Beg, Steal or Borrow – Crashing Lessons? #2
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Crashing Lessons? #2
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Wed Jun 24, 2009 @ 7:19pm
Location   Space, the Final Frontier!
Timeline   Approx. 11.00 onwards

"This is for you. It all measured up to your size. We have to wear these while out in fighter craft as unlike runabouts or shuttle units its just a small cockpit between us and space. So if you go put it on we can get started."


"My size? How did you know?" she marvelled, taking the suit and looking it up and down. "Awesome!" Chelsea scrambled into it. Richard was right, it was exactly the right size.

"It's on the computer" lied Dunham with a smile. Covering that fact he had mentally taken her figures down the last time they had met.

"Um... I'll be right back" she blushed, hurrying off to find somewhere to change, a little shy of tearing off her uniform in front of him to put the suit on. Looking around the bay she wondered where to go and looked back at Richard for guidance.

With a small smile Dunham pointed to a corridor leading off from the hanger bay. "Don't worry you dont have to change in front of me. Changing rooms are just down the hall. While you get ready I will prep the ship."

Chelsea vanished, hiding her blushes and changed into the suit, re-emerging looking so completely different that she hardly recognised herself. On glancing in the mirror of the changing room, she had to admit that it suited her. Her cheeks retained the pink flush and her eyes were bright with anticipation. ~Wait til Ryan hears I flew in a Valkyrie!~ she thought automatically but as quickly as the thought crossed her mind so it was shot down by another, much sadder one. "He won't be impressed unless it can do a 'Riverdance' or whatever it's called". Shaking herself to throw off the dampener, Chelsea held her head high and walked back out into the Hanger.


Dunham climbed the small ladder up to the cockpit. He lifted the canopy then climbed in. His hand drifted across the console in thought. He then started his pre-flight checks and powered up the fighter. It growled and hummed into life. Dunham then took a bit of chewing gum from out of his flight suite chewed it then placed the sticky substance underneath his console for good luck.

As Chelsea emerged, the noise of the fighter in a confined space nearly took out her eardrums. She clapped her hands to her ears and winced. Approaching the ladder she looked up to see if she could see Richard above her.

Dunham lent over outside of the cockpit and offered his hand out to help Chelsea up the ladder. When she was onboard he helped her into the co-pilots seat behind his. Over the sound of the Engines it was difficult to talk, so he just helped her in with the safety harness then gave her a warm smile and the ok sign. He then indicated for her to put on her helmet which he then locked in place. After doing all the relevant safety checks to her flight suite, seating and helmet. He then got into his own pit put his helmet on lowered the canopy into place then strapped himself in. With the canopy closed he switched on the helmet Comm's. *comm* "Ok. Please make sure your buckled in, that your tray is in the upright and locked position and in case of emergency here" he said jokingly pointing at the ejection leavers on either side of the seat. "The emergency excites are here". Dunham the proceeded to work the control panel on the fighter. He then moved the throttle and the flight stick. The Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighter lifted into the air gracefully turned on its axis then glided towards the hanger bay doors. Before they cleared it Dunham wacked the accelerator and the fighter jolted forward at an accelerated rate shooting out of the landing bay like a bullet from a gun.

Chelsea felt her head pressed back by the g-force and her stomach did somersaults.

The fighter then did a steep climb and pirouetted. He then cracked the thrusters and pushed the ship to greater speed moving the ship into several tight loop the loops. Dunham then slowed her down and settled the small fighter craft on a steady cruising speed in geo synchronous orbit with deep space five. THe stations lights glittering on right hand side and the stars twinkling on their left.

Chelsea was completely breathless. ~This is AWESOME!~ she thought. Gazing at the lights of the station incredulously she tried to speak to Richard.

Dunham smiled to himself. "How doing back their?" He said over te comm.

"I have never been so breathless in my life!" she puffed. "This is totally amazing." It was almost completely unknown for Chelsea to be rendered speechless but Richard had achieved it. She gazed around, drinking in the sights and the whole experience.

"Ok. Well lets get this lesson started. In front of you is your joystick and controls for Yaw, pitch and roll. Under your feet are your peddles for thrusters and air brakes. Ok over to you". Dunham Lifted his hands in the air to indicate he no longer had control of the ship. He smiled to himself again cheekily at the little joke he was a abut to pull. The small craft began to drift slightly.

Chelsea's eyes opened even wider, if that was possible. "Eeep! No, wait!" she had just about time to offer a small protest but it was already too late.

"What's 'Yaw'?" she asked, slightly alarmed as he raised his hands and the fighter drifted. "Um... joystick. Check." she touched it so tentatively that all she did was make the slightest contact.

~Brakes? Very important~ "Which pedal is for air-brakes?" she asked, sorely tempted just to step on both pedals and see, for expediency.

The few seconds that had passed since Richard had sprung his surprise hand-over seemed like an entire lifetime to a confused Medical officer.

"The left one." Said Dunham. "Don't worry your doing fine. Chill. You have precision hands. Imagine you are doing an operation. Its all about fine movement"

"Fine movement?" she repeated, unconvinced, carefully and nervously manoeuvring the joystick without increasing the speed before she had the hang of steering. She tentatively slid the joystick a little to starboard and the Valkyrie lifted her opposite wing gracefully. Chelsea's stomach tightened as she softly eased her back to the centre and felt the craft level herself. Pushing a tiny bit harder to port, the Valkyrie swooped in the opposite direction and Chelsea gave a tiny gasp of delight to feel the kickback as she put a little on the acceleration as well.

The Fighter craft dwarfed by the Space station seemed very small as it gracefully pitched to port and glided away. "Your doing great." "Ok now pitch yaw and roll refer to rotations about the respective axes starting from a defined equilibrium state of the ship. The equilibrium roll angle is known as wings level or zero bank angle, equivalent to a level heeling angle on a ship. Yaw is known as 'heading'. These three critical flight dynamics parameters are the angles of rotation in three Dimensions about the vehicle's centre of mass . Ok let me start again that sounded a bit like gibberish even to me. Ok In a nut shell Pitch is the nose of the fighter going up and down. Yaw is left to right from the middle of the ship and Roll is well rolling left to right."

"oH! Thanks" Chelsea hadn't understood a word at first but his summary at the end *had* made sense, much to her relief.

She tried tentatively tipping the joystick forward and the Valkyrie's nose pitched downwards a little alarmingly. Chelsea over-compensated and found herself pushed back in her seat as the nose came back up and left the tail well below it.

"Eeep! I think I was too rough with her that time" she gulped, trying to redefine the centre and pitching the craft down again inadvertently. "Oh no, I'm not very good at this" she reacted by braking, which was another mistake as the ship then 'hung' at an even worse angle.

With one last try, Chelsea put a little more speed and raised the nose. Fortunately the craft pulled herself out level again and moved prettily forwards at a nice level pitch but in her concentration on getting them horizontally level, she had forgotten to keep her course at a safe distance from the Station. Without her noticing she was taking the fighter in too close to nearest defence tower.

"Sorry to be a kill joy Chelsea but I'm going to have to take control now" he said cheerfully as possible as the collision alarms began to go off Dunham re-activated helm control and took his pilots stick. He banked the fighter to a hard port and then swung the vessel wide away from the defence tower. It was at this point that the fighters Comms wen't off. "Bravo one this is Op's everything ok out their. Over." "Solid copy Op's. Sorry were just having a flying lesson out here. Its cleared with flight control. Over." Said Dunham worried he might get in trouble with the Wing commander. Their was a pause then a response from op's. "Well see that you get it locked down Bravo one I don't want the extra paper work on my shift if you crash into anything. Over". "Roger that." Replied Dunham.

"I'm sorry!" Chelsea apologised, relieved that he had taken over again. "Will that get you into more trouble later?"

"Nah. It's probably some green Ensign trying for brownie points with the Flight Control Officer. But if Petty Officer Harris is on duty he won't be having any of it." Dunham smiled to himself "Ok thats it for today. Lets head back to the barn. When we get back I going to do you a recommended reading list."

"Reading?" she asked, curious. "What sort of reading?"

"flight manuals and such" he said simply.

"OH" it dawned on her. "I get it. Cool. Like homework?"

"Yes like homework. You will need to study hard. We will start with basic principles of space aviation theory. Sounds boring I know and looks better as a coffee table book. But it is essential reading" Dunham said with a small chuckle.

"If I study well and become a star pupil, will I get a reward?" she joked, her hazel eyes flashing amber with amusement.

Their was a bit of silence and a slight pause as Dunham slapped himself mentally and bit back his first response, instead he opted for something more civilised. "Oh I'm sure I will think of


A joint post between:

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams