Interlude – A Small Favour
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   A Small Favour
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Wed Aug 04, 2010 @ 6:54pm
Location   Isha's Office. Romulan Consulate
Timeline   SD29
Isha had given t'Jay's request a great deal of thought, both when the woman was still in her office and after she had gone. A Starfleet Liaison Officer on her Warbird - the idea was too amusing. Thinking it unlikely that R'Vek would approve Isha chose not to tell Rianni, instead she simply went about making sure that it happened, and by the time that was done it would be too late for anyone to object.

The first step was to invite the recently returned Captain Tahir to her office for drinks. Isha wondered what Tahir would make of the obviously heightened security around her embassy, which was one of the reasons she chose to invite Tahir rather than making a personal call; in the embassy Isha could tone the security down to a level that looked 'normal' but if she went out there were guaranteed to be questions about why she had taken to going everywhere in the company of several armed men.

Reception had instructions to let the Captain through with minimal fuss, and now Isha waited for her visitor, a tray of nibbles and a pair of glasses waiting on the table in the seating area of her office.

Tasha was still enjoying what was to be her last 'Free day', catching up and examining the station in general when her comm chirped.

=^= "Captain. Sorry to trouble you, but you have received an invite from the Romulan embassy, to attend as a matter of .... well, it translates as importance." =^= Rushtone advised, not entirely sure what the invite was or why it had not been channelled directly to the Captain.

Tasha stopped mid stride. 'Importance'? she wondered, looking around as her heart jumped an extra beat. ~ Collecting on a favour?~ She questioned herself and the last discussion she had with Isha and a selection of the other ambassadors whilst she was travelling back with Jayfe.

=^= "Thank you Mr Rushtone. Do not advise the Romulan Embassy that I am on my way, but just so that you know, I am." She requested as she about turned and headed for the nearest transport pad.

As she stepped off the pad, she knew that all was not well. There were nearly 3 times as many guards outside the Embassy.
Tahir strode up the first sentinel.
"Captain Tahir for Ambassador t'Khellian." She stated and started to walk past but not before a Romulan disruptor rifle blocked her access.

Nahir got up and made her way through the reception area to the foyer. "Captain Tahir?" she asked in flawless Federation standard. "Its ok," she told the guard in equally perfect Rihannsu, "The Ambassador will see her," then back again. "Captain, if you would be so good as to give me your communicator and any weapons you might have. We'll spare you the full security sweep," she added.

Tasha wanted to slap the guard for his arrogance, this was still her station, even if this was officially Romulan space, but contented herself by stepping passed him without looking away until she a metre or so from the Ambassadors aide.

"I am unarmed and you know better than to ask me to surrender my communicator." She said in a stern tone. "I would not ask the ambassador to remove hers if I invited her to my office." And she started to turn and leave.

"It is procedure, Captain Tahir, the blanket rule for all visitors," i-Orinwen told her. "And if you requested it of the Ambassador she would comply and not question. The ambassador will be most offended if you walk away," she added waving the guards away. "I am to take you straight through, once I have your communication device, that is."

Tasha smiled inwardly, not wanting to give away too much face as her hand peeled her communicator from her chest and she turned back to the aide, her hand outstretched with palm upwards.
"And I would have been most upset at having to." She admitted before adding, "lead the way." and followed Nahir into the inner sanctum or the embassy.


As the door closed behind them, Tasha could see that a small and tempting buffet had been set, but that was the least of her concerns.

"Isha, good to see you." Her smile as wide and honest, she had missed Isha, but even in the poor light, Tasha could see that Isha was not as she used to be. Her face was drawn, years had been added in just a few weeks and Tasha dropped her smile. "What's happened?" She enquired as she approached the ornate desk.

"Surprisingly little," Isha said as she rose and moved to greet the Captain. "Your station is still in one piece," she said with a smile that lit her face. "Surely that is your primary concern," she added directing Tahir to the seating area. She did not know if she could trust her with the truth, so Isha chose to bluff it.

"You must tell me first about what you have encountered, I am always interested in a recollection of a good legal case," she said sitting on one of the sofas and gesturing for Tahir to join her.

Tasha shook her head and her smile re-appeared as she moved to the sofa and sat beside her friend.
"It's just a hulk of metal, my primary concern is for those that inhabit it. "She replied diplomatically, turning her body to face Isha, "and if not for some of those, I guess things here would be a little different shall we say." She gripped her trouser above the knee and pulled them up enough to allow her to bring her leg to rest across her knee. "So what can I tell you? The case went well, better than expected. Sorensen won't be bothering us any more." She began to recant the last day of the trial....

..."but it was his mother that struck me as odd, as if she had singled me out for some special attention." Her leg slipped off her knee, "but I find myself in that position on a regular basis." She winked, knowing that Isha knew exactly what she was referring to. "And you? I know you had some difficulty with the Cardassian ambassador when we last spoke. How did you manage to smooth that over?" She asked, cupping her hands into her lap.

Poised as she was with her legs curled up and her arms clutched together over the back of the sofa Isha hesitated. "He is very ... determined," she said after a pause then she dropped her gaze did the entire quadrant know? she wondered.

"Diplomats rarely see eye to eye," Isha said by way of explanation though as she said it she saw how Tahir's support would strengthen her private campaign against the Reptile.

"And when they do...." She didn't finish the sentence aloud, but thought ~someone always suffers~.
She eased herself around some more, bring her knee to rest on the sofa as fully faced Isha. She could see that she was more than preoccupied with something else and Tasha knew better than to pry, but she and Isha had always been forthright.

"Why did you invite me here? What is so 'important' that you could not contact me directly?" She quizzed as her hands snaked to the back of the sofa for support.

"Is my hospitality so appalling, Tasha?" Isha asked with a half smile. She did not wish to talk about Getal right now, though she might if she saw that she could derive something from her suffering. "I have a favour to ask of you, Captain," she said, "I am most grateful that your proxy allowed me to dock my Warbird when I returned from ch'Rihan; it was an unusual extension of trust, and I, and the Stelam Shiar wish to reciprocate," Isha said.

If Tasha had been aboard, she would have given the permission, but she was not.
"Technically Isha," Tasha found no problem using her name, "it was Commander Davies that granted it yes, but he was under standing orders that you were to be afforded every consideration to any requests. I am here because not only do I trust you, but I consider you a friend as well as an ally and if you have a request or a favour, it will be done, no question." She said in earnest.

The sacrifice that Isha had made had been mentioned as high up the chain of command as Tasha could go and that was near to the top and Tasha wanted to be sure that the section that came under Isha's jurisdiction were also granted the same.

"I believe, Tasha, that it would be beneficial for both our powers if I were to allow a Liaison Officer aboard the Dhelan. You will forgive me for stealing your CAG, but it was always her decision as to where she ended up, and I hope that her move to reclaim her heritage has not caused too much distress. But I digress. There is too much distrust and with my flagship located here we have a unique opportunity," Isha said with an idle smile, "I am willing to allow a Federation Liaison Officer aboard, in the interests of openness and co-operation," she said.

Tasha pushed herself from the sofa and headed to the small table set out with an assortment of dishes and snacks.
"I think Miss Monteros would have taken the offered opportunity, had it been approved or not. She has her own destiny to follow and I don't class it as stealing, desertion or ancestral hunting and as long as you're happy to have her, I am happy that she is where is she wants to be."
Tashas hand wavered over something that resembled a black olive, but she passed over it and settled on what she knew, wheat crackers and a spread that Isha had recommended previously. She bit into it and the soft creaminess tingled on her tongue and palate. "Tastes better every time." She remarked as she bridged the distance back to the sofa. "So this FLO, have you anyone in mind or are you referring to Rhianni?" She enquired taking another small bite.

"Rianni?" Isha asked in surprise, "Oh no, that would not be at all appropriate. She has left Starfleet and I have given her command of the Dhelan. To send the right message, one of co-operation and openness it must be someone who is still part of Stafleet, someone who cannot be accused at any point of simply following my agenda," Isha reaching for a glass of water. She sipped and placed it back on the table before continuing. "As you know this embassy has done all it can to be open with our hosts, and to aide where possible. I fully understand the lack of trust between our peoples and my government has charged me to do what I can to help build a new trust."

Tasha nodded a silent agreement. "So if not Rhianni, you must have an idea already, of whom you would like to see aboard." Tasha stated and bit into the last third of the creamed cracker.

"I have looked at a few potential candidates, I feel that someone of Vulcunoid descent would have an easier time gaining the respect and co-operation of my crew -our reputation for xenophobia is well founded."

Tasha was far out of touch and could not recall a Vulcan that would suitably fit into Isha's plan, except for, "Ta'an?" She questioned but shook her head dismissively as she spoke the science officer's name. "No, he would not even consider....would he?" Her grin widened as she popped that last piece of cracker into her mouth.

"I think not," Isha replied with a half giggle, "I hardly think someone who adheres relentlessly to the teachings of Sarak would have an easy time among us. I have come across a counsellor who seems rather hostile to us," Isha said, "Indeed from the brief contact I have had with her I am surprised she even keeps the name she was born with."

Her brow raised with interest. "A councillor who is hostile towards you. Are you sure? That could prove to be more detrimental to your cause and to the federation, especially one with attributes towards the mental profession." Tasha exclaimed as she tapped at the side of her head. "What merits your choice?" She asked, keen to hear Isha's reasons.

The sofa was too comfortable and Tasha found herself relaxing into more than she had expected. The ambience in the room also aided the captain to feel relaxed as well as the present company and she sensed a deep relaxation from within.

"Not towards me, but towards those of her Rihannsu family she knows," Isha explained. "Who better to bring together the disparate halves of her character and in the process help us all understand each other more?" she continued. That t'Jay had all but begged Isha to secure her this appointment was not something Tahir needed to know. Isha nodded slowly, "If she is amenable to the role," Isha said, "we have no need of her 'counselling' Rihannsu do not suffer from mental disturbance, but she would be there to observe, and to learn and have necessary access."

Tasha chuckled aloud, but kept her immediate thoughts to herself.
~Rihannsu do NOT suffer from mental disturbance. OK ~ She found solace at her own private insight.
"If anything can bring together two halves, then a Vulcan counsellor should manage." She covered in response once again pushing herself from the sofa, but not to partake in any more to eat, but to free herself from the placation she was immersing into.

"I shall set ..." She began. "...better still, it's your idea, you set it up and I will sanction it." She said, looking around the chamber and her hands came upward. "I don't know what you have in this room, but it really is serene and comforting." Her head dropped back and her eyes refocussed on Isha. "I like it, but I can't stay, it is far too relaxing for me." She smiled as she crossed back to Isha with a lightness to her step.
Her arm outstretched to Isha's, to bid her farewell.

"Captain, I was not referring to a Vulcan, the girl is named t'Jay, and I'm sure that it would be more proper if you suggested to her that she might consider the role," Isha said, "It would cause all sorts of questions if it were thought that I had asked for anyone in particular. All I am doing is suggesting that a Liaison Officer might help grow understanding, it is to you to propose the candidate, though there is really only one who will succeed in securing the role," she added.

Tasha nodded, understanding where Isha was coming from. "Then I shall." She responded, her hand still outstretched to Isha.

"Thank you, Tasha," Isha said rising and taking her hand in hers. "I am delighted that you are home," she added with a smile adding Tahir to her list of allies in her burgeoning war on Getal.

"My pleasure." She said with a wide smile. "Leave it to me." She replied and turned to leave.
As she approached the door, she turned back, one hand resting on the frame. "An thank you for keeping an eye on my station while I was gone." And with a wink, she left.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Amabassador Isha t'Khellian