Incommunicado – A job is a job?
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani

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Title   A job is a job?
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani
Posted   Fri May 11, 2012 @ 10:02pm
Location   Selen'ai, Docking Bay 3
Timeline   SD 57 2100

The trill called Hex leant on a stack of equipment chests in the corner of the docking bay that was otherwise only occupied by the strange Gamma quadrant ship called Selen'ai. She didn't know the name of the ship, but sat observing it, blowing smoke rings from her half smoked cigar, contemplating what the style of the ship said about its owner, a new face on the station, a gun for hire called Akamu Makani.

Eventually Hex decided it was time to meet the new comer, and pushed away from the crates, and headed over to the ship, finding what was probably a door, she banged on the hull until someone answered.

The port airlock slid open with a hiss. "What?" Akamu barked angrily. His mouth snapped shut as his eyes wandered up the coiled feminine figure before him. "Ah.... I'm a bit busy, ma'am," he said. Not entirely true. He was just on his way to the Box to see if he could drink off the stress of the past day or so.

"I've heard you're for hire," The blonde trill told him, crossing her arms over her chest and looking him up and down. "Want to talk business?"

Akamu gave her another once-over, deciding she might be worth his time, and stepped aside. Silently, he lead her to the 'mess', a tiny room with a table and a replicator. "Eraga Brandy," he ordered silently. He may not be able to go to the Box, but that didn't mean he couldn't have a drink. He looked up. "Want anything?"

"Saurian Brandy, on ice."

A moment later, the two drinks appeared in the alcove. Akamu pulled them out and set them both on the table, then slid into his seat. He gestured idly for Hex to sit across from him.

"Mind if I smoke?" she held up the cigar.

Akamu's face contorted in disgust. He eyed the cigar warily. "Actually," he said slowly, "I do."

She gave him a dark look, but did not protest further. "A bad habit I picked up from my ninth? Tenth? host. Those were the days, huh, everything new and exciting. No worm hole. The Cardassians hadn't even noticed Bajor and the Klingons were the bad guys. Happy days." She shrugged, and tapped the dead end of the half smoked cigar against the thick pad of scar tissue in her left palm.

Akamu smirked. "I don't begrudge anyone their bad habits," he lifted his glass as an example, "but have you ever tried to get that smell out of carpets? Not pleasent. What can I do for you?""

"You're a mercenary, not averse to hurting people. Am I right?"

"Depends on who I have to hurt, but, not generally." His gaze shifted up to meet hers. "If it's a female, you can forget it."

She raised an eyebrow, "Has the 23rd century not got to the Gamma quadrant." She went to take a drag on the cigar, and stopped half way. "Don't worry, You won't have to hurt a woman. You won't even have to hurt the man that much. I don't want him damaged. All I want is 20 mils of blood and a lock of hair."

Akamu arched a brow, but decided not to ask. He prided himself on knowing when to ask questions, and when to shut up. Besides, he loved telling police "I don't know."

"Alright," he said instead. "You have my interest, miss...?"

"Just Hex. I've been male and female more times than I can count, gender specificity isn't needed."

"Hex, then. As I was saying, you have me interested. Now, before I give my price, who is this unlucky individual?" He paused. "In other words, how hard is this going to be, really."

She laughed, "So cynical for one so young. You can relax, it will be a peace of cake, a young man who will be no trouble at all."

"Don't try to lie, please," Akamu said evenly. "It insults my intelligence. An I have a feeling you wouldn't be here if you thought me unintelligent."

"I'm not lieing, the young man really should be no problem." she took a pad from her jacket pocket and pushed it across the deck. "But his employer is apparently a little touchy on the subject of her boys getting hurt, and anything that upsets her, upsets a certain Cardassian, who may be something of a handful when he's angry."

Akamu took the pad, examined the image blazoned across the screen, then slid it back across to Hex. "And where can I find this young man?" He was fairly certain he already knew the answer.

"Its all on there, " she tapped the padd. "He lives on section H, Deck 1098. He goes to the Gym on deck 178 four times a week, and works at the Box of Delights on the Promenade. Plus a whole lot more."

"And you know all this because?" Akamu prompted, leaning forward. There was a gleam in his eye. The Wolf had caught a scent.

"He's pretty. And I like to watch." Eyes older than the federation looked at him steadily from a face younger than his own, daring him to say something.

"Right," Ka'er nodded. "And I'm a Bolian dancer." She was a joined Trill. Normally, they didn't care much for the young, pretty ones. They tended to be more... discerning than that.

"Anyway," Ka'er rocked back, knowing his sudden disinterest wouldn't fool her, but hoping that she would get he messege that he wasn't planning on chewing on the bone she'd dropped in his lap; at least, not in front of her. "His name's Ahjess, right?"

Hex grinned, enjoying the game. "My my, aren't you well informed."

"I'm an old run-down war hero," he replied sarcastically. "I drink."

"Well, you can buy and awful lot of drink for a bar of latinum." Hex replied "Do we have an accord?"

Ka'er rubbed his lowre lip with his thumb thoughtfully. Finally, he looked up at her and grinned. "Gotta pay the bills, I guess." He eyed her cautiously. "A whole bar for some DNA and hair? That's one hell of a fetish."

"As I said," Hex said, standing. "The boy's not much, but hes got attachments that could be dangerous. So subtlety is best, the less he remembers the better. " She threw a black velvet like bag down on the table. "Deposit, Ten Percent. There's also a bonus if you can do it without him ever knowing it was done."

Ka'er took the bag and hefted it in his hand. "Good day, Hex," he said slowly, a slow, lingering smirk spreading across his face. "I'll contact you when I have the... shall we say, merchandise?"

"I'll be in Q'uit's." She acknowledged, and then she was gone


The Wolf of the Underworld
(AKA Civilian Mercenary)

NPC by Notty