Interlude – Getting to the Bottom of This
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Getting to the Bottom of This
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sat Jun 26, 2010 @ 8:47pm
Location   Consulate
Timeline   after "Preperation"
R'Vek had followed Isha and her bodyguard to the Consulate while Rianni continued to enjoy herself at the Box of Delights, and t'Merek discussed the details of the security arrangements, determined to find out what was troubling his cousin and to do so directly. Once they were alone he stepped up beside her and protectively took her hand in his own, "Now, tell me why you spent the entire time we were there looking over your shoulder like you were searching for the bloody boogeyman."

Isha sighed. "I was looking over the place. Unlike most of my staff I do not spend all my spare time in the bar," she replied. "Don't make this an interrogation because there are no answers for you," she said jabbing the controls to the door of her suite.

"Isha, please, I've spent most of my life around people who lie for a living." R'Vek sighed, "You aren't as good a liar as you think. Now, can we talk about this or are you going to continue to be stubborn in hopes that I just give up? Because we both know that's not going to happen."

"I don't have to allow you access to my private apartment, R'Vek," Isha reminded him. She did not want to be answering questions just when she was succeeding in re-ordering her life. "I have no answers to give you," she repeated.

"Well, Isha, I leave you with two choices." R'Vek said, he hated to do this with Isha but she'd left him no choice, "Either I can get my answers from you, or I can start randomly asking members of your staff for information, in the usual Tal Shiar method."

"You don't have the right to threaten my staff," Isha said. "They also have nothing to tell you, unless you wish to listen to the lies they make up to deter you, though perhaps a wild Hlai'vna chase or two would keep you out of my hair." Isha sat on the chaise beneath the window and pulled up her legs beneath her before folding her arms on the headrest, resting her chin on them, and turning her gaze out of the window.

"Isha, be reasonable." R'Vek asked, "I know how important your reputation as the invincible ice queen is to you. Just the same as I know it isn't true. I know you Isha, I carried you home, fourteen kilometers, when you sprained your ankle on our hike, and I protected you then, just as I will now. All I ask is you tell me who has put you in this state."

"Its nothing I can't handle, R'Vek!" Isha snapped without turning back. The stars could tell him what he wanted to know, because they had seen everything, but he would not get it from her.

"Well, you're doing a great job so far." R'Vek said dismissively, "Top drawer, really."

"Oh, grow up, R'Vek," Isha said turning back to him. "I'm doing perfectly well."

"Isha, you're scared of your bloody shadow!" R'Vek replied, "Do you plan on staying this way forever? Are you going to be keeping an eye on the exits during Rianni's adoption? Why don't you just tell me who it is that has you this way? Is it that damned Cardassian?"

"Which damned Cardassian? I have a problem with every single one of those malicious reptiles," Isha said, "Listing their names is hardly going to help," she told him.

Now he had struck something! "All right, so it is a Cardassian problem, then. Okay, I need to know what variety. Have they threatened you? Perhaps Rianni? I know her little stunt outside of their Embassy didn't win either of you any friends." He pushed, "Isha, if you're in some sort of danger I'm obliged to know so I can take care of business."

"They have been harrassing me, ok!" Isha said, "that's all! Yes it's unpleasant not knowing when some bastard spoonhead is going to waylay me in a corridor, or burst in here, into my embassy and threaten me. I don't intend to be intimidated and I can do without your efforts at bullying me too!"

"Isha, I'm not bullying you." R'Vek said soothingly, "I would never bully you. Just as I will never allow you to be bullied by anyone." He knew she was lying, that there was more to this story, but he wasn't going to press any further, he knew all he absolutely needed to now and could start taking steps.

"You would, and you are, R'Vek," Isha said, "if you have forgotten what the word means then you should consider another line of work."

"All right, Isha, have it your way. I'm trying to help you, you're turning me into the enemy." R'Vek sighed, "After the ceremony if you wish I will be back on my warbird and out of your life forever."

"I didn't ask that, and you are a member of the House to which I am heir and unless you plan to put yourself into exile you cannot be out of my life forever, it doesn't work that way. Just stop interfering with my business. If I need help I will ask for it," she flared.

"No, you won't, we both know that." R'Vek rubbed his eyes in frustration, "You didn't ask with Nniol, and you won't ask with this situation. Being strong, dear Isha, does not mean you have to be stubborn. Nobody is an island."

"No, but if you are so sure that I will not ask for assistance, why try to force it upon me?"

"I'm not trying to force anything on you, Isha!" R'Vek snapped, "My God! Is it so important for you to prove a point that you're willing to die before letting those who love you help you?"

"I'm not frightened of dieing, and nor is it a matter of my being stubborn. mhnei'sahe guides me as it always has," she said.

"All right, Isha, have it your way." R'Vek raised his hands in surrender, "I just hope you're right about how under control this situation is, because if it spills over onto my wife or my daughters, then I'm going to put my own plan into effect, regardless of who likes it or doesn't."

It was under control, and it was personal. Others would only get caught up if they insisted on sticking their noses in. For now Getal had struck and T'Pal would take her time before she struck back on Isha's behalf. Of course she would keep an eye on her own back but the last thing she needed was good intentions putting her in danger.

R'Vek realized quickly that the conversation was over, and simply nodded his head before turning to leave, adding "You know where you can find me, Isha."

"I do," the ambassador replied, "and do not think that we do not appreciate your concern, its just that at this time it is misplaced," she lied.

"Yeah." R'Vek nodded, knowing she was lying, but not sure if she was lying about his concern being appreciated or misplaced, but hoping it was the former; he'd prefer her alive and ungrateful to dead and thankful.

"I will let you know, R'Vek when you can be useful," Isha said dismissively in response.

R'Vek merely sighed and went on his way, remembering something Eleni quoted from her human religion, something about pride and a fall.


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian
On cloud cumulo-pompous


Admiral R'Vek tr'Khellian
Hoping Her Ego Isn't the End of Her