Time is Fleeting – The Material of the Problem
by Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon

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Title   The Material of the Problem
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Posted   Mon Aug 31, 2009 @ 4:27pm
Location   Science Lab 2
Timeline   MD10 09.30

After finishing his patrol with the CAG Dunham got out of his flight suite and hit the showers. After, he changed into his duty uniform and headed down to Science Lab two to dee how Mr Tovon was doing on their little project idea. Dunham was in a good mood after his patrol. He had got to know his boss just that little bit more and had cleared his head in regards to other matters that had been bothering him. So Dunham had a spring in his step and a smile on his face as he headed out to the labs. He was in no rush to get their so he decided to walk rather than take a turbo lift. It was a good distance in a space station that had 1250 decks. But he didn't mind it gave him time to his thoughts and reflect on his time thus far on Deep Space Five.

When he finally did make it to Science lab two. Mr Tovon the half Cardassian was coming out of science lab one. Looking stressed and a little haggard from lack of sleep. "whats the word Mr Tovon?" said Dunham with his cheery disposition

Greo clutched PADDs in his left hand as he reinstigated the security lock on Science Lab One. He turned and saw Dunham coming and moved towards him. Things were hectic at the moment and he had almost completely forgotten about the simulations he had set running in Science Lab Two the day before. Suddenly he was glad he'd had the foresight to get that running. He walked over to the entrance to the other lab.

"Ah Lieutenant Dunham, it's good to see you again." He was feeling quite tired, but it really was good to see the pilot. "I suppose you've come to check on your brainchild?"

Dunham gave a thumbs up "Yep. How are we doing Mr Tovon. You look like hell by the way.," said the brash pilot in comedy undertones.

"It's been a long day. Follow me lieutenant." Greo walked through the swooshing door into science lab two with Dunham in tow.

The lab was smaller than science lab one but only just and arranged in a much different way. Here the room was split into two halves, one behind a vast screen reaching from floor to ceiling with several access ports built in. The half of the room Greo and Richard moved through was dominated by six large computer banks with workstations and a large holo-display table.

He had set the experiments up before leaving yesterday and several computers chirped in a happy state of completion. He looked around briefly at the various terminals, tapping controls to transfer their data to the table. He looked into the test chamber through the glass wall and checked a status display. Beyond the glass various strange sample containers and impeller arrays sat still aglow from particle and sensor experiments.

"Computer." He announced to the room. "Transport test materials 3, 6 and 8 to the display table." He walked over to the holo-display table as the tell tale sign of blue shimmering beams deposited three samples on the table. He gestured to Dunham to have a seat and walked over to the replicator. "Remi Ravioli." He turned to Dunham as the plate of pasta appeared from thin air. "Sorry about this I haven't stopped in 16 hours and need something other than Raktajino right now. You want anything?"

Dunham raised his hand "Nah I'm good its bit to early for thanks." His bowl slightly churning at the smell of the Ravioli. He got out a Gum from his pocket and started to chew on it. While the other officer was eating Dunham made polite conversion. "So how you been, you look like you have been busy?"

Greo crammed some of the ravioli into his mouth and nodded his head. He tried not to speak with his mouth full, but had little time and needed to do two things at once.

"It's been... hectic... been really busy with the romulan computer core." He chewed and swallowed his large mouthful. "Sorry about this." He nodded at his plate. "I've been finding some interesting things and to be honest have left this simulations to themselves. Priorities you see."

He tapped a few control buttons for the holo-table and the thing started to warm up. He realised that he needed to start to make an effort to get to know this crew.

"How have you been Lieutenant?"

Dunham took in a deep breath and let it out slowly between peirced lips in thought his shoulders slumping slightly. "Yeah. Not bad. Its been an odd couple of days you know? This station really can turn your head around when it comes to the sense of things. I think in the 42 plus hours I've been hear...." he shook his head with a smile thinking to hismelf. "Well. I have had no other assigment like it."

"I can appreciate that." Greo finished his meal and placed the dish back in the replicator. "I've had a lot on my plate too. Anyway let's get to your problem." He sat back down and brought up a holo-display of the three test materials. The materials were surrounded by a ring of stats and data.

"These three materials are sufficiently energy absorbant to provide fairly effective sensor protection if coupled with the correct hull configuration. There are several complicating factors. Subtanium is absorbant and durable, but is extremely hard to replicate. Keldrite is absorbant and easy to replicate, but has a low tensile strength. The final sample is a rare compound called Nelvium-B which would solve all your problems. It's tough and absorbant. The only problem is that it's too complex to replicate."

Dunham raised his hands with a smile in mock despair. "Ok you just said a whole load of things I don't really get. But and excuse me if this sounds like a bit of an out their idea but can't we cross the elements of Subtanium and Keldrite to make the compound we need?"

"I thought you'd ask just that question and have been working on a partial replicating process to synthesise a new compound from these two. Hopefully it will be a highly absorbing, strong material that we can replicate." He brought up a molecular structure hologram and watched as Richard looked more confused. "This isn't important, I can pass it on to Lieutenant Freeman for production, what is important is the name. In honour of the conceiver of this project I call it 'Dunhamite'."

Dunahm gave a big grin. "Dunhamite. I like the sound of that. So um what about our other little problem? A condensed fuel for the fighters to go on the runabout?"

"Well Rich, I've looked over the anti-matter confinement protocols briefly and I think we could squeeze some more in there. I think we'll need to consult Freeman about this as it really is more of an engineering problem. But that will have to wait I'm afraid I have more work to do and a meeting later today. Maybe we could go for a drink and talk about it soon, I still haven't had a chance to get a look around the station."

"Sounds like a plan my man. Lets pass this on to Mr Freeman. Then we can go down the pub. A good plan if i do say so myself. Also after a couple of pints I will take you for a wonder around this great big bit of metal in space that is Deep Space Five. What ya say?"

"That sounds like a good idea. I've been so caught up in my work I haven't had a time to look around or meet any of the crew!" Greo was already walking towards the door and Science Lab 1. "So sorry Rich, but I have to go. I'll comm you later. See ya."


Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader


Lt Greo Tovon
Science Officer