Beg, Steal or Borrow – A Tale of Two Ensigns - Episode 3
by Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon

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Title   A Tale of Two Ensigns - Episode 3
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Posted   Thu Aug 27, 2009 @ 11:16am
Location   USS Zanzibar
Timeline   MD10 11:00

Ensign Brosarn Log USS Zanzibar Supplemental:

Once again Ensign Watts and I are en route to Korvas VII. Lieutenant Serine pointed out that we had not completed our duty as Starfleet officers and were to return to the scene of the crime. We are under orders to return to the colony and make contact with Coordinator Dargos to make sure that all is well. If we can find out anything about the pirates we are under strict orders to report back and await further instruction.

"We're only a few minutes away." Tral said to Jeff as the two ensigns sat at the controls at the front of the runabout. "Here we go again. I can't believe the crap that we got in for getting attacked by pirates! I mean it's not like we advertised for an ambush or anything."

Watts was still in a fowl grumpy mood from the chewing out they had got from Commander Serine. He thought it had been an acheivement just to get the ship back to the station in one bit. He chewed harder on his gum in frustration giving a grunt of a reply to his friend and fellow officer. He was itching for some payback and the sooner they found out what the hell was going on the better.

In short order the ship dropped out of warp and made its way into the system toward Korvas VII. Once the Zanzibar cleared the outer planets the communication system registered a weak hail. Tral accepted the comm and turned to the viewscreen. Static crackled across the screen as Coordinator Dargos appeared on screen. His aged face looked worried.

"Federation starship this is the colony on Korvas VII, can you read me?"

"This is Ensign Brosarn of the USS Zanzibar out of Deep Space 5, I can hear you but only just."

"Ensign, we were attacked by privateers. They damaged our transeiver array and destroyed our only shuttlepod." The old man seemed very concerned.

"Is everybody ok? Did they attack the colony itself." Tral was scanning the system as he spoke, looking for any sign that the pirates were back.

"No, we're all ok. Thankfully the relay is out by the landing pad, but they also blew one of our food hoppers. We need assistance or parts at the very least."

"Ok, we'll be in orbit in a few minutes. We'll contact you again when we arrive." Tral ended the tranmission and turned to face front. He looked at Watts.

"I suppose the supplies in the cargo hold were a good idea after all."

~Just what the hell is going?~ Watts thought to himself. Giving his friend a quite nod. "Bringing her about three six point three five." Watts typed diligently on the console controls. "Still I think we should beam down to the planet instead of land. Just in case. What do you think?"

"Maybe we could beam down with the supplies and talk to the Coordinator at the same time. He might have some details about the pirates." Tral looked down at the navigation system. The runabout was closing on the planet fast and he stood and walked to the transporter arch behind the bridge seats.

"I've programmed in the co-ordinates so ready to beam down whenever you are."

Watts set the computer to a polar orbit around the planet below. He got up to the transporter pad. Then changed his mind and went back to the computer. He started working on several pre set sequences. "Ok I have set the computer to our command. If we get in trouble or they go after the ship while were down on the planet it will switch to watts escape pattern theta and head into warp out of the system". Wtts then when back to the transporter. "ready when you are".

"Computer initiate transport."

The blue shimmer surrounded them and gradually the world around them changed. Around them open lawn spread out under the dome. In the distance the main dome sat in the gentle slopes of a river valley the dark blue sky beyond clear of a single cloud. Slowly they looked around them.

The co-ordinates had been for the industrial dome, which also served as the agricultural centre for the colony. Several low buildings filled one half of the dome and several loader vehicles trundled around their surrounding grounds. To one side a stretch of duracrete was laid out and sectioned out into four landing pads. The hexagonal sectioned dome stretched over head, but a dark smear stained the glass in a large gash over the landing pads. A crumpled transeiver array had been brought in and laid out on the duracrete. Several technicians worked away at the machinery. A moment after they arrived a large stack of crates materialised a few metres away. Tral turned to Jeff.

"Well we're here we'd best look for...." Before he could finish a man by the array waved his hand in the air, beckoning them over. "...Co-ordinator Dargos" They started to walk over.

Watts wrapped his fingers over the handle of his phaser several times as they approached the Co-odinator. He felt a little nervouse. He had never been a solid ground kinda of guy. He much preferd being on starships or space station. Or even better in his starfighter. This was not territory. He took out his tricorder and begun toi scan the area in n attempt to get his mind off it. While his friend made the introducitons. He was also not really a people person.

Dargos walked over. He was a fairly tall man with grey receding hair. He wore workmans clothes that looked like they had only recently been replicated. He had his sleeves rolled up, but very little dirt on him.

"Greetings gentlemen, thank you for bringing the supllies." He gestured at the pile of crates behind them.

"Hello Co-ordinator, it's a shame we haven't been able to meet under better circumstances." Tral and Jeff started to walk beside Dargos as he walked back to the transeiver array. "We're just happy to help in any way we can."

"We appreciate it ensign," Tral got the feeling that the co-ordinator had been expecting someone more senior, "but as I said before no-one was hurt, just a few assets."

"I'm glad, unfortunately there have been some major incidents around Deep Space 5 of late and we were sent on the supply run. I was hoping to ask you a few questions about the pirates that attacked the colony, if that's alright?"

"Certainly." Dargos stopped and nodded his head thoughtfully, he was clearly an intelligent man and didn't argue the point. "What can I tell you?"

Watts was scanning the surrounding area with both his tricorder and with visual. He thought that this colony was not much to look at and their wasn't much in the way of defence around. He spoke up. "Sir can you tell us just how they got their hands on your equipment and supplies". ~Theres just something that doesn't add up~

"Were not completely sure." Dargos looked at Watts as he spoke. "We believe that they somehow got the frequency codes of our shields as their phaser cut straight through and did this." He pointed at the twisted relay lying on the landing pad. "And they beamed away some of our food supplies. They must've hacked our transmissions to deep space 5."

"We're starting to think that too." Tral stepped closer to the machinery and gave it a cursory glance. It was pretty much ruined. "It seems they transmitted a technical request using your ident and from high orbit." Dargos turned slowly, rubbing his chin.

"This is strange, but I'm not sure what I can tell you. I am very busy sorting out our problems at the moment. Unless you can help us with these issues there is little going on here."

Tral and Watts stepped aside for a moment and the bolian science officer looked his friend in the eye.

"I've got a bad feeling about this. I think something is wrong with this situation. What do you think?"

Watts replied in a whisper. "I don't think this guy is telling us everything.... Does he seem a little nervouse to you?" Watts watched the Co-ordinator with an eye of distrussed. "Damn but this sort of thing is for security"

"I agree, maybe we need to ask around the colony to see if there is anyone who knows something?"


Ensign Watts.
Played by Richard Dunham


Ensign Tral Brosarn
Played by Greo Tovon