Judgement – We got cookies
by Arrival Alexander Sinclair

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Title   We got cookies
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Arrival Alexander Sinclair
Posted   Wed Mar 02, 2011 @ 6:21pm
Location   Nautical Wind
Timeline   MD 37 0800 hours

AJ awoke the next morning not feeling too well. He had drunk way to much the night before and could not remember even leaving the bar. This was not the first time for him so he pulled himself off the floor, took a shower and ate breakfast. By the time he was done he was feeling much better about things and almost feeling optimistic about the new day. Even with the light pounding in his head.

Lobes had come up from his room as AJ had finished cleaning up. “How was the floor?” Lobes asked as he grabbed something to drink.

AJ just crossed his arms and looked at him. He had no comment for him and it was not worth him losing the debate anyways. He had never met a Ferengi that was so good at getting the final word in on every conversation. It baffled him that Lobes was even Ferengi. He had though they were all the same. He stereo typed them into something just like so many other people. Lobes had changed that for AJ and he was actually glad that Lobes had.

“So what’s the plan? I know we haven’t been here that long but we don’t exactly have a ton of latinum sitting around for us to take our time. We are going to need a job and we are going to need it soon.” Lobes said drinking from his cup but eyeballing AJ to see what kind of mood he was in.

“Yeah I know.” AJ said as he rubbed his chin. “I was hoping that because of the size of this place we would be able to find ourselves some easy work. I saw the signs for the large companies and that probably doesn’t bold well for us. I am not ready to give up hope yet, but I don’t think we should be moving off the ship. The dock fees alone are going to hurt without having to pay rent on station.”

Lobes sighed deeply as he played with his cup rolling it around between his hands. “I was afraid of that. I was hoping you knew some Hu-mon trick to make us some quick latinum. Maybe had some Federation contracts to get us one of those fat government contracts that pay way more than the work they expect.”

“Yeah well I burned all my bridges long ago. I doubt that there is anyone out there that even remembers that I served.” AJ said trying to not let the bitterness show. “The thing is, I want to do honest work Lobes, I am tired of looking over my shoulder and always having to have a phaser ready.”

“And you want to procreate.” Lobes said with a grin.

“As often as possible, but that’s not what we are discussing.” AJ replied and then stuck his hands into his pocket. I know I dragged you all the way out here on a whim but I thought it was time for me face my demons.”

“Not to worry boss.” Lobes said honestly. “I was getting board with Ferengi space anyways. Not to mention I am still trying to figure out that picture I saw on Hok’tar 6. It never sat right with me.”

AJ burst out laughing as her remembered finding the Ferengi staring at a poster, his head cocked to the side. It had been someone’s idea of a joke, but AJ never let the Ferengi know. No matter how much Lobes tried to learn about human culture he always seem so far away from it. The poster had a picture of a beautiful woman holding a plate of what looked like chocolate chip cookies. The caption below it read Join the Federation, we have cookies.

“Well maybe someday you will, but that still doesn’t solve our current problem, latinum. I figured we could wander around the promenade and see what we can see. You never know maybe there will be a help wanted sign.” AJ reasoned.

“Well if all else fails I could become a dabo boy. I heard they are hiring.” Lobes said as he stood up on the chair striking what he thought was a sexy pose.

“What business would hire a Ferengi to handle their money? I mean you would be skimming 10 percent off the top.”

Lobes dropped his pose and looked at AJ. “I am hurt. How could you think I could only skim 10 percent? I am a better Ferengi than that! 20, maybe 25 percent!”

“Well in that case why don’t you take the job?”

“I did think about it, but then I realized that the ladies would end up fighting for my attention and it would turn ugly. Hundreds of fe-males fighting each other just for a chance to touch me and me only being only one sexy Ferengi. There just is not enough of me to go around no matter how much I would try to keep up. No, it’s better that I don’t start that kind of riot for security to deal with.”

AJ just stared at the Frenegi for a moment before finally adding. “You’ve got issues.”

“That I do, but not to worry, I would not have forgotten you. I would have thrown my extra’s your way, though you would probably piss them off and end up attacking you, but at least they would be consistent.” Lobes said climbing off the chair and laughing. “Let me go change real quick and we can hit the Promenade.”

“OK, don’t be too long. I have a feeling today is going to be a good day.” AJ said, though Lobes wondered if AJ said it to convince himself more than to convince Lobes.


Alexander Sinclair
Civilian Trader

Lobes (NPC)
Ferengi Engineer