Deception: The lesser part of Valour – A right choice?
by Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   A right choice?
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Sat Sep 20, 2008 @ 1:37pm
Location   Quartermaster's Office - Deck 12
Timeline   Station Day 3, 1000 hrs

Petro sat at her desk, staring at the dress that hung from a hook next to the filing cabinet. It was a pretty dress, she admitted, but was it really her? Did she get the dress because someone else liked it or because she liked it?

Back at the shop she felt it was the right decision. Now as she stared at it, she wondered if it was the right choice. Perhaps she should have gone with something a little more discreet rather than something that could be revealing, had she anything to reveal. She remembered seeing women in dresses with the lower neck line that allowed anyone to see how ample their breasts were. Petro looked down at her own chest, realizing that she hadn't anything there to look at. Did that really matter?

The men she had observed observing the women that she too was watching, seemed to have been enthralled at a womans protrusions. There was some link between mens eyes and womens breasts though Petro could not figure out the link. Perhaps it was something psychological. Perhaps woman with larger breasts had some sort of subconscious telepathic ability to captivate the attention of the men.

She also noticed that women who tended to be more reserved with their garments obtained the attention of men with their eyes. Perhaps those women had evolved to a point to where they could communicate simply with a look rather than a sway of appendages.

The social aspects of the human race were fascinating to her. While she had never been one to gawk at people, she couldn't help but watch them and wonder what drove them to the choices they made. What was their motivation?

As she sat in her office, she wondered again what her motivation for buying the dress was. She had always been comfortable in the clothes that she donned and yet there was a draw, an unknown force, that compelled her to purchase something different. It was an easy purchase to make, considering that she didn't normally spend any of her credits on more than food.

Petro stood and walked over to the dress. She ran her hand against the material, turning it in the light just a little. The color was captivating though she couldn't explain why. Perhaps, in this dress, more people would notice her and not see her as the J'Naii but actually want to get to know her.

Was she ready for that?


Warrant Officer Petro - Quartermaster