Cascade – The Night is Dark, and Full of Terrors: Part II
by Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   The Night is Dark, and Full of Terrors: Part II
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Wed May 01, 2013 @ 5:30pm
Location   Main operations
Timeline   SD 72 1415 hours

Well given that you've been trusted to bring us this rod you can be trusted to see what it contains," Karen said as she slotted the rod into an aperture on her desk. The first record that came up on her screen was dated close to a hundred and fifty years in the past, the second was more recent and tallied with the date of the incident referred to in the diaries that had been provided by Lieutenant t'Sahen. In both cases the result was the same.

Devastating defeat.


"The Klingon High Council wouldn't want this to get out," Karen said as she turned the screen so that they could read what she had read.

Sharas nodded, "What the High Council wants doesn't matter to me. My concern lies with the safety of the Federation. And based on what that rod contained, your paramount concern should be the protection of the personnel aboard this station - especially the civilians."

"We've got one chance. We must try, but if it goes wrong we need to be ready to transport the contents of that bay off the station, or just vent it. Can that be arranged?"

"Commander, I've been ready to vent that entire section into space at a moments notice - it's just up to you or the Captain to give the word. And I have to concur with Commander P'Trell. We should be ready to evacuate any non-essential personnel from the base." Steve agreed, his thoughts going to his daughter.

"Evacuation plans are in place," Karen replied tersley. "I don't believe in gods, but these people do and if they ever find out we have destroyed one of them, well, looking at these documents the Federation wouldn't stand a chance if they come seeking retribution. At least if we try and save it and return it home we have a chance of coming to peaceful terms with these aliens. Venting the bay is not a descision to take lightly. Tell me, does the ship look as though it is warp capable?" that would be a key factor in the decision.

The engineer took a deep breath and shook his head defeated, "I'm not really sure. There doesn't appear to be any damage to its main systems, but I wasn't able to get very in depth with the computer before Werbner... well..." he trailed off. The sight Doctor Werbner on the deck in an ever expanding pool of blood brought a chill to his spine as all the color drained out of his face.

"Now if Drakt were here, he knows all those psionic blocks... he could probably get on that ship and keep whatever that is from liquefying his brains..." he added, absently biting his lower lip.

Sharas looked from Karen to Steve, and back again. "Steven, you need to grow up and be your own man. You cannot keep running off to that damnable lizard every time something goes wrong. He can't keep his own life in order - probably because he has to keep solving all of your problems."

There’s history there, Karen thought, history that didn’t reflect too well on Wyman if what the Andorian said was to be believed.

“Even if that was true there’s no guarantee that your friend Drakt would be able to withstand this particular type of telepath. As he patently is not here we’ll continue to work through Lieutenant Larel. Short periods on the ship via the link that Gralthek established. Repeated exposure may help make the alien understand that we do not pose a threat.”

I hope Karen added to herself as she drew in a breath.

As Karen was speaking, Steve was just sitting there with his mouth agape, staring at Sharas like the Andorian had just hit him in the head with a brick. "Whoa... WHOA! Can we just back up for a moment Commander?" By this point he was standing in an attempt to stare Sharas down, "I keep running to Drakt? I haven't had any NEED to go to him with anything - EVER! In fact, I believe it's him who comes to me with issues! I took Rhe'la under my wing after he brought her aboard the Hyperion. I was the one who suggested a sub-orbital jump into that terrorist camp when the Hyperion's transporters were being jammed! And it was Ceridwen and I who hot wired the Minnow's comm system when those OTHER terrorists took the ship over in the middle of my wedding! Which your only contribution to that whole thing seemed to be getting punched in the mouth!"

To be continued ...