Incommunicado – getting concerned and an idea
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   getting concerned and an idea
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Sat Apr 14, 2012 @ 4:45am
Location   BII offices
Wayne sat in his office once more reading over reports from the various different departments his company ran. One thing was beginning to strike him as odd though and it was something that he had been concerned over maybe more then he should have been. With the communication problems that DS5 was having though it was little wander he was concerned as those self same problems were directly affecting him and his business. However he knew better then to bother the fleet with his concerns as he was sure that they were doing everything they could to solve the problem, as fast as they possibly could.

However they did not exactly have some of the things he could get his hands on and it was high time that he started to show just exactly what he and his company could and would do to solve this problem. At least for himself as his company and maybe the starfleet people on the station if they asked him that was. Several months ago he had ordered the commission of a very special ship. A modified Hornet class starship that had basicly been stripped down of everything except her shields sensors and comm systems. These systems were heavly beefed up to do what this crafts intended mission was. The ship had been moved into a position at the exterme edge of communications range and hopefully it would be outside of the affected area.

With a tight directional beam linking the small craft to the comm system on the Bradhsaw then directed from there directly his offices it allowed for at least some level of communication between his company and the outside world. It was not the most logical way to do it nor was it the easiest way but it seemed to be working and on the off chance that the stations own comm system was having trouble the way he had done this would bypass everything on the station.

Of course he knew that this was not a perminate fix but it would have to do for the present time.

OOC: Sorry for the very long and rather unanounced LOA but hopefully I am back now and will be able to write some posts and be open for any JP's that might come to mind as a result of this this particular post.