Lieutenant Commander Talitha McCallum’s Personal Log - Who am I?

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Title   Who am I?
Author   Lieutenant Commander Talitha McCallum
Posted   Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 12:42am
I finally found the time to change my uniform. It is unsettling not to see the science blue on my shoulders. But the red doesn't clash nearly as badly with my hair as I thought it would. That's incrediably vain, I know. I've been busy being "point" for the festival. My time with my family on Bajor has been a great help, as I know how important this day is to Bajorans. It is amazing, the size of this station. It may be trite... but the numbers on paper, and even seeing it from space, didn't even come close to preparing me for the magnitude of the interior. But I'm getting off point. I've been here for two days, and already my life is upside down. I can't wait to tell Mum and Da about everything.