Things Past – Incognito - Part 1
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Incognito - Part 1
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Sat Jul 30, 2011 @ 1:00am
Location   Starfleet Acadamy -
Timeline   2374

Cadet Chelsea Adams was called into the office of the Vice-Pricipal of the Starfleet Academy. It was her final year and she was only a semester into the last part of her course. She wondered what she had done wrong to be sent for unexpectedly in this way.

Vice Principal Harris was not alone when she was shown into his office. He had an Admiral there with him. One that Chelsea did not recognise by face but his uniform was clearly that of a senior flag officer.

"Take a seat please cadet" The staunch rather grim faced Vice Principal indicated a chair opposite his desk. The office was furnished like a 19th century oxford professor's. It had a crackling fireplace and two large leather reading chairs by it. His desk was covered in books, books made of paper and bound. "Cadet this is Admiral Karoman and he has something he wishes to discuss with you"

"Good Morning Admiral" Chelsea said brightly, already practising her Doctors' *Give-Nothing-Away* face. "How may I help you Sir?"

"How are you with Births Ms Adams?" asked the Admiral forthrightly.

"I'm sorry?" Chelsea found herself with her jaw dropped and hurriedly tried to close it before she swallowed a shuttlecraft. "I don't follow, Sir" she spluttered.

"You are training to be a doctor are you not cadet, you do know what giving birth means." said the Admiral slightly sarcastically.

"Of course Sir, but I'm not sure what you meant by asking me how *I am* with births. I'm not squeamish if that's what you mean. I've done the basic midwifery course and I've assisted at a live patient experience but I don't know how that means *I am* with them in a generic sense. I wonder if you might be kind enough to phrase the question in a clearer manner please?" she replied with impeccible patience and politeness despite the fact that he was clearly either goading or bullying her.

The admiral had a slither of a smile on the corner of his mouth as he nodded approvingly at the doctors response. "Then I will speak plainly Cadet. Can you or can you not aid a pregnant women in giving birth by yourself?"

"I could. May I ask, Sir, Is she likely to get into trouble? Is she a breed that doesn't birth well, or is there a reason why she can't have a fully qualified doctor, rather than a Cadet?"

Once again the Admiral nodded approvingly "Very good cadet, your on the right track. This cross species birth will probably make things rather complicated. Your background in genetics will serve you better in this regard. This mission will take you out of federation space. To that end you will be provided with a pilot and a ship to take."

"Aye Sir. When will this ship leave?" she asked, fully expecting him to say in a month or something like that. She had no idea how imminent this birth might be.

"As soon as you've had your op.....which is?" he looked at the vice principal questioningly.

"Tonight." Replied the Acdemic.

"So" said the Admiral "You'll be leaving first thing in the morning."

"My Op? What Op?" Chelsea looked confused. Had she missed a bit of this conversation?

The Admiral raised his hand apologetically "Of course. Sorry" He was use to talking with experienced and professional agents. "Standard protocol, your face will be altered to protect your anonymity and identity."

"Oh" she said, in two minds as to whether this was an idea she liked. "Is it a very dangerous thing to midwife wherever I'm going?" she asked, her imagination running amok.

"Cadet, your Job is to meet this woman and her ship at designated coordinates that have been given to your pilot. Deliver the baby then bring the baby back here to Earth safely. The Less you know....the safer you will be."

"I'm to take the infant from it's mother immediately after it's birth? That's inhuman.... it's cruel... it's wrong..... " Chelsea spluttered, forgetting to be so polite and restrained because she was so shocked by this turn of events.

"That.....Comes from the request of baby's mother. Believe me when I say that child will be a lot safer with you." The Admiral could plainly see on the look on Chelsea's face, that she was not happy with the answer. "You will have to accept cadet that in this mission, in this job, that we are not privy to all the facts. There is a war on you know."

"Aye Sir" Chelsea said, somewhat broodily. She stood. "If I am dismissed, I shall go and begin my preparations."

The Admiral folded his arms and watched her go. Without out taking his eyes of the door he said to the Vice Principal "She'll do" this coming from this particular Admiral was a compliment

"I hope you know what your doing Bob" replied the Vice Principal

"So do I....So do I. Send in the next one."


As Chelsea approached the ship they where using she found a man literally kicking the landing gear and mumbling to himself "yeah...should get us there" The ship its self was a heap of junk, bearing similarities to independent freight transport vessel, with cargo pods attached to a spine, with a control section at one end and warp engines at the other.

"HEY! Don't damage that you vandal." She got the wrong idea about why he was kicking it. "Someone might need to fly that one day. We can't all fly the latest, techno-wonders and even the old ones have some use left in them... well, those of them which aren't kicked to death by thugs!"

Dunham looked the green skinned Orion up and down. "I take it you're the passenger I am suppose to be transporting then?"

Chelsea's face dropped. "OH... you mean *you* are the pilot? Then why are you abusing the ship?" she was confused.

Rick folded his arms he looked hurt and spoke defensively "I was checking to see if it worked. Are you a pilot?"

"If I was, I wouldn't need you, now would i?" Chelsea was rather arrogant in her youth and a little less polite than she grew to be later, when she mellowed.

"You're right, you do need me. Now we're in a little bit of a rush so why don't you shut up, grab your gear and get on-board. Cheers." He spoke in the nicest manner, but the words where cutting.

Chelsea caught her breath. She wasn't used to being treated to her own medicine when it came to sharp words. Without realising how compliant she was being, she obediently picked up her bag and struggled it onboard, instinctively doing as she was told but resenting the horrible pseudo Vulcan she had been paired with. She thought him a grumpy, sharp, unpleasant individual and what a shame it was that he had such nice eyes as they were a waste in such an undesirable person.

Rick Marched onto the bridge a metaphorical grey cloud over his head. He sat down next to the Orion scratching his ears as he did, he was still not used to them. He quickly got the ship out of San Fransisco and into Earth's orbit, there without a hitch they cleared Earth's space traffic and went to warp. "Course Laid In.....Great." he said a little sarcastically. "We have three days at warp together."

Chelsea groaned inwardly. She realised she'd offended him but she hadn't liked him anyway so that didn't matter so much. It was just going to be long journey now.

"Um... I'm not allowed to tell you my real name but in this guise, I'm named Carisel, you could call me Cari.... if you like? What do they call your Vulcan personality?" she tried belatedly to make conversation.

"Urrrrmmm good question" said Rick sheepishly "I haven't given myself a name yet."

~How about Sulky?~ Chelsea thought unfairly. "I think you look like a Henry" she picked a serious and formal name for him; one that seemed a little old-fashioned too.

Rick actually seemed to like that suggestion as he nodded with a small smile. "Henry....Henry? Now that's a nice name. Its got a nice old fashion ring to it don't you think."

"Yes it does." ~Pity he has such lovely eyes.... did i think that already?~ Chelsea replied a little absently.


Cadet Chelsea Adams
Carisel The Orion


Cadet Rick Dunham
Henry the Vulcan