Beg, Steal or Borrow – Soft Hearts?
by Lieutenant JG Petro & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Soft Hearts?
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Petro & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Sun Jul 05, 2009 @ 12:16am
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD9 - 0800 hrs

She was tall, from human standards at any rate. Her light green skin was smooth to the touch and the light glistening off her body added to her allure. She smiled as she greeted other patrons of the small coffee shop when she spotted a new face. He was, without a doubt, Cardassian. Tall, proud and a touch of arrogance about him. She watched him as he crossed the court with an agenda on his mind. At least that's the way it looked from his stride. Could be that he always walked that way but then again...

When he was close enough, she arranged it so that their paths would meet, allowing him to bump into her. She stumbled for a moment before righting herself and looked him in the eyes.

"I am so sorry." She said, apology dripping from her full lips. "I hope I haven't caused you any delay." She smiled at him, admiring his facial features and dark eyes.

Tharek looked down at her and smiled regally. "Not at all. Entirely my fault. I am Legate Tharek Getal." He bowed lightly in greeting her.

"Charell." She replied, keeping her eyes locked with his. "Would you have time to join me for a drink?" She asked, gesturing towards a nearby table. "I really do hate to dine alone."

Tharek glanced at the table, then back at Charell. "I would be delighted to share a drink with you." He smiled kindly at her, keeping his eyes locked on hers as well.

Without looking, Charell waved her hand for a waiter to come over. "So, what brings you to DS5?" She asked.

"Well, I'm actually here on Ambassadorial duties. Not much of an exciting position, but I was ordered here, orders are orders." He raised a hand and began to flatten down his jet black hair.

Charell sighed. "Yes, orders are orders." she said. "It's a shame that you don't find anything exciting here." She said, leaning back and toying with her low cut neckline.

Tharek leaned forward in his chair and looked at Charell through his eyebrows "I haven’t found anything exciting yet, i still have high hopes though."

Charell smiled and leaned forward. "I'm sure an attractive man like yourself is bound to draw some excitement." She said.

The waiter interrupted their conversation with a forced cough. "What can I get for you today?"

Charell looked up at him, annoyance in her eyes. "I'll have a Voulon Brandy." She said and turned to Getal. "What would you like?" She asked, her voice soft and sensual.

Tharek turned to the waiter, also with a frustrated look in his eyes. "I will have a glass of Cardassian Ale." He turned to Charell and resumed his previous face "Don’t worry, I’ll pay for this."

The waiter nodded, turned and left. Charell placed her elbows on the table and rested her chin on her hands. "Aren't we the gentleman." She said. "Though as an Ambassador I would imagine that you'd have to know how to treat the ladies."

"Well my dear, ambassadorial skills aren’t my only talents." He put his forearm on the table and looked into Charell's eyes.

The young Orion smiled. "Oh? And what other talents might you have?" She asked, toying with a lock of hair that hung down the side of her face. "Let me guess. Negotiation?"

The waiter returned with their drinks and set them down. "Will there be anything else?" He asked.

Without taking their eyes off each other, the two at the table answered in Unison. "No." After the waiter departed, Charell smiled again. "Now, where were we? Oh yes. You're other talents."

"Well, there are only so many talents that a man can have, negotiations being one, basking in the ambience of a beautiful women such as yourself is another." He smiled flirtatiously as the last word fell from his mouth.

"Oh, you are the charmer." She said taking a sip of her drink. "I do hope you plan on staying around for a while."

He picked his drink up and took a quick sip of it "Oh, i can think of a few reasons to hang around i suppose." He put his drink down after his sentence and took his previous position, staring into Charell's eyes.

"Business." Charell asked, taking a good swallow of her drink. "Or pleasure." She slowly licked the brandy from her lips and set the glass down.

Tharek dryly swallowed his tongue and replied slowly "Oh, a mixture of both. I hope."

"Hey Charell. Get back to work." A male voice echoed over to them. "You're not paid to flirt with the customers."

"Can it Harok." Charell yelled back. She turned to Tharek. "Sorry about that." She apologized. "Harok can be a bit insensitive sometimes."

"Not at all my dear, let me talk to him." Tharek quickly got up and made his way over to Harok.

He casually walked up to him and looked down on him "Excuse me, but i am having a polite conversation with Charell. If you have a problem with that, take it up with Captain. Or, we could always settle this the old fashioned way if you like."

The short and stout Klingon looked up at him and laughed. "Leave it to a Cardassian to get in the affairs of others." He said. He pressed his finger into the Ambassador's chest. "Charell works for me. Not you. Unless you plan on paying her wages I suggest you let her do her job."

"And what if I do decide to pay her wages?" He pressed a finger onto the stout Klingon’s chest "What if i pay her more than what you pay her?"

Harok brushed the finger away. "She's not indentured to me." He said. "If you want to hire her, then hire her." He glanced over to Charell. "If not -” he paused a moment for effect. "Then go away."

Tharek casually laughed at the Klingon as he walked back to the table. He took his original seat and said sarcastically "Klingons, all brawn, no brain between the entire species."

Charell laughed. "Yeah, but he's still my boss." She turned to look at Harok and noticed him coming their way. "Here we go." She said, rising to her feet. "I should get back to work before there's trouble."

Harok stepped up to the table, glowering at Tharek. He grabbed Charell by the arm and pulled her away from the table. "Work." He growled. "Unless this Pa'Tak is paying you for services."

Tharek stood up once again and looked down on the small Klingon. "And what if I am?"

"Rhetoric." Harok said. "If you are, then say so. If not then shut up."

"Gentleman, please." Charell said but her words went unheard.

"We're not on Cardassia." Harok said. "Decide now or leave and decide later. Don't ask rhetorical questions."

Tharek bent down to the Klingons height and looked him in the eye. "You are lucky we are on a Federation station." He stood back up and looked over to Charell. "I’m sorry my dear, but I must leave. If you wish you may join me after you have finished here."

Harok laughed. "You are the lucky one."

Charell looked at the Ambassador and smiled. "Later then." She said, half asking, half saying.

"Good day my dear." He changed his gaze from Charell to Harok "Good day...Klingon." He then walked away with his hands behind his back, looking as pompous and arrogant as any Cardassian could.

Harok watched as the autocratic customer walked away. "You stay away from that one Charell. Cardassians are nothing but trouble."

"They say the same of Klingons." She retorted. "But I appreciate your wanting to watch out for me, tennuS. "I'm sure he's not as bad as you think."

Harok snorted, turned and began to rearrange the tables. Charell looked after the Cardassian and smiled.


Legate Tharek Getal
Cardassian Consulatate

Customer Service Personnel

Shop Manager

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