Judgement – Mhnei'Sahe
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Mhnei'Sahe
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Mon May 23, 2011 @ 8:50pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD37. Around Midnight
By the time that Isha had left the security levels, and reached the promenade from where she could take another route to her own embassy she was no longer so sure. If required Isha would do Ibalin harm, it was nothing personal, simply a function of the company she kept. Ibalin chose to cling to an enemy of Isha's, therefore she was a fair target. But as her legal representitive, even if the role had been forced upon her, Isha owed the woman a degree of succour.

Isha found herself torn.

Mnhnei'sahe, the same code that kept her fighting even though she might come to less harm if she yielded unconditionally was telling her that she owed something to the creature, for now at least. She paused looking down over the deserted layers of the empty mall, behind her the taped off bar that the creature owned. Then she turned, folding her arms as she looked at the dead space, the residue of a life. Isha sighed, She had to do it, if she did not then she could never justify what else she might feel compelled to do by mhnei'sahe.

Isha turned back to the rail. Why this? Why now? Isha was reminded of the great cliché that was typically used to expalin the contradictions inherent in the concept - Mnhei'sahe may require you to give the last of your water to your greatest enemy, or that you kill your dearest friend. right now it demanded that she abase herself further before her tormentor to allow a false hope to a pathetic creature.

She brushed the silvered bangle on her wrist and spoke, out here the signal would go via Starfleet's comm system so who would ever know. "Communication to the Cardassian Ambassador. Meet me outside the Box of Delights within five minutes," then she turned her gaze back to the deserted promenade levels and stared into the emptiness.

"Acknowledged." The cold reply came. Tharek knew Isha might be stupid enough to set up an ambush, so he readied himself. He borrowed a belt from the barracks, and attached a disruptor pistle, large dagger and a smaller throwable dagger. He then checked his signature boot knife, before leaving to meet his property.

Though she may have erased the outer signs of Getal's earlier attack there was nothing she could do about the lingering ring in her ear from the blow or the ache in her muscles and bones from where she had struggled against him. She really did not want to see him again now, even for a minute.

Isha heard him even before she saw him out of the corner of her eye - he appeared wary. "Tthere's only me here," she said quietly as she continued to look out over the rail.

"One can never be too careful around someone as cunning as you, Isha." He said, almost complimenting her. "But unluckily for you, I'm one step ahead. Whether you know it or not. Now, what do you want?"

Isha swivelled her head and looked at him for a moment before she spoke. His words and the additional cutlery he carried told her a lot about how he thought; that Isha filed away for future reference.

"What has what I want got to do with anything? I'm only here because somewhere in a line of tosh I fed to Captain Tahir about female solidarity in a male world something rang true," she said.

He shot her a glare that forced her attention to his eyes. "Why have you called me here?" He repeated.

And he actually believed that he was one step ahead of her!

Isha sighed, staring back without so much as a blink. "Ibalin wants to see you," she said, "though I can't for the life of me understand why."

Getal smiled eerily. "Because she obviously knows where the power lies. With me." He said in a voice that only seemed to be sarcastic toward Isha. "Although, you have done what was requested of you. I am pleased."

Isha half turned. It was the incessant arrogance of the man that riled her so much. She really, really wanted to hit him square in the face with something heavy, just to smash that expression off his face.

"Oh, she's not out, not yet. In so few hours that is beyond even me," Isha admitted. "But she is entitled to a visit. I thought that I would leave telling you until morning when the news would do you no good, because I am sure that Trellis would never allow you in. The duty officer on the other hand ... well, as her Counsel I've already given him instructions to allow you to talk with her."

"Remember your orders, t'Khellian. You get her out within the specified time, or I give you another tattoo." Getal moved closer, until he was inches from her back.

Isha shivered, the icy feeling cutting right down into her bones as she felt him looming behind her. She turned to face him in what space he had left her. "I told you I would do it and I will," she said, her eyes full of bright green fire. How anyone could be this selfish was beyond even her.

"I'm not here tonight because of you! I'm here because there is someone in this place so pathetic that nothing but the thought of seeing you gives her anything approaching solace," she snarled at him closing the gap until she was nose to nose with him, her eyes blazing into his. She was here because honour drove her to let him know that Ibalin needed him, and his dismissal of that in favour of making threats reignited her fury. "I don't know if you drugged her, or hypnotised her or what! Whichever it was you owe it to her to stop being an arse, and to go and give her that reassurance while you have the opportunity to do so!"

Tharek's glare was doused. Whether he wanted to listen, agree or believe her, she was right. "t'Khellian. In this one situation. You're absolutely right."

"I usually am," Isha said, her temper had become increasingly difficult to manage over the last few weeks, and this case was no exception. "Now get the fuck out of my way. I have a wedding to attend in the morning and I don't have time to stand here bandying insults with the likes of you."

With that Isha planted her palms flat on his chest and in the same movement shoved him sharply back out of her path.

Then without looking or caring whether or not he'd kept his balance, she simply walked away.


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian
Doing the right thing despite everything

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Change of Heart, long overdue