen's eyes widened slightly at the arguement. Was he serious? "Commander Burns," Karen said, "That Monteros attempted suicide is a fact, the other evidence you cite is irrelevant. We do not make judgements on officer's sexuality or infer that failed realtionships demonstrate 'tendencies' of any form. There are grounds for a temporary suspension of duty but none for unconditional discharge," she told him. First the slur on the motivations of the CMO, now allegations based on hell knows what!

Burns could tell that Villiers was unhappy with what she was being told, but he really didn't have much choice, "Ma'am, I've made no inferences based on Miss Monteros' sexuality, I'm only going on what was sent to me from Sector Command. Which, by the way, includes several reports filed by Lt. Cdr. Dorian Gabriel, your Chief of Security, detailing his suspicions about Lt. Cdr. Monteros and informing sector command she is under continuing investigation for treason against the Federation."

"Go on, and stick with the facts. Treason, you say?" and based on a report from Gabriel.

"Everything I have presented is fact, Ma'am." Burns replied, "And, yes, it's all in the dossier Sector Command sent to me, as well as the fact that Miss Monteros threatened to kill him on more than one occasion. Everything here shows a pattern of dangerous behaviors, and Sector Command is very worried about what she's going to do next."

"All apart from the conjecture. Threatening to kill a security chief is not treason, even you must realise that," Karen responded.

"I realize that, Ma'am." Burns sighed, this woman was insufferable, "I've not accused Miss Monteros of treason, only noted that she is under continuing investigation. Any accusations came from your station, Ma'am. Though, it has been reported to Sector Command that Miss Monteros' Grandfather went to the state department in an effort to strong arm Dorian Gabriel into stopping his investigations. I know it's not legally admissible but that makes it look like they wanted to cover something up, doesn't it?"

Karen leaned forwards and steepled her fingers, "Why don't you tell me what that might be," she suggested over the top of them.

"It seems as though Gregori Monteros knows his granddaughter is doing something wrong." Burns suggested, "Otherwise why would he risk his reputation in the business world in an attempt to stop a lawful investigation?"

"You tell me, Commander," Karen replied. "and drop the suppositions. I will not lightly allow this sort of thing to happen to anyone on this station and if you don't have the evidence to convince me I will tie sector command in legal knots that they will not be able to unravel for months. If you 've a job to do, do it, but tell me the facts. All of them."

"They want a psychiatric examination performed to see if Miss Monteros is a danger to herself or others, with the preliminary suggestion that she be given an involuntary medical discharge." Burns replied, "And that's why they've brought me here."

"And that's all you're giving me?" Karen shook her head. "Make your examination, Commander Burns and bring me your results. I will be registering a protest with sector command over this."

"That's all I'm giving you because that's all they gave me." Burns replied, "But, it is and always has been standard procedure to dismiss suicidal personnel, and this was no doubt a serious suicide attempt, Ma'am. I'm just following orders and regulations."

"And I'm just protecting my people," Karen said pushing to her feet. "Such an assessment is not at the behest of sector command but local medical staff. Don't take me for a fool," she said.

"I thought it was out of the ordinary, too, Commander." Burns replied, "But I'm not about to argue with Sector Command."

"I am," Karen replied, at least she was if they did not give her evidence of cause.

"Well, I guess I can only wish you good luck." Burns said, "So, good luck."

"Good day, Commander," Karen replied waiting for him to leave.

"Good day, Commander." Burns nodded, turning to leave, ~Well, I see this Monteros has a lot friends. Good, she might need them.~


Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer. DS5

Lt.Cdr. Charles Burns
Psychiatrist [NPC Rianni]